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octobre 20, 2021Like

6 Best Sleep Masks for a Better Night’s Rest

What you wear and don’t wear to bed could affect how well you rest. And it’s important to catch your Zzz’s: Health Canada’s official recommendation is that everybody aims to get at least seven to nine hours of shut-eye each night. While individual needs vary, the world’s largest sleep study supports this general guideline. Research in the journal Sleep found that people who consistently hit this range of sleep duration have healthier brain function than those who get lessor even
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octobre 20, 2021Like

‘They Treat Me Like I’m Old and Stupid’: Seniors Decry Health Providers’ Age Bias

By Judith Graham, Kaiser Health News Joanne Whitney, 84, a retired associate clinical professor of pharmacy at the University of California-San Francisco, often feels devalued when interacting with health care providers. There was the time several years ago when she told an emergency room doctor that the antibiotic he wanted to prescribe wouldn’t counteract the kind of urinary tract infection she had. He wouldn’t listen, even when she mentioned her professional credentials. She asked to see someone else, to no
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octobre 20, 2021Like

Children With Disabilities Face Special Back-to-School Challenges

By Heidi de Marco, Kaiser Health News LOS ANGELES — Christopher Manzo, a boy with curly brown hair and bright-blue-and-yellow glasses, has lived a third of his five years at home because of the pandemic. And he is more than ready for kindergarten. Hand in hand with his mother, Martha Manzo, he walks into the Blind Children’s Center, a low-rise building nestled among apartment complexes in East Hollywood. In the brightly colored hallway, filled with paintings of animals, Manzo kneels
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octobre 20, 2021Like

Divorcing a Narcissist: What to Expect

Narcissism, or narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), is a personality disorder that results in someone having an intense, inflated sense of self-importance. A narcissist typically needs more attention than anyone else around them, and they often have a striking lack of empathy for others.  Beyond this, a narcissist often has trouble with relationships. As a result of that deep need for undying admiration, narcissists can easily find their relationships unfulfilling due to narcissistic behavior. These struggles typically trickle into every area
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octobre 20, 2021Like

Does Online Therapy Work?

Online therapy has become more popular than ever. High efficacy rates, convenience, and increased stress and anxiety across society have all contributed to the influx of people who are turning to this alternative form of counseling.  Have you been wondering is online therapy effective or how does online counseling work? Keep reading as we explore this form of self-help and the rewarding benefits of therapy. What is Online Therapy? Online therapy is exactly what it sounds like — telehealth therapy
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octobre 20, 2021Like

Clinically Speaking: Questions to Ask Your Healthcare Provider (HCP) About Osteoporosis

Medically reviewed by Dr. Risa Kagan Osteoporosis is a medical condition that causes your bones to become brittle and fragile as a result of losing bone tissue, and it’s one of the most common health conditions that women experience. In fact, one in two women will break a bone in their lifetime as a result of the disease. That makes it a far higher risk than for breast cancer, heart attack and stroke — combined. And women are far more
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octobre 20, 2021Like

Let’s Talk About Osteoporosis

Did you know that one in two women will break a bone in their lifetime as a result of osteoporosis? That makes the condition, which causes bones to become brittle and fragile, a greater risk than breast cancer, heart attack and stroke — combined. At HealthyWomen, we want to help you better understand osteoporosis, why it’s more common in women than men, and the questions you should ask your healthcare provider about prevention, treatment, tests and more. While women who
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octobre 20, 2021Like

Dating Someone With OCD: What to Expect & How to Help

Let’s face it. Dating can be hard. There are ups and downs in any relationship, and if it’s going to work out, you need to be willing to put in the work. If you’re dating someone with OCD, you might have to put in a little bit of extra effort to build your relationship. The good news is that many people learn how to nurture thriving partnerships when someone they love has OCD.  Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is fairly common. In
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octobre 20, 2021Like

University Of Iowa Health Care To Develop New Hospital Campus

University of Iowa Health Care (Iowa City, Iowa) broke ground on a new hospital campus in Liberty, Iowa, according to an article in Situated on 60 acres, the $395 million, 469,000-square-foot project will include 48 inpatient beds, 21 emergency care rooms, 16 operating rooms (ORs), two procedure rooms, laboratories, and outpatient clinics. It is slated for completion in 2025.
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octobre 20, 2021Like

4 Detached Retina Symptoms that Indicate a Serious Eye Problem

You’re minding your own business when, seemingly out of nowhere, you start to see tons of small, dark spots and squiggly lines floating across your field of vision. What gives?You’ve likely had eye floaters before, but this looks different. It could be a symptom of a detached or detaching retina, and you should see your eye doctor ASAP to find out what is going on, says Julia Haller, MD, ophthalmologist in chief of Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia.(Related:6 Eye Doctor-Approved
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octobre 20, 2021Like

What You Need to Know About Uterine Fibroids

Medically reviewed by Dr. Mary Jane Minkin
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octobre 20, 2021Like

How Women of All Ages Can Prevent Osteoporosis

Medically reviewed by Dr. Andrea Singer Drink milk to make your bones grow big and strong. That’s the message that’s been fed to us since we were children, reinforced by cardboard milk cartons at school and the popular « Got milk? » advertising campaign. If only it were that simple. As women get older, they become at greater risk of developing osteoporosis. Of the approximately 10 million people who have osteoporosis in the United States, 8 million are women. While women who
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