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novembre 4, 2021Like

I Recovered From Surgery on My Own Terms

As told to Alex Fulton Like so many things in life, the birth of my first baby didn’t go according to plan. I desperately wanted to deliver vaginally, but I wound up having to have a C-section because my baby had fluid in his lungs, and they needed to get him out quickly. I’d known this could happen, of course, and had done my best to have an open mind about the possibility. And when even my most basic expectation
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novembre 4, 2021Like

There Are Alternatives to Opioids for Pain After Surgery

Medically reviewed by Dr. Puja Shah
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novembre 4, 2021Like

All You Need to Know About Sleep Paralysis!

According to studies conducted by sleep researchers, sleep paralysis is a result of disturbed and rough movement during the stages of sleep. In most cases, the body movement is not smooth. In some cases sleep paralysis indicates underlying mental health conditions. That’s what researchers think of sleep paralysis. In ancient times many cultures believed that sleep paralysis indicated the presence of a demon. Even today many people believe that it is an act of evil who is wanting to trouble
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novembre 4, 2021Like

How to switch up negative self-talk

When your inner critic puts you down, stop, recognise it, and flip the statement with these tips Negative self-talk is a trap that many of us can fall into. They’re the niggling comments that creep into our minds when we start to doubt ourselves, or get caught in a shame spiral. And over time they can rub away at our self-esteem, holding us back from achieving our goals and from living a happy and fulfilling life. Often coming hand-in-hand with
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novembre 4, 2021Like

UK’s first children’s mental health festival for schools and colleges announced

Young mental health activists will be co-producing the first children’s only mental health festival this coming February Awareness of ill mental health has increased dramatically over recent years. With more and more of us talking about how we are feeling, we’re creating more dialogues and paths towards seeking help and support than ever before. Yet when it comes to children and young people’s mental health, it can be harder to know where to turn. One in six children aged five
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novembre 4, 2021Like

Jo Love: Therapy is Magic

Happiful is delighted to share this extract from Jo Love’s incredible new book Therapy is Magic. I’m Jo. I’m 37 years old. I have a great husband and a beautiful daughter who makes me proud every day. I studied and practised law for many years at one of the world’s premier law firms. I have an undeniably privileged and comfortable life and, as a white, privately-schooled, university-educated, heterosexual, cisgender woman in the UK, my experiences, by many objective measures, have
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novembre 4, 2021Like

How to recognise when you’re languishing (and start flourishing)

Feeling a bit ‘meh’? We’ve all been there – but you don’t have to stay feeling stuck in a rut. Here, we explore how to break free from languishing Imagine a line. At one end is depression and the other, flourishing. Where would you put yourself right now? This continuum can be a helpful tool to recognise where we are in terms of our mental wellbeing, but there’s another expression we need to add. Sitting at the centre of this
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novembre 4, 2021Like

Trichotillomania: Understanding The Urge To Pull Your Hair Out

Do you know of someone who constantly or repeatedly pulls their hair out? I once had a friend in school who would pull her hair out which later started to look like she had a receding hairline. She would always pull our hair from her forehead. I would always wonder why would someone do something like that? Only now that I realise that she must have been dealing with trichotillomania. Did you know that repeatedly pulling your hair out is
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novembre 3, 2021Like

8 Warming Toys That’ll Heat Up Your Sex Life

As the days get shorter and the weather gets cooler, you may be looking for new ways to turn up the heat in your bedroom and keep yourself feeling cozy well into the winter months. If you’re taking that literally, you’re going to want to get a warming sex toy into your collection ASAP. At this point, there are toys that thrust, vibrate, suck and even imitate human mouths, but this latest sex tech innovation creates toys that mimic the
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novembre 3, 2021Like

Already Burnt Out? Here’s Expert Advice On How to Start Getting Better

You’re exhausted, irritable, and you just don’t feel like doing anything (except if “anything” means laying on the couch, binge watching anything). Yep, you have burnout. Now what? “Burnout is feeling one or more of these three things: (1) emotional exhaustion, (2) being negative and cynical toward. s the things that are causing you stress, and (3) feeling a reduced sense of accomplishment (regardless of whether that is true),” Dr. Haley Perlus, PhD, an expert on sport and performance psychology,
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novembre 3, 2021Like

What Are Attachment Styles & What Do They Mean for Your Relationships?

You know about love languages, you know about zodiac signs. But one personality type/social behavior bucket you might not be familiar yet with is attachment styles. Whereas love languages and zodiac signs can feel woo-woo for some, attachment-based therapy is a popular form of psychological counseling rooted in decades of study and research. Neat, right?  So let’s get to the 411. Every single person has an attachment style, and you’ve had one since you were a teeny tiny kiddo. Attachment
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novembre 3, 2021Like

HCD Expo: Design Strategies To Prevent Conflicts With Birds, Wildlife

Facility designs that consider the welfare and safety of wildlife isn’t for the birds—in fact it’s an important consideration to ensure facilities are enjoyable and safe for users and wildlife. Building materials, lighting, and landscaping can lead to a variety of issues on a building site, from bird collisions with a building (called bird strikes) to roosting, perching, or nesting on building structures. Speakers Randy Geise, senior healthcare facility planner at Cleveland Clinic (Cleveland, Ohio), and Richard Dolbeer, American biologist
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