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novembre 14, 2021Like

The HCD 10: Kara Freihoefer, Researcher

Joining HGA as a design researcher in 2012 after graduating with a PhD in interior design from University of Minnesota, Kara Freihoefer today serves as director of research as well as a leader of HGA’s Design Insight Group, an interdisciplinary team of researchers, process improvement engineers, design thinkers, and data analysts who work collaboratively to help facilitate research and discovery and advocate for change based on their findings. In that role, Freihoefer spearheads firmwide research initiatives across all market sectors
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novembre 14, 2021Like

Understanding Transference in Therapy | It is Okay to Feel This Way

Therapy is one of the most preferred and recommended treatment approaches for various mental health conditions. While you might be aware of different types of therapies, the best therapy platforms to opt for, and sharing your expectations with the therapist, there are still some key concepts that need to be understood. One such process that both a therapist and a client can encounter in a therapeutic relationship is Transference! If you are in therapy and you swipe in the transference phase, there
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novembre 14, 2021Like

What is superhero therapy?

Can comic book characters help us conquer our fears and discover the hero within? When the first lockdown was announced in 2020, I made a decision: to watch all the Marvel films, in chronological order, from Captain America to Endgame. Once I got through them, I moved on to the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Harry Potter films, and the Buffy the Vampire Slayer box set. I’ve always loved the fantasy/sci-fi genre and, looking back, it’s not surprising that
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novembre 13, 2021Like

Reactive Attachment Disorder: Signs, Causes, Treatment & More

List of Contents What Is Reactive Attachment Disorder?Reactive Attachment Disorder SymptomsPotential Causes For RADEffects Of Reactive Attachment Disorder In AdultsReactive Attachment Disorder Treatment Does your child find it difficult to form a healthy and secure emotional bond with you? Or do you find it challenging to form meaningful connections with others? Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), a rare yet serious type of attachment disorder, is when a child fails to establish a healthy and secure emotional attachment with their parents or
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novembre 13, 2021Like

Emotional Numbness: The Feeling of Being Empty and Numb Within

When we face difficult life situations or challenges we often find ourselves feeling empty and numb with questions like “why do I feel so empty inside” or “why does my mind feel blank” hovering over us. While most of us swiftly drift away from these thoughts with the help of adaptive coping skills, others can find themselves sweeping in the unhealthy condition of emotional numbness. Generally, the feeling of emotional numbing is temporary and an individual deals with it effectively.
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novembre 13, 2021Like

8+ Movies To Begin Your Spiritual Journey With| Best Picks For You

Spiritualism has recently become a trending and new way of living that people are practicing these days. Considering the distracted and unhealthy lifestyle that we are surrounded with I believe practicing spiritualism does add the element of peace and happiness to our lives. Moreover, it works as a buffer from negative events, thoughts, behavior, and emotions! So I have even planned to start my journey of spiritualism. I was quite not sure where to begin and a few days back
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novembre 13, 2021Like

6 ways to make your winter garden a wellbeing oasis

Tap into the power of nature, all year round Nature is a balm to both the mind and body – reducing blood pressure, and alleviating anxiety and stress. It was even the theme for this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week because of its “unique ability to not only bring consolation in times of stress, but also increase our creativity, empathy and a sense of wonder”. By making the most of your outdoor spaces, you can bring nature closer to home!
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novembre 12, 2021Like

Demi Lovato’s New Sex Toy Collab With Bellesa Is Basically the AirPods of Vibrators

We love our vibrators over here, as you probably know. (Big fans, huge!) And we’ve got a special place in our heart for cool celebs who open up about how healthy, normal and deeply good masturbation is — so when we saw that Demi Lovato was dropping a collaboration sex toy with Bellesa we were pretty stoked about it. And the toy in question, Bellesa’s discreet and low-key Demi Wand totally delivers. With a bright yellow color (like an April
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novembre 12, 2021Like

Instagram-Friendly ‘Wellness Coaches’ Are on the Rise in Mental Health Spaces — But Are They Legit?

Since its inception, social media has connected people near and far. Whether it be through mutual friends, acquaintances or shared interests, it seems like you can find anyone and everything you need with a quick scroll. Which is why it’s no surprise that healthcare has made its way to the platforms. From birth control to tele-health appointments, a single click of an Instagram ad or “book now” button on a website can get you on your way to feeling and
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novembre 12, 2021Like

Building a Dream Team to Fight Metastatic Breast Cancer

Katie Finley was shocked when she learned she had metastatic breast cancer (MBC). She wasn’t the only one. « The doctors were basically saying, Oops, we thought you had stage 2, but you actually have stage 4, » she recalled. « Everyone was scrambling on what to do next. » As she looked around the room at her care team — medical, surgical and radiation oncologists — Finley heard that her breast cancer had spread to her bones. And because MBC can be treated
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novembre 12, 2021Like

Low-Impact Workout Videos That Deliver High-Impact Results

If you’re looking for a fitness routine that’s gentle on your body yet intense enough to kick your metabolism into high gear, you might want to consider a low-impact workout. These types of workouts allow you to participate in high-intensity cardio and strengthening routines without having to endure the joint-jarring motion that happens with moves like box jumps, burpees, running and lunge jumps. Katie Dunlop, a National Council for Certified Personal Trainers-certified personal trainer, tells SheKnows that high-intensity cardio like HIIT
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novembre 12, 2021Like

2021 Rising Star: Monty Gumble

Current projects: I’m overseeing construction of four ambulatory surgery centers and in design on a new proton therapy center. The proton therapy project has been a unique and exciting project to work on, as there are only around 40 of these centers across the U.S. and this one will be the first in North Carolina. Sources of inspiration: Stories from nurses, patients, and staff members about how healthcare and the building we designed positively impacted their lives and the lives
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