The Best New Sex Toys That Dropped In 2021

Living in a time where we have more sex toys than ever, it can feel like you’re always spotting something new (or new to you) that would be the perfect fit for you and your collection.

There’s all sorts of options — toys that vibrate, toys that suck, toys that target different body parts or set different moods — and every year our favorite sex toy retailers and sex tech companies outdo themselves with a new take on an old favorite or something totally surprising.

While 2021, especially in its early days, wasn’t necessarily the most exciting time for many of us sex life-wise (with you being either your own best sex partner or you and your partner are less enthusiastic nearly 12 months into lockdown) — it’s been a pretty good year for new sex toys. We saw toys from LELO, We-Vibe, Oona, Dame, Goop and more bringing smiles and orgasms to the masses and each new drop was full of all kinds of sex potential.

If you’re a real sex toy geek or are just looking to replace your favorite toy with something new and intriguing, join us on a look back on a few of these awesome options that made their glorious sexual debuts in 2021 — and may 2022 be an even sexier year for you and yours.

A version of this story was published January 2020.

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