Social Media Marketing 101 for Therapists

A robust digital presence can be an incredibly effective tool when it comes to marketing for therapists and mental health professionals. Some might even say it would be near-impossible to grow a thriving practice without it. Today this means more than just having a website; social media is a significant piece of the marketing puzzle. 

Social media for therapists is an easy, compelling way to connect with potential clients and build your practice. Considering that an estimated 70% of adults in the United States use at least 1 social media platform, exploring how social media can promote you makes sense.  

Keep reading to learn about the different aspects of social media marketing for therapists. With the right tips and know-how, your online presence can help you reach more clients so you can help more people.

The Benefits of Social Media Marketing for Therapists

A social media presence can be a crucial and effective aspect of a marketing strategy. There are several benefits social media for therapists can offer, including the ability to:

Reach new clients: Wondering how to get more therapy clients? Maintaining an active presence on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn can help you connect with potential clients seeking mental health support.

Increase brand awareness: When you engage with followers, you can brand yourself and your practice, which can be especially beneficial if you offer niche services. 

Be viewed as an authority: Sharing and posting on social media can help establish you as an experienced therapist. Posting great content lets you build trust with followers.

Get referrals and reviews: Positive personal reviews can make a big impact on your client roster and lead to therapy referrals. Some research suggests that almost half of people trust online reviews they read as much as personal recommendations they get — and an incredible 98% say they read online reviews to determine if they should trust a local business. 

“Historically, mental health has been so limited in terms of how we access it, but with the help of social media, we are well equipped to reach so many more recipients of care and potential clients. Social media does not discriminate, and it is a great option to make support more available to all by offering a glimpse at your style and authenticity and approachability as a therapist.”

– Talkspace therapist Elizabeth Keohan, LCSW-C, LISCW, LCSW

6 Social Media Marketing Tips for Therapists

To effectively market yourself on social media, you need a strategic approach. How do you get started? The following 6 tips will help you develop a social media strategy:

1. Choose the right social media platforms

Not all platforms are created equal. Figuring out how to reach your audience is critical, so you need to take the time to identify who that is and think about the types of valuable content they will want. From there, it’ll be easier to decide which platform(s) will be best. For example, LinkedIn is excellent for networking, whereas Facebook tends to be more effective if you’re sharing posts and blogs or using paid ads. The key is to know which social platforms your audience will spend the most time on.

Which social media is best for therapists?

Understanding how to use social media for therapists means knowing what type of content is right for individual platforms. It also means realizing the benefits and limitations each social media channel or platform has. 

Facebook: With its large user base, Facebook can be an excellent way to share informative articles, host live Q&A sessions, and create a community through groups.

Instagram: This visually driven platform is perfect for posting inspirational quotes, mental health tips, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into your practice.

LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a professional networking site that helps you connect with colleagues and potential clients while showcasing your expertise through shared articles.

Pinterest: If you create visual resources, like infographics related to mental health topics, Pinterest can help drive traffic to your website or blog.

Twitter: Sharing links to articles, short content, and publications can all work well on Twitter.

“We have to go where people commune on social media, while information must be user-friendly. Direct embedded links need not be hidden. If someone gravitates towards the modality and style that you offer, make it simple and straightforward to create ease for connection and support.”

– Talkspace therapist Elizabeth Keohan, LCSW-C, LISCW, LCSW

2. Develop content that resonates with your audience

To get the best result from social media use in your marketing strategy, consider the content you want to share and what your ideal client may find valuable. Social media content for therapists can come in a wide range — from simple posts or reposts to sharing premium content and videos that interest your audience and foster meaningful connections. 

Depending on the platform, it can be easy to post and share:

Mental health tips: Offer practical advice on managing stress, anxiety, or depression. Remember that posts that provide value are more likely to be shared.

Educational resources: Create infographics or blog articles that explain complex concepts in simple terms. For example, you might examine different psychotherapy methods, like CBT and DBT, or discuss the most effective modalities for specific experiences or mental health conditions.

Client success stories: With permission from clients, share progress and achievements as a testament to the efficacy of the services you offer. You can always do this anonymously to protect the privacy of current patients. 

A therapist bio included on your social media accounts can further strengthen your credibility and attract clients looking for services similar to what you offer. 

What should therapists post on social media?

Your social media account should exemplify your work. Post content that’s relevant to the mental health space and your target audience — this can include: 

Mental health tips

Self care practices

Articles related to therapy topics or mental health awareness

Inspirational quotes


Information about your services

Events you’re hosting


3. Maintain a professional image

Maintaining a professional image is a must when it comes to social media content for therapists. Being professional is crucial for building client trust and establishing credibility — both with clients and colleagues. 

The following guidelines can ensure your online presence is appropriate:

Avoid controversy when possible: Steer clear of polarizing subjects that may alienate large populations or damage your reputation. Instead, stay focused on sharing content related to mental health and therapy.

Limit the personal information you share: As a general rule, aim to keep your personal life separate from your professional social media persona. Be cognizant of the private details you share on your professional profiles. 

Use appropriate language and tone: The tone and the language you use on your therapy social pages should be appropriate. It’s important to sound empathetic and non-judgemental. 

Social media for therapists should always follow ethical guidelines. Professional organizations like the American Psychological Association (APA) can be great resources if you need additional guidance or have questions about ethics.

4. Engage with your audience

A major component of social media is consistently engaging with followers. The back-and-forth you engage in can create a positive rapport with not only current clients but also potential clients. 

To get the most out of your social relationships, be sure to regularly:

Respond to comments and messages: Promptly reply to any questions or feedback from followers to demonstrate that you hear and value their input.

Ask open-ended questions: Encourage conversation by posing thought-provoking questions about mental health topics, such as “What’s one thing that has helped improve your mental well-being?”

Create polls or surveys: Interactive tools like polls or surveys can guide future content creation. Getting your followers’ opinions and insights will help you better understand their needs so you can create effective, engaging content that resonates.  

Show appreciation for engagement: To nurture positive relationships with users and potential clients, thank those who share, comment on, or like your posts.

“It is no secret that user frequency promotes engagement. While the demand is great and sometimes stressful, consider scheduling time for social media regularly. It can minimize the stress of engaging on the fly while allocating an authentic space for mindful engagement and also productive outreach.”

– Talkspace therapist Elizabeth Keohan, LCSW-C, LISCW, LCSW

5. Connect with other professionals

Engaging with other professionals on social media lets you build your network and, believe it or not, find new clients. 

Interacting with respected experts will broaden your knowledge base and create opportunities to collaborate on various projects. Another benefit of networking is that you’ll expand your professional circle, which can increase your visibility. How can you connect with other professionals?

Join groups: Participate in online communities or forums with other mental health professionals to discuss therapy-related topics. For example, you could join a Mental Health Professionals Group on LinkedIn or Facebook. 

Follow established industry leaders: Stay informed about trends and news by following prominent figures in mental healthcare. Engage with their content by liking, commenting, or resharing posts that might help your users.

Create partnerships: Collaborate with fellow therapists on guest blog posts or joint webinars to increase exposure for both parties and provide valuable content for your audience.

6. Utilize paid advertising on social media

Paid advertising can be a powerful tool that, when done right, can help you reach a larger audience. Ads let you target specific demographics and interests, ensuring the right people see them.

One thing to be aware of with paid advertising is that if you don’t manage your campaigns effectively, you’re probably going to be throwing money away. Use the following tips to ensure your ads garner the best results and return on investment.

Start small: Use a small budget to determine which ad styles and copy are the most effective. You can increase your budget slowly as you see what works and what doesn’t over time.

Create compelling ads: Design eye-catching visuals and write engaging copy that speaks directly to your target audience’s needs. Be sure to include a clear call-to-action (CTA) — for example, you might direct users to book an appointment or contact you to learn more about your services.

Analyze performance metrics: Regularly reviewing campaign data is essential if you want to get the most out of your ads. Learn how to use platform-specific analytics tools like Facebook Ads Manager, which offer insights so you can optimize future campaigns and improve overall results.

Follow ethical guidelines 

Like your content and posts, you also want to be sure that any ad or promotion you run follows ethical guidelines established by professional organizations like the American Psychological Association (APA) or the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). It’s also vital that you strictly follow HIPAA privacy and compliance guidance when creating advertisement content.

Reach New Clients with Talkspace

Looking for ways beyond social media to further expand your online presence? Talkspace can help you grow your client base as you benefit from established, proven marketing efforts. You benefit from our marketing and will be connected to a client base through our platform. No need to worry about investing in marketing. We’ll almost always have a constant stream of clients for you. 

Talkspace caters to therapists’ and clients’ needs, with features like secure messaging, video sessions, and flexible scheduling options. Talkspace therapists can make more than what some competitor sites pay while enjoying a work-life balance that can be hard to come by for therapists running a private practice. 

Find out how becoming a Talkspace provider will help you reach more clients and network with other professionals. 


1. Auxier B. Social media use in 2021. Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech. April 7, 2021. Accessed May 17, 2023.

2. Paget S. Local consumer review survey 2023: Customer reviews and behavior. BrightLocal. February 7, 2023. Accessed May 17, 2023.

3.  Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. American Psychological Association. Accessed May 17, 2023.

4. Log into Facebook. Facebook. Accessed May 17, 2023.  

5. About. NASW, National Association of Social Workers. Accessed May 17, 2023.  

The post Social Media Marketing 101 for Therapists appeared first on Talkspace.

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