What Is Avoidance Coping? | Tips To Stop Doing It

Avoidance coping is one of the most common coping strategies people use especially when they are experiencing immense emotional turmoil. We often avoid things that make us feel uncomfortable and stressed.

But, is it the right thing to do? Avoidance coping is a type of maladaptive coping which might give you some temporary relief but there is no guarantee of a permanent solution. In some cases where things are not in your control maybe sometimes avoidance may work but not always.

The best approach to any problem or issue is to try your best to solve the problem rather than turn a blind eye. However, it’s easier said than done, so today we will learn more about avoidance coping and how to stop avoidance coping!

Let’s get started…

What Is Avoidance Coping?

Avoidance coping is a maladaptive approach that is being used by many as their coping mechanism. Individuals practicing avoidance coping will often choose to escape from their problems rather than face them.

Avoidance coping can exist in many forms. Have you ever given in to procrastination, passive-aggressiveness, rumination, etc. If yes, my dear friend, you have used avoidance to cope with your problems.

Basically, avoidance coping makes an individual change their behaviors in such a way that they don’t come in contact with any stressors. These behaviors are intended to simply avoid anything and everything that might remind them of their problems.

What Causes Avoidance Coping?

Avoidance coping usually begins with the thought that avoiding triggers can stop you from developing an anxious response. Many people believe that avoiding stressful situations reduces their stress and fear but that’s not the case.

Avoidance coping is mostly found in anxious people. What causes avoidance coping isn’t really certain, anything can make a person indulge in avoidance coping. But the main cause assumed to be is the fear of being in a stressful situation.

When an individual is afraid of what’s going to happen when they don’t avoid the stressor and go head-on to face their issues, is what makes them give into avoidance coping. Avoidance coping can give you temporary relief and that’s what attracts many people. We all need to understand that avoidance does not make the problem go away.

How To Stop Avoidance Coping?

Avoidance coping basically is escapism, you try to escape from your problem rather than facing them. No matter how strong or weak you might be feeling, avoiding your problems will only create more problems for you.

If you think you indulge in avoidance coping strategies more often than adaptive coping then you need to stop right now. Do you want to know how you can do that?

Here you go;

Acknowledge your emotions: our emotions have a lot to do with how we choose to handle stressful situations and problems. The first thing that you need to do to stop avoiding coping is to acknowledge your emotions. Don’t ignore your feelings, acknowledge them and process them properly.
Invest and engage in some stress relief activities: learn some stress management techniques because when you’re better prepared for stressful situations, there will be fewer chances of avoiding coping.
Have a flexible approach: being flexible is very important because your life is not going to give you the same challenge over and over again. You’re always going to face different challenges for which you will require a flexible approach. Bringing some flexibility and creativity is your problem-solving strategy.
Work on your tolerance: as we discussed, life is going to challenge you with all kinds of problems, so you need to work on your tolerance power. I say so because sometimes you will need to tolerate a few things before you can find a solution for the same.
Positive thinking: one of the best ways to boost yourself is to tell yourself the positive outcome that you want to achieve. Positive thinking not only keeps you away from all the negativity but also manifests the things you might want in life.
Seek professional help: sometimes we fail to understand what we actually need to fix our problems. If you think you aren’t able to stop avoidance coping, visit a mental health professional. They will help you understand your problem and guide you to make better decisions for your problems and not avoid them.

That’s All Folks!

I hope you found this blog about avoidance coping and how to stop avoidance coping helpful and informative. Do share this blog with your friends and family so that we all are able to not give in to avoid coping and learn to face our problems.

Thanks for reading.

Take care and stay safe.

The post What Is Avoidance Coping? | Tips To Stop Doing It appeared first on Calm Sage – Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being.

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