Blog – Lire les derniers articles sur le site Psychologues Paris 9

Blog – Lire les derniers articles

février 1, 2022Like

Choosing to be child-free

Becoming a parent is a big choice, and there shouldn’t be shame whatever we decide. So why do women who choose to be child-free so often face questioning, accusations, and stigma? When my sister and I were children, we had different tastes in toys. She begged for baby dolls and prams, while I longed for stuffed animals. She wanted to play ‘mummies and daddies’, while I pranced around pretending to be a cat. Guess which one of us now has
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janvier 31, 2022Like

The Perfect 5-Minute Workout for Your Butt According to Personal Trainers

A sculpted, strong butt isn’t just for filling out those jeans (or beloved TikTok leggings). There are many benefits to giving some attention to your tush. “Strengthening the glutes are a great way to support the low back, aid in pelvic alignment, and improve posture,” Dani Schenone, RYT, holistic wellness expert for Mindbody, tells SheKnows. “Also, stronger glutes make stairs a bit easier to climb, and heavy objects a bit easier to lift.” According to Jennifer Jacobs, CPT and founder
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janvier 31, 2022Like

Autophobia (Monophobia): The Fear of Being Alone

Many different types of phobia can develop due to trauma, such as nosophobia (fear of having a disease) and atychiphobia (fear of being failure). But in this article, we’ll be focusing on autophobia, also known as monophobia, is the intense fear of being alone, and it can cause severe anxiety and apprehension.  For someone living with autophobia, being by themselves even in a safe, comfortable space like their own home, can be stressful and even frightening. This irrational fear is
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janvier 31, 2022Like

Atychiphobia: The Fear of Failure

To some extent, we all have a fear of failure at some point in our life. Nobody wants to not succeed. It’s actually even normal (and common) to experience fear or apprehension about failing.  That said, if you find you’re so afraid of failing at something that you can’t even try it, or if your fear is so paralyzing that it’s interfering in your daily life, you might be experiencing atychiphobia, or fear of failure phobia. Phobias are irrational, intense,
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janvier 31, 2022Like

Can You Pass Out from a Panic Attack?

Anyone who has them can tell you, panic attacks can produce a level of anxiety that’s devastating. Sometimes, attacks can be so intense that you might start to feel dizzy. You may even think you’re about to pass out — but can panic attacks make you pass out? Keep reading to find out.  We’ll explore the effects of panic attacks and look specifically at how much potential there is for you to actually pass out during an episode. We’ll look
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janvier 31, 2022Like

Living With RVVC

Most women — 75% — will get a vaginal yeast infection at some point in their lives. And, a small number will experience recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (RVVC) — a chronic yeast infection that comes back three or more times in a year. Learn the facts about chronic yeast infection — and get some tips that can help. This resource was created with support from Mycovia Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Fast Facts: What You Need to Know About Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis (Chronic Yeast
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janvier 31, 2022Like

Your Guide to NASH

What you need to know about nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, a nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Did you know that liver disease is not always related to alcohol? In fact, up to 25% of people in the United States are affected by nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a group of liver conditions in people who drink little to no alcohol. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is an aggressive and more severe form of NAFLD that causes liver swelling and cell damage. With NASH cases on
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janvier 31, 2022Like

Fast Facts: What You Need to Know About Fatty Liver Disease

Medically reviewed by Dr. Erin K Spengler Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a group of liver conditions in people who drink little to no alcohol. People with NAFLD have too much fat stored in liver cells, making it harder for the liver to function. NAFLD may not always have signs or symptoms, but possible symptoms are fatigue and pain or discomfort in the upper right abdomen. There are two types of NAFLD: Simple fatty liver, when you have fat
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janvier 31, 2022Like

Why You Might Want to Add a Bidet to Your Toilet

In many parts of the worldincluding Europe, the Middle East and much of Asiabidets enjoy plenty of popularity. Muslims use a similar tool called a lota (a small, water-filled pot that sits beside the toilet) to wash their backsidecleanliness is considered very much next to godliness in Islam, and being as clean as possible, especially prior to prayers, is essential. But in North America, there tends to be confusion around washing versus wiping, and bidets are usually a punchline. In
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janvier 31, 2022Like

Enfermedad de hígado graso no alcohólico

Design: Megan Schofield La Dra. Erin Spengler hizo la revisión médica de este documento
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janvier 31, 2022Like

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Design: Megan Schofield Medically reviewed by Dr. Erin Spengler
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janvier 31, 2022Like

Osteoporosis y fracturas: lo que debe saber

Ivy Alexander, Ph.D hizo la revisión médica de este documento
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