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octobre 21, 2021Like

Take 5 With Victoria Nichols

In this series, Healthcare Design asks leading healthcare design professionals, firms, and owners to tell us what’s got their attention and share some ideas on the subject. Victoria Nichols, a partner at ZGF Architects’ Seattle office, leads the firm’s national healthcare practice. Here she shares her thoughts on remote work, impacts to frontline staff, and leveraging acuity adaptability to address future flexibility.      1. Engaging users in new ways Work hasn’t stopped in the last 18 months; in fact,
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octobre 21, 2021Like

Is Coffee Good For Mental Health? Explore The Hidden Benefits Of Caffeine

Caffeine is probably one of the few beverages that have a complex relationship with our overall health. Coffee, one of the most consumed caffeinated beverages in the world, is not only high in antioxidants but can also help in preventing many serious health diseases. For many people, coffee is just a caffeinated beverage they consume to fulfill their body’s caffeine needs but what we don’t realize is that coffee has many hidden benefits and can be good for mental health.
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octobre 21, 2021Like

Women’s Diagnostic Center Opens In Alabama

Troy Regional Medical Center (TRMC; Troy, Ala.) has added a new Women’s Diagnostic Center to its open MRI facility in Troy, according to an article in The women’s center will bring a variety of services, including Tomo 3-D mammography, bone densitometry, and stereotactic breast biopsy, under one roof.
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octobre 21, 2021Like

Acrophobia Or The Fear Of Heights: Definition, Triggers, Causes, & How To Cope

Acrophobia can be described as an intense fear of heights that causes sudden panic and anxiety in people who struggle with this phobia. Acrophobia might be one of the most common phobias, according to researchers. While it’s normal to feel discomfort when in high places like standing over a cliff or at the top of a skyscraper, however, these feelings may not cause sudden panic or make one avoid heights completely. People with acrophobia might feel fear and anxiety even
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octobre 21, 2021Like

What is flexible masculinity and how can it aid wellbeing?

It’s time to take down toxic masculinity for good; here we explore a healthier, more flexible alternative that can aid coping and wellbeing The winds of social change have blown in a plethora of views on what masculinity should look like in modern society. These different perspectives can cause confusion; should I be stoic or emotionally expressive, the drill sergeant or the shoulder to cry on? This lack of clarity can cause confusion when coping with one’s own psychological distress.
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octobre 20, 2021Like

Retirement Isn’t Slowing Down Olympic Ski Champ Lindsey Vonn One Bit

Lindsey Vonn built her career — and her legacy — on going full speed ahead. When the American alpine skier retired in 2019 at age 34, she did so as the most decorated woman ever to step into skis, with three Olympic medals, four World Cup overall championships, eight World Championship medals, and a whopping 82 World Cup victories to her name. Even off the slopes, Vonn’s M.O. is non-stop action. Just take a peek at her Instagram bio: “Former
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octobre 20, 2021Like

These Products Really Support Breast Cancer Awareness

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Of course, you probably already know this: The store shelves are lined with pink towels, appliances, clothes and cosmetics; athletes are wearing pink jerseys, pink hats, pink shoes and pink socks; and many have pink ribbons firmly attached to their lapels. But Breast Cancer Awareness Month is about more than a color. It is about focusing attention on one of the deadliest forms of cancer in America and the world. That said, incidence rates
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octobre 20, 2021Like

White House Announces Plan to Vaccinate Children Ages 5 to 11 for COVID-19

For families with mixed-vaxx occupants who have struggled navigating re-opening public spaces with younger children who are still ineligible for COVID-19 vaccines, the timeline for getting all their kids fully dosed is something they are eagerly awaiting. Luckily, we may be closing in on a timeline with the latest drop from the White House about distribution of vaccines to kids age 5 to 11 — with expectations of when children in that age range can get appointments, information on the
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octobre 20, 2021Like

What Causes OCD to Get Worse?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common mental health condition that affects more than 1% of the population, according to the American Psychiatric Association (APA). It can alter lives by causing unwanted thoughts and obsessions that are repetitive in nature and difficult to manage. Trauma, stress, and abuse all can be a cause of OCD getting worse.  OCD causes intense urges to complete a task or perform a ritual. For those who have the condition, obsessions and compulsions can begin to
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octobre 20, 2021Like

What Is a Child Psychiatrist

A child psychiatrist is a physician who focuses on the mental health of children and adolescents up through the age of 18 years. They also work with families, and their main focus is on diagnosing and treating mental health conditions that affect how young people think, feel, and act. Child psychiatrists are trained to assess and treat sociocultural, biological, behavioral, psychodynamic, and familial issues relating to children and adolescents.  Psychiatry is a specialized field of medicine that encompasses a wide
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octobre 20, 2021Like

Seriously Magical Sex Toys for the Crystal-Loving Witchy Types

When your sex life is good (like dope orgasms with someone you care about, post-game boneless glow, write to the groupchat about it good), you might start to think it’s pretty darn magical. Yes, we’re talking about the magical and mystical parts of sex — and how to manifest the best orgasms and outcomes using the power of intimacy. You don’t need to be a witch to benefit from the mind, body and spiritual benefits of a witchy sex life.
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