Universal Health Services Plans $375M Hospital In D.C.

Universal Health Services (King of Prussia, Pa.) broke ground on a new hospital in Washington, D.C., according to an article in Becker’s Hospital Review.

The $375 million, 136-bed project will be named Cedar Hill Regional Medical Center, GW Health, after the nearby Cedar Hill estate of abolitionist Frederick Douglass. It will replace United Medical Center in Washington, D.C., which is expected to close when the new hospital opens in 2024.

The medical center will include an ambulatory pavilion with physician offices, clinics, community space, 16 inpatient behavioral health beds, a 500-car garage, and helipad.

Additionally, Children’s National, which serves 30,000 children in the pediatric emergency department at United Medical Center, will move its operation to Cedar Hill.

The post Universal Health Services Plans $375M Hospital In D.C. first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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