The Intersections of Weight Stigma, Mental Wellbeing & Health Disparities

This briefing will educate Congressional staff and others on the negative consequences of weight stigma in the U.S. and ways the organization is tackling this issue through their Reclaim Your Wellness campaign in partnership with the Black Women’s Health Imperative.

Hear from leading experts about your risk factors, how to talk to your healthcare provider and the lifestyle choices you can make right now to keep your heart healthy as you age.


Lesli Foster, Evening News Anchor WUSA 9


Dr. A. Janet Tomiyama, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology at UCLA Dr. Natasha L. Burke PhD., Associate Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology at Fordham University Patty Nece, J.D., Chair, Obesity Action CoalitionDr. Nina Crowley, Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery Program Coordinator, Medical University of South Carolina

This program was created with support from Novo Nordisk

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