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novembre 10, 2021Like

12 Effective & Mindful Ways To Navigate Difficult Family Relationships

It is normal to disagree and fight with your family members. I mean if you don’t argue with your family members are you even family? Well, jokes aside, family, on one hand, can complete you while on the other hand can make you feel equally lonely. Difficult, abusive, or toxic family relationships can be challenging to navigate and if you find your relationship with your family members or a particular member extremely difficult, you need to take a step back
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novembre 10, 2021Like

Are you living in an apology cycle?

The word ‘sorry’ can lose all meaning when it becomes a habit, or when it’s used to clean the slate without dealing with the underlying issues. So, it’s time we reviewed our relationship with apologies – you won’t be sorry Many of us use the word ‘sorry’ frequently throughout the day. Even when we’re innocent, when someone else has bumped into us or made a mistake, we may find that we’re the one apologising. It can become an automatic response,
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novembre 10, 2021Like

Tap into the power of purpose

Vanessa Dietzel, author of The Performance Curve, explains the effect purpose can have on our wellbeing, and how we can harness this power for our own good From a really young age, my twin brother had a clear sense of his purpose in crafting unique experiences through technology such as lasers. Pursuing this purpose brought him such joy and satisfaction. By contrast, it’s taken me years to find my own sense of purpose. In my early twenties, I was excited
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novembre 9, 2021Like

What Happened With Head Lice Cases During The Pandemic?

With winter fast-approaching and many kids back to attending school in-person, one small companion is returning to business-as-usual: head lice. These small ectoparasites, which are transmitted through direct hair contact, have not disappeared during the COVID-19 pandemic but have instead continued to spread between people, as they have throughout human history.  Pediculus humanus capitis, commonly known as head lice, is one of two types of louse that have evolved with humans as their sole host since people first emigrated out
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novembre 9, 2021Like

7-Minute Core Exercises for a Quick Targeted Workout

Seven-minute workouts are a thing of beauty because they’re designed to meet your needs. Seven-minute workouts know you’re busy. They realize that between work, parenting, and everyday life, you’ve hardly got a moment to spare — and when you do come across some much-needed free time, the last thing you want to do is spend an hour sweating. But seven-minute workouts also understand that you want to stay active. You care about building strength and having energy — you just
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novembre 9, 2021Like

Every Child’s Hope Breaks Ground On Short-term Residential Treatment Facility

Every Child’s Hope (ECH), a St. Louis-based child services organization, held a groundbreaking ceremony for its short-term residential treatment facility on its St. Louis campus. The 18,000-square-foot William N. Dill Youth Development Center will include 30 private patient rooms, family visiting rooms, and a secure outdoor courtyard. The project team comprises Kai Design (architect; St. Louis) and Kai Build (general contractor; St. Louis). Completion is expected in 2022.
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novembre 9, 2021Like

A New, Lower Threshold for Lead Poisoning in Children Means More Kids Will Get Tested – but the Ultimate Solution Is Eliminating Lead Sources

Gabriel Filippelli, IUPUI The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has updated its blood lead reference value – the level at which children ages 1-5 are considered to have high exposure to lead. Since 2012, this threshold had been set at 5 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood; children at or above this level represented the top 2.5% with the highest blood lead levels in the nation. Now, in response to recent federal health surveys, the CDC has
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novembre 9, 2021Like

2021 HCD Expo: Designing Effective Clinical Respite Spaces

The COVID-19 pandemic has placed unprecedented emotional and physical stress on healthcare staff, bringing the need for restorative staff break areas in healthcare facilities to the forefront, according to speakers at the 2021 HCD Expo in Cleveland, during the session “Caring for the Caregiver: The Role of Culture and the Built Environment on Nurse Respite.” Kicking off the discussion, presenters Carolyn Blake, technical practice leader/partner at Gresham Smith (Jacksonville, Fla.); Lesa Lorusso, PhD, healthcare director of research and insights at
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novembre 9, 2021Like

Newborn Screening Saves Lives: What Parents Need to Know

Elisa Seeger’s son Aidan was 6 1/2 years old when he started having vision problems. Seeger thought her son just needed glasses, but after what she calls a « diagnostic odyssey, » going from one specialist to another, she learned that he had a rare genetic neurological disorder called adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD). The once active first grader, who loved sports and was a good student, soon lost his ability to function. A year later, in 2012, he died. « During this time I was
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novembre 9, 2021Like

Take 5 With Kyle Basilius

In this series, Healthcare Design asks leading healthcare design professionals, firms, and owners to tell us what’s got their attention and share some ideas on the subject. Kyle Basilius is a senior associate and healthcare planner at Parkin Architects (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada). Here, he shares his thoughts on a net-zero future, new project delivery models, and healthcare’s role in Aboriginal reconciliation. Sustainable building certifications Following a record-shattering heat wave and raging wildfires in British Columbia this year, the province
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novembre 9, 2021Like

Good Company

Through our annual Touchstone Awards, The Center for Health Design recognizes the exemplary use of an evidence-based design (EBD) process in an array of built environments. This program focuses on achievements in three areas of the EBD process: collaboration, evaluation, and sharing. The submissions go through a rigorous judging process, with each application reviewed by a team of distinguished jurors including design practitioners, researchers, academics, healthcare administrators, and patient advocates. This year’s Touchstone Awards, presented across Silver, Gold, and Platinum
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novembre 9, 2021Like

New Study Looked At How Infant Play At Home Affects Learning

A new study published in the Journal of Child Development looked at infant exuberant object play at home. “Researchers have long considered play to be a primary context of infant learning,” study author Catherine Tamis-LeMonda told us. “However, studies of play are confined to laboratory tasks. Our study is about how infants interact with objects spontaneously at home. We wanted to know how much infants interacted with objects outside from the laboratory confines, with the objects that they typically have
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