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octobre 25, 2021Like

‘Down to My Last Diaper’: The Anxiety of Parenting in Poverty

By Jenny Gold, Kaiser Health News For parents living in poverty, “diaper math » is a familiar and distressingly pressing daily calculation. Babies in the U.S. go through six to 10 disposable diapers a day, at an average cost of $70 to $80 a month. Name-brand diapers with high-end absorption sell for as much as a half a dollar each, and can result in upwards of $120 a month in expenses. One in every three American families cannot afford enough diapers
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octobre 25, 2021Like

Thinking About Getting a Tummy Tuck? What to Know Before Going Under the Knife.

Kim Cressell had a tummy tuck after her third pregnancy at the age of 36. « I am happy I had it because my post-pregnancy belly never went back down to normal, » Cressell said. But there were elements of the surgery Cressell didn’t anticipate. « While the procedure was explained to me by the surgeon, there was little talk of the post-surgery and what that experience would be like, » she explained. For instance, for a week after the surgery she had two
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octobre 25, 2021Like

Coming Out As Transgender: Everything You Need to Know

Knowing when or how to come out as trans can be scary. It can also be very liberating if you’re ready to do it. Embracing who you are, and then having the courage to communicate that to those closest to you can be very empowering.  The most important thing to know about coming out as trans is there is no right or wrong way to do it. There’s no “one way” to come out. At the end of the day,
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octobre 25, 2021Like

The Different Types of Gender Identity

Gender identity is often misunderstood. It’s not the same thing as sexual identity. The simplest way to think about it is that it’s the gender you identify as — on the inside — whether you’re male, female, neither or even both. Gender identification exists on a wide spectrum, and you may change how you identify over time.  Learn more about what gender identity is, the different gender identities there are, and how identity differs from gender expression. You’ll also find
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octobre 25, 2021Like

Gender Identity vs. Gender Expression: What’s the Difference?

The difference between gender identity and gender expression can be confusing for some. Many people just lump the idea of gender into one, overarching concept. When in reality, we must be thinking of gender as something that’s three separate subjects — gender identity and expression and physical sex.  There is a difference in gender identity vs gender expression, and it’s important for us to explore this concept. At the highest level, the differences between gender identity and gender expression have
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octobre 25, 2021Like

PHOTO TOUR: M Physicians Broadway Family Medicine Clinic

Due to lack of access to care in the Near North neighborhood of Minneapolis—a diverse, low-income community—University of Minnesota Physicians (M Physicians; Minneapolis) wanted to offer a freestanding clinic that would engage the community and promote wellness. A former CVS site was transformed into the new location, named M Physicians Broadway Family Medicine Clinic. It’s now one of only two clinics that serve the entire north side of Minneapolis. Situated in a large, visible shopping plaza with parking, the clinic
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octobre 25, 2021Like

University Of Missouri To Open Precision Health Building

The University of Missouri (MU; Columbia, Mo.) is opening the Roy Blunt NextGen Precision Health Building, which will anchor the NextGen Precision Health initiative on the MU campus in Columbia. The initiative aims to accelerate innovations in precision health that improve health outcomes for Missourians and the world. The nearly $214 million, 265,000-square-foot NextGen Precision Health Building will house research and clinical space focusing on cancer, vascular, and neurological diseases. MU’s NextGen Precision Health Initiative will span across all four
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octobre 25, 2021Like

Moms Need More Support: National HealthyWomen Survey Reveals Postpartum Mental Health Is Not Properly Addressed During Critical Time for Mom

October 26, 2021 – HealthyWomen, the nation’s leading independent, nonprofit health resource for women, today announced the results from a national survey of more than 1,000 U.S. adults, sponsored by Sage Therapeutics, Inc., that exposes the realities of maternal mental health and the urgency to help moms put a support system into place during the fourth trimester (the first 12 weeks after a baby is born) – a critical postpartum time frame. According to a recent report from the Centers
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octobre 25, 2021Like

What is Electroconvulsive Therapy? How and Why Is It Used?

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) uses electric current to treat a mental illness. It is used when patients stop responding to their medications or psychotherapy/talk therapy. Did you know electroconvulsive therapy has a 70 to 90 percent success rate? It has been recorded that when you are taking ECT with prescribed medications it is going to make a significant difference in your health ( about 90%).  If you undergo ECT while you are not on medication then the efficacy is around 60
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octobre 25, 2021Like

5 ways to help a friend who is in a mental health crisis

It’s always hard to see a friend in distress, so, here, we’re exploring the steps you can take to be there for them during difficult times When a close friend is having a mental health crisis, it’s understandable to feel an array of powerful emotions such as fear, shock, confusion, or sadness. Perhaps they have been hospitalised because they are not safe or able to manage right now, or they are now working closely with a mental health team. Regardless
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octobre 24, 2021Like

20 Signs For You To Know What Does A Good Therapist Look Like

Therapy is a journey that is not easy to travel and navigate through. When we talk about mental health therapy, it’s a process that requires immense trust and effort on your and your therapist’s end to make the therapy a success. Each therapist brings different personality traits, skills, and backgrounds to the table. Not every therapist has the same skills or knowledge, however, the one thing that should remain common is the relationship between the client and the therapist. The
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octobre 24, 2021Like

Unresolved Trauma: Signs and Much More!

There are so many of us who are struggling every day because of unresolved trauma. We all have different thresholds for pain and suffering. Therefore, something that is slightly traumatizing for you can be extremely tormenting for some else. Most of us have been through a traumatizing event at some point in our lives. We often deal with it in a healthy manner but sometimes they can remain unresolved. Those unresolved traumas can take a toll on our lives. Our
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