Violet Affleck Just Took a Public Stand Against Mask Bans in a Passionate, Personal Speech

We know Violet Affleck as the possibly Ivy League-bound, lookalike daughter of Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck, but the 18-year-old is ready to make a name for herself. And much like her humanitarian advocate mom, it’s starting with speaking out about causes that are important to her, starting with the importance of masking for public health.

Violet, who’s often spotted out and about in a face mask, spoke about the importance of masks for public health during a July 9 LA County Board of Supervisors meeting. In a rare move for the private teen, she stepped up to the lectern during the public comments portion of the meeting and opened up about her own personal connection to the issue.

After introducing herself by name and noting that she’ll be a first-time voter this year, Affleck opened her comments by sharing that she “contracted a post-viral condition in 2019.”

“I’m OK now, but I saw firsthand that medicine does not always have answers to the consequences of even minor viruses,” said Affleck, as seen in a video of her comments posted to X. “The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown that into sharper relief.”

Affleck went on to share some powerful examples, including the CDC statistic that 1 in 10 COVID infections leads to long COVID, which she described as “a devastating neurological cardiovascular illness that can take away people’s ability to work, move, see, and even think.” While Affleck didn’t specify the virus that caused her own post-viral condition, VeryWell Health notes that post-viral syndrome often causes “enduring fatigue and other flu-like symptoms” following a viral infection. Other signs include general weakness, muscle pain, depression, difficulty sleeping, shortness of breath, and brain fog — all symptoms we’ve come to associate with long COVID.

Having experienced something so similar, Affleck didn’t mince words about long COVID and what her city should do about it. “To confront the long COVID crisis, I demand mask availability, air filtration, and far UVC light in government facilities, including jails and detention centers, and mask mandates in county medical facilities,” she stated. We must expand the availability of high-quality free tests and treatment.”

Her final point took aim at a troubling new trend of mask bans around the country. Per NBC News, face politicians in cities like New York and states like North Carolina are blaming face masks for emboldening protesters to use violence. Affleck made her opinion on the issue very clear. “Most importantly, the county must oppose mask bans for any reason,” she emphasized. “They do not keep us safer, they make vulnerable members of our community less safe and make everyone less able to participate in Los Angeles together.”

Commenters on X were quick to support Affleck’s courage and eloquence. “Amazing testimony!” wrote one person. “Violet nailed this!” said another. “I’m showing this to my 7 & 9 year old girls as a great example of a smart, thoughtful and self assured young woman 1) doing what she knows is right, even in the face of massive societal pressure to cave [and] 2) using her voice & privilege for the greater good.”

We just know that Affleck’s mom must be even prouder of her daughter. Garner has a long legacy of advocate work herself as an artist ambassador and board member for Save the Children and once testified in front of California senators to pass a bill to protect her kids’ privacy from paparazzi (the bill was signed into law in 2013).

While only time will tell whether Affleck’s advocating is as successful as her mom’s, one thing is clear: like her famous parents, she’s not afraid to take a stand for the things that matter to her.

Before you go, shop our favorite natural products to relieve your kid’s next cold:

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