Two New Rehabilitation Hospitals Break Ground

Capital Growth Medvest (Birmingham, Ala.) and LifePoint Health (Brentwood, Tenn.), previously Kindred Healthcare, broke ground on two new rehabilitation hospital projects in Indianapolis and Louisville.

The two-story, 55,000-square-foot facilities will house 40 all-private patient rooms, large multidisciplinary gyms, transitional living units, a therapeutic courtyard, as well as an acquired brain injury unit with private dining and therapy gym. Acute rehabilitation services will include traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, complex neurological disorders, and orthopedic conditions.

The Indianapolis project will also include partner Community Health Network (Indianapolis). Turner Construction (Indianapolis) is the general contractor and Earl Swensson Associates (ESa; architect; Nashville) is the architect on the Indianapolis project.

The Louisville project will also include partner University of Louisville Health (UofL; Louisville). The project team includes Robins & Morton (general contractor; Birmingham) and ESa (architect; Nashville).

Both hospitals are scheduled for completion in spring 2023.

The post Two New Rehabilitation Hospitals Break Ground first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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