World of Warships: Legends Halloween Update Now Live

World of Warships: Legends introduces the first campaign with a ship of choice as the ultimate prize. It’s backed by a Halloween event, split into two parts, and more new ships!

Element of Choice Campaign 

The headliners of Element of Choice, Tier VII Premium destroyers Friesland and Loyang, are both quite unique. Pan-European Friesland doesn’t carry torpedoes on board, making it a perfect gunboat, while Loyang is the first Pan-Asian ship in Legends, paving the way for others. 100 milestones through 5 weeks with Active Admiralty backing and one of those ships is yours! If you want both, there’s an option to buy the one you didn’t pick as a reward for doubloons.  

Saving Transylvania and A Light in the Dark

October is the time for scary stuff. There’s plenty of that in Legends with a Halloween event in two parts. The first one is all about helping Transylvania reach the Portal to escape the attack of malicious Rasputin and his minions. The second one, vice versa, is about shutting the same Portal once and for all, but Rasputin and his fleet of minions want to have a say in that…

The events will be available separately, with Saving Transylvania making the way for a Light in the Dark. Among the prizes are a Tier III Premium UK Battleship Bellerophon, Tier IV Italian cruiser Genova-themed Commanders, and a selection of in-game items!

Soviet Cruisers in Early Access  

More reinforcements for the Red Navy! Three new Sonar equipped cruisers with high-caliber guns aboard, Kotovsky, Gorky, and Tallinn at Tiers IV-VI respectively, arrive in the early access. A personal mission is a compliment for each of those, and as usual, the next update will make this alternate branch researchable with Tier VII Riga topping it off. 

Balance changes and quality of life improvements 

Carriers’ concealment, including the Dark Silhouette skill, was toned down. Now waging war against them is easier! As for the other improvements, probably the biggest one is the option to see the ship’s loadout before acquiring it, including switchable consumables. This works for Premium and Bureau ships the same way. 

Be brave this spooky season and turn the tide!

World of Warships: Legends

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