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décembre 27, 2021Like

Rethink My Therapy Review: Is It Really As Affordable & Efficient As They Claim?

Rethink My Therapy is a New Jersey-based budding company that aims at providing online talking therapy and medical management support to those who need it. It is being considered one of the most cost-efficient therapy options. Rethink My Therapy was founded by Connor Galic in 2018. Although it is a relatively new company as compared to its competitors. It has managed to become a household name because of its affordable prices and a free trial option. Rethink My Therapy is
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décembre 27, 2021Like

How to Deal with Holiday Stress (Tips for Coping)

While for many holiday seasons are a whirlwind of shopping for gifts, parties, and such festivities, for many it can bring stress, anxiety, and even grief. The holiday season is that time of the year where we, along with our near and dear, gather and celebrate. This season is meant to bring cheer and joy to the lives of many people around the world. Holidays bring with them stress, anxiety, and many cases loneliness and grief. This year, however, brings
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décembre 27, 2021Like

Signs You Are An Ambivert! How Are Ambiverts Different From Omniverts?

Being an ambivert can be very confusing at times. The funny thing is most people do not even know that they might be an ambivert or an omnivert. Do you want others to know about the signs of being an ambivert? Knowing your personality type is a good thing because that will make it easy for you to understand your reactions and feelings. Let’s first look at what ambiverts and omniverts are… Who Is An Ambivert? Ambiverts is a personality
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décembre 27, 2021Like

Queensway Health Centre Plans Expansion Project In Canada

Trillium Health Partners (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada) is adding a 9-story patient tower at its Queensway Health Centre in Toronto. The 600,000-square-foot project will house 350 beds and will connect to the existing hospital complex via a pedestrian corridor. Features of the tower will include patient rooms with private washrooms, therapy gyms, two courtyards, and outdoor walking loops. A rooftop terrace for staff and patients is also planned. Stantec (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) has been selected to provide architectural, interior design, and
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décembre 27, 2021Like

The road to recovery

It’s easy to beat ourselves up over relapses when it comes to eating disorders, but it’s all a unique journey. Here we share essential tips to help you through the rough patches of recovery Recovering from an eating disorder is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. When we start our journeys into the hellfire that recovery can often feel like, we begin by envisioning this journey to be linear – onwards and upwards! We imagine things
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décembre 26, 2021Like

Start Off Your New Year’s Goals Right With These Stylish Athleisure Pieces From Athleta

When a new year comes, so do a lot of new goals. Whether you’re starting to work out again, try new things outside of your comfort zone, or even treating yourself kinder, there are a few things you can do now to prepare. And another good thing about the end of a year is the shockingly discounted end-of-the-year sales at every store. This time around, we’re swooning over some affordable Athleta gear you can get your hands on by the
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décembre 26, 2021Like

Missing Someone? Here’s What To Do When You Are Missing someone!

Missing someone is a feeling we have all experienced and how. It’s one of the worst feelings and you keep wondering how you can stop missing someone? Everything around you might remind you of that special someone you are missing. What to do when you are missing someone? I am sure you must have tried to get this feeling off of you but their memories come flashing back right? I always struggle with managing my feelings and emotions when I
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décembre 26, 2021Like

‘I Can’t Wake Up In The Morning’: What Does It Mean And Tips To Make Your Mornings Easier

Your alarm goes off and with the usual groaning, you open your eyes – but then your body and mind refuse to wake up. You feel it is extremely impossible to get out of bed in the morning…physically and mentally. There are days when all of us just want to curl up deeper in our blankets, refusing to get up. But when this urge to keep sleeping or not get out of bed in the morning persists, then it’s something
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décembre 26, 2021Like

Is it normal to worry about my health?

We’re thinking about our health more than ever, but there comes a point when anxiety about health in itself can become a problem Over the past couple of years, the topic of health has become front and centre in our minds. As the Coronavirus pandemic spread, so, of course, did our fear. This is natural – there are very few of us who can be unfazed by a virus of this scale. As awareness and media coverage increased, more of
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décembre 25, 2021Like

A Little Uncoordinated? Well, This Innovative Jump Rope on Amazon Takes Tripping Out of the Equation

One, two, three — then you trip over the jump rope, disrupting your cardio. Jumping rope can be a great way to get your blood pumping and heart-rate up — it doesn’t require a trip to the gym, it costs much, much less than a Peloton and doesn’t take up any space. However, it’s less ideal of an exercise when you can’t keep up with the swinging rope and constantly have to start and stop your workouts. It can be
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décembre 25, 2021Like

Raised By A Narcissistic Parent? Identify The Signs, Its Effects, And How To Heal From The Trauma

One of the purest relationships in the world, the bond between a parent and child, is unbreakable. Parents are the first with whom we form attachments and parents are with whom we fight the most – especially during our teenage years. Unfortunately for some people, who are raised by narcissistic parents, the drama in a parent-child relationship can have a more profound implication than others. People who struggle with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), often show symptoms such as having a
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décembre 24, 2021Like

Start 2022 on the Right Foot with These Affordable Gratitude Journals & Kick Off a New Habit

The 2020s have been an insane time. There have been steep highs and extremely low lows. It’s been tough to live in this time of uncertainty, and being grateful for anything can seem like a stretch while living a life that might look so different from your 2019 reality. If you are reticent to plan anything in this constantly changing world, we recommend starting a new New Year’s resolution. So let’s kick off 2022 like you may have never done
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