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octobre 22, 2021Like

8 in 10 employers have seen an increase in staff disclosing mental health problems

Following the pandemic, new research has revealed an increase in the number of employees disclosing mental health problems to HR leaders In research commissioned by employee experience platform Benefex, a series of online interviews with more than 200 employers has revealed that 87% have seen an increase in the numbers of employees disclosing mental health problems, including 82% seeing staff reporting feelings of loneliness in greater numbers, too. Of course, this news does not come entirely as a surprise, with
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octobre 22, 2021Like

Why Am I Crying For No Reason? Here’s Why!

You lie in your bed at night, ready to sleep, but then you feel a tear roll down your cheeks, and then suddenly you’re crying your eyes out for no apparent reason? Ever happened to you? Well, let me tell you one thing. Many people feel like crying when they watch sad movies, read emotional books, or when they hear sad news but some people may cry for no reason at all. Crying for no reason at all is more
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octobre 22, 2021Like

3 breathing exercises to reduce anxiety

A deep breath can work wonders for your wellbeing, so to help you get into this beneficial practice, we share three intentional breathing techniques that can help soothe stressed minds, and induce calm Pursed lip breathing This technique is all about taking your time and being intentional with every breath. Slowing down your breathing can be particularly helpful for those who experience shortness of breath, by regaining control and making every breath more effective. By taking these mindful, deep, slow
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octobre 22, 2021Like

What is cyclothymia?

With the help of a counselling psychologist, we explore the lesser-known mental health condition of cyclothymia Throughout our lives, our mental health will naturally fluctuate as we face challenges, as well as periods of joy and happiness. While this is a normal, natural thing, for some people this cycle is more extreme, and they find that their moods can change rapidly, impacting both their own everyday lives and their relationships with others. Here, with the help of counselling psychologist, Michelle
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octobre 21, 2021Like

This Practice from BDSM Should Be Part of Everyone’s Sex Lives — No Matter How You Play!

Happy Kinktober! Originally created as an event to share and create art, Kinktober has evolved into a celebration of all things kinky among sexuality educators and various kink communities. And when kink comes to play, there is automatically an understanding for the need of aftercare. Kink, when it comes to sexuality, is considered any practices, desires and fantasies that are considered “nonconventional.” During these unconventional practices there can be moments of power exchange, dominance, submission, pain and of course lots
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octobre 21, 2021Like

A 10 Minute Morning Stretching Routine That’ll Improve Your Whole Day

Mornings are, well, mornings. Sometimes mornings are welcomed, or, at least tolerated, and other days, not so much. Sore back, cranky mood, not enough coffee. You know the drill. So how do you shake it off and start the morning differently with a little more energy and less ‘tude? Stretching. Including some stretching in your mornings can help invigorate your body and mood for the day. “Stretching first thing in the morning is a great way to jump-start your day,”
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octobre 21, 2021Like

How to Feel Sexy When You Just Plain Don’t

Some days are bad days. Maybe it was dark and rainy when you woke up. Maybe you hit the wine a little hard last night, and you’re feeling bloated (and, not to mention, headache-y). Maybe you’ve been going through something lately. But no matter the reason, you’ve encountered some kind of bad day and it might make you feel less than in love with your body. And when a bad day comes, you want something, anything, to make you feel
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octobre 21, 2021Like

September Policy Roundup

1. Advancing NIH Research on the Health of Women HealthyWomen is working to inform the National Institute of Health’s (NIH) upcoming meeting « Advancing NIH Research on the Health of Women: A 2021 Conference » by providing comments on the effort. HealthyWomen identified major challenges and opportunities that exist to address rising maternal morbidity and mortality rates, chronic debilitating conditions in women and stagnant cervical cancer survival rates. We also included the stories of real women who have been affected by these
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octobre 21, 2021Like

Short-Sleepers Are More Likely to Suffer From Irregular and Heavy Periods

By Kat Kennedy, University of Arizona and Sara Nowakowski, Baylor College of Medicine The Research Brief is a short take about interesting academic work. The big idea Menstruating women who sleep less than six hours a night tend to suffer heavier and irregular periods. That is the conclusion from our new study, which was recently published in the Journal of Sleep Research. We found that those who got less than six hours of sleep on average nightly were 44% more
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octobre 21, 2021Like

Decades of Hype Turned Protein Into a Superfood – and Spawned a Multibillion-Dollar Industry

By Hannah Cutting-Jones, University of Oregon Do you ever blend up a protein smoothie for breakfast, or grab a protein bar following an afternoon workout? If so, you are likely among the millions of people in search of more protein-rich diets. Protein-enriched products are ubiquitous, and these days it seems protein can be infused into anything – even water. But the problem, as Kristi Wempen, a nutritionist at Mayo Clinic, points out, is that “contrary to all the hype that
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octobre 21, 2021Like

Elektra Health’s 2021 Menopause Taboo Smashers

Earlier this week, Elektra Health, the menopause care and education organization, announced its list of 2021 « Menopause Taboo Smashers. » I am beyond honored to be included as a menopause advocate alongside such visionary leaders as Dr. Cindy Duke, Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, Margaret Cho, Omisade Burney-Scott and other fierce female trailblazers who break taboos and redefine what is possible for women experiencing menopause. What an incredibly fitting way to celebrate World Menopause Day, which was this past Monday. As a
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octobre 21, 2021Like

East Tennessee Children’s Hospital Adds Pediatric Urgent Care

East Tennessee Children’s Hospital (Knoxville, Tenn.) opened a new pediatric urgent care in Alcoa, Tenn., according to an article in The Daily Times. The Blount Outpatient Center will treat patients from newborn to 21 years, offering urgent care and pediatric after-hours care.
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