St. David’s HealthCare Unveils Expansion Plan

As part of a $953 million region-wide expansion plan, St. David’s HealthCare (Austin, Texas) is building full-service hospitals in Kyle, Texas, and Leander, Texas, according to an article in

The $185 million Kyle location will span 160,00 square feet; the 150,000-square-foot Leander facility will be built at an existing St. David’s medical complex.

Both projects are slated to open in 2024 and will include 34 beds, an emergency department, inpatient and outpatient surgery, and critical care, maternity, and newborn services.

St. David’s HealthCare is a partnership among for-profit healthcare provider HCA Healthcare (Nashville, Tenn.) and two local nonprofits, St. David’s Foundation (Austin) and Georgetown Health Foundation (Georgetown, Texas).

The post St. David’s HealthCare Unveils Expansion Plan first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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