In layman’s understanding stress is often viewed in a negative light. Little did we know that stress also has two sides to it, Eustress and Distress. I am assuming that most of us know about Distress, i.e. negative face of stress, but only a few know about Eustress, i.e. positive face of stress.
Stress can be of an adaptive nature in many situations and knowing that will help us in dealing with all that energy. Basically eustress enhances functionality and distress impairs functionality.
Let’s understand the difference between Eustress and Distress in detail…
Eustress v/s Distress: Meaning
Eustress is a relatively new concept which describes the positive side of stress. Eustress contributes to a motivating, helpful, positive kind of stress that makes you even more productive and goal driven. Eustress is a kind of stress that is good for you.
Here’s what Eustress can do for you;
Motivates you to work hard
Improves performance
Helps you face challenges
Helps you reach your goals (short term or long term)
Fun fact: Both Eustress and distress, despite being the opposite of one another, both generate fright and flight response in your brain.
Distress on the other hand is the negative side of stress and is not a new concept at all. We are all aware of what distress is. It is often associated with feeling anxious and overwhelmed in challenging situations. Distress can have both psychological and physiological symptoms like;
Headache, body ache
Inability to function
Both eustress and distress differ in their stressors and the way one tends to interpret the stressor. If the trigger seems beyond your control, your feelings are more likely to be converted into distress. But in case the trigger stresses you a bit but you have the confidence to face it, you experience eustress.
Eustress v/s Distress: Signs
Since both Eustress and Distress are capable of generating the fright and flight response, it’s natural that the physical signs of stress are almost the same. The palpitations increase, heavy breathing, trembling, etc. which is almost identical in both eustress and distress.
Having said that, the psychological signs of eustress and distress are poles apart, let’s have a look at them;
Signs of Eustress
Signs of Distress
High level of motivation
High level of procrastination
Concentration increased
Concentration decreased
Feelings of excitement
Feelings of fear
Stress in control
Overwhelmed by stress
Improves functionality
Impairs functionality
Filled with confidence
Filled with insecurity
Positive outcome
Negative outcome
Eustress v/s Distress: Impact
By looking at the signs you must have guessed what kind of impact both eustress and distress might have on you and your mental health. Since both are the counterpart out the other the impact is also going to be opposite from one another.
Impact of Eustress
Impact of Distress
Increase in energy
Decrease in sleep
Increase in focus
Decrease in energy
Increase in self-efficacy
Declining physical health
Increase in productivity
Mood swings
Increase in resilience
Shifts in appetite
Increase in motivation
Decreased mental health
Eustress v/s Distress: Examples
The major difference between the two is caused by differences in their respective stressors. Here are a few examples of stressors related to Eustress and Distress so that you get a better understanding of both types of stress;
Stressors of Eustress: Examples
Stressors of Distress: Examples
Deadlines at work
Crisis (financial, physical or mental)
Building relationships
Listening to energizing music
Issues in relationships
Adventure sports
Emotional neglect
Achievement motivation
Work related challenges
Going on a holiday
Abuse (mental or physical)
Ways To Promote Eustress And Prevent Distress
Well there are various ways you can prevent distress and by the virtue of their difference by preventing distress you automatically will be promoting eustress. Isn’t that great? Let’s quickly look at some ways to do that before we wrap.
Focus on the solution
Identify whether the problem is in your control or not, if not just let it go
Look for meaning in challenging situations
Take steps to improve the situation if not prevent
Go for the root cause and not the surface issue
Don’t forget to be compassionate towards yourself
Practice mindfulness
Use relaxation techniques
Try EFT tapping to reduce stress
Ask for help, get professional advice
Well, that’s all for today!
I hope you found this blog helpful. Eustress v/s Distress, isn’t it interesting to know how stress can be good for you too? Do comment and tell us what else do you know about eustress v/s distress that we might have missed!
Thanks for reading.
Take care and stay safe!
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