Temple University Health System Plans Women’s Hospital

Temple University Health System (Philadelphia) is opening a hospital for women at the former Cancer Treatment Centers of America location in Philadelphia, according to an article in The Philadelphia Inquirer.

The $30 million project will house a range of specialty care for women, with an emphasis on maternity services, as well as general surgery, breast surgery, vascular surgery, urology, internal medicine, cardiology, endocrinology, behavioral health, radiology, mammography, and MRI services.

The hospital will include 12 labor and delivery beds; a 36-bed neonatal intensive care unit; 32 private postpartum beds; eight intensive care unit beds; and more than 75 exam rooms. Spacious patient areas and outdoor landscaped walking trails are also planned.

The project is slated to open in late 2022.

The post Temple University Health System Plans Women’s Hospital first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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