SUNY Upstate University Hospital Opens Nappi Wellness Institute In New York

The Nappi Wellness Institute has opened on the SUNY Upstate University Hospital campus in Syracuse, N.Y.

The 200,000-square-foot, WELL-certified outpatient facility offers family medicine, pediatric care, behavioral health, endocrinology, osteoporosis, and lab and radiology services.

The five-story institute houses more than 240 exam and consultation rooms, a retail pharmacy, geriatrics unit, the Center for International Health, Inclusive Health Services, and the Joslin Diabetes Center.

The institute is also seeking LEED Gold certification from the U.S. Green Building Council.

The project team includes design firm Stantec (New York).

The post SUNY Upstate University Hospital Opens Nappi Wellness Institute In New York first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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