Stantec Adds Talent To Hawaii Healthcare Practice

Global design firm Stantec expanded its healthcare practice in Hawaii with the addition of Marni Tam as healthcare principal; Sundae Funai as senior project manager; and Kwan Law as senior design coordinator.

Tam has 29 years of experience in the design and delivery of complex healthcare projects, including the Bone & Joint Center for Pali Momi Medical Center in Aiea, Hawaii, and the Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu.

Funai brings more than 30 years of architectural experience, with the last 20 years focusing on healthcare projects including the North Hawaii Community Hospital in Honolulu and Hawaii Pacific Health in Honolulu.

Law has been working in healthcare design for more than two decades and has collaborated with clients including Maui Health Systems (Wailuku, Hawaii) and Lanai Community Health Center (Lanai, Hawaii).

The post Stantec Adds Talent To Hawaii Healthcare Practice first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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