The Architectural Team Promotes Three Team Members

Architecture, planning, and interiors firm The Architectural Team (TAT; Chelsea, Mass.) has announced the elevation of three senior team members to associate positions.

The newly promoted team members include Philip Renzi; Andrew Stebbins, LEED AP; and Anthony Vivirito, associate AIA, LEED AP.

Renzi joined the firm in 1992 and has a specialty in adaptive reuse and transit-oriented development.

Stebbins, a 25-year veteran of TAT, has managed a range of projects including mixed-use, market-rate, affordable housing, senior living, adaptive reuse, and waterfront developments.

Vivirito has more than 20 years of design and project management experience with a specific focus on multifamily housing, senior living communities, and continuing care retirement communities.

The post The Architectural Team Promotes Three Team Members first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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