After 10 months of not getting a massage, just generally believing my body was going to fall apart and feeling super anxious, I was at my wit’s end and looking for anything that might soothe my body and soul. I stumbled across this highly rated ProsourceFit Acupressure Mat. It’s currently 22 percent off as part of Amazon’s Black Friday sale, which means it’s only $19.47. It wasn’t on sale when I bought it, but I decided to give it a whirl anyways.
I’ve been to three physical therapists over the years and just totally lost the genetic lottery with flexibility. My sister is double-jointed, and I can’t touch my toes and I’m not sure that I’ve ever been able to. My muscles are always extremely tight, especially in my legs, back and neck. I wasn’t sure that it was possible but working from home for a year definitely made everything worse, especially with my lower back.
I usually am skeptical of the one magic product that makes you feel better, but several writer friends said they tried this and that it not only got rid of muscle tension and discomfort, it also helped with anxiety. This last bit is what had me sold. Goop sells a nearly identical mat, but I didn’t want to spend $65.
I got the mat in a gray color and was honestly a little afraid of unwrapping it, because reviewers said the spikes were sharper than they looked. They’re right. I poked myself accidentally several times prying the mat and pillow out of the wrapping. The mat comes with a helpful booklet with poses that you could do on the mat if you want to work out tensions in certain areas of the body. It also recommends how long you should do them.
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Acupressure Mat and Pillow Set
Image: ProsourceFit.
I recommend wearing a sports bra and thinner shorts when using this mat. If your clothing is too bulky, you won’t be able to feel the pressure of the spikes. I usually just lie on it for 10 minutes. It isn’t comfortable or relaxing in the moment. Let me tell you. It’ll feel like you are lying on a bed of needles.
Buy: ProsourceFit Acupressure Mat and Pillow Set $19.47
But after a few minutes, the hot fire of pain starts to dull and your brain stops focusing on your to-do list. I’m not good at meditating, but I’d say this mat puts me in a meditative state for a few minutes. When I sit up, I can feel how much tension has dissolved and my back and neck no longer feel stiff. I can sit in my chair for another day.
I’ve made this mat a part of my nightly routine. Although I exercise, these 10 minutes on the mat feel like true self-care time. The mat comes in a ton of color options. I recommend you store it out of reach of pets and children, preferably in a closet or cabinet.
Before you go, check out our favorite workout recovery essentials for some extra self-care: