VA Renovates Former Bank Building Into Outpatient Clinic

Veterans Affairs (VA) has completed an outpatient clinic in San Diego, converting a two-story, 100,000-square-foot former bank vault building into a 130,000-square-foot medical building housing a primary care office, eye clinic, specialty clinic, and pathology lab.

Situated on 7.74 acres, the project included construction of first-floor additions on the north and west sides of the building.

Ware Malcomb (Irvine, Calif.) provided architecture, planning, interior design, civil engineering, branding, and building measurement services; general contractor Lusardi (San Marcos, Calif.) led project construction; and Protea Properties (San Diego) was the developer.

The post VA Renovates Former Bank Building Into Outpatient Clinic first appeared on HCD Magazine.

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