Reunion Rehabilitation Hospital Phoenix Completed

Reunion Rehabilitation Hospitals (RRH; Denver), a system of inpatient rehabilitation hospitals, and healthcare real estate developer American Development and Investment (Dallas) completed construction on the RRH Phoenix hospital in Phoenix.

The 51,000-square-foot facility houses 48 private inpatient suites, two therapy rooms, a large visitation room, on-site café, multiple apartments designed to work on daily living tasks, and an outdoor therapy and relaxation space. The facility will treat patients with debilitating illnesses and injuries such as stroke and brain injury and complex medical, neurological, and orthopedic debilitating conditions.

The project team comprises Callaway Architecture (designer; Richardson, Texas), Adolfson & Peterson Construction (construction manager and general contractor; Phoenix), and American Development and Investment (developer; Dallas).

The post Reunion Rehabilitation Hospital Phoenix Completed first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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