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janvier 8, 2022Like

4 key ways to cut your carbon footprint

We’re helping you find your feet when it comes to going green, with these simple ways to reduce your carbon footprint Undoubtedly there’s been a lot of talk about climate change recently, from the COP26 summit to activists like Greta Thunberg taking to the streets to protest, and demanding the leaders of the world commit to action. Hearing about climate change might prompt eco-anxiety, or worry that you don’t know what you can do to help. It might feel like
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janvier 8, 2022Like

‘My Depression Is Getting Worse. What Can I Do?’ Signs, Prevention Tips, And More

Living with depression means having highs and lows. Some days you feel lighter or more like yourself but on the other days, you feel like you’re shouldering the heaviest of the burdens without any hope of feeling good again. As a fighter and survivor of depression, I can tell you that even today I’m fighting when the bad days come knocking on my door. While my symptoms of depression might look a lot different than yours, doesn’t mean you’re not
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janvier 8, 2022Like

The Masks You Should Be Wearing to Protect You & Your Family From Omicron, According to Experts

As the coronavirus pandemic enters its newest phase, a surge in cases of the Omicron variant (a highly transmissible version of the virus with multiple mutations), the tools we need to keep ourselves and our families safe have evolved a bit. So, yes, that means the masks you may have been wearing in early 2020 and beyond may or may not be the right fit for keeping safe in 2022.   For starters, we’re not going to be doing the
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janvier 7, 2022Like

Quick — Snag Some Discounted Exercise Equipment To Fulfill Your 2022 Fitness Goals

New year, new exercise regimen. 2022 is finally here, and we’re not too bummed about waving goodbye to 2021 and starting fresh. Whether you believe in the concept of New Year’s Resolutions or not, self-care and improvement can happen at any time. So why not start off 2022 on a pleasant note and prioritize your overall health? Instead of spending hundreds of dollars for a gym membership from a gym across town, turn your home into a little gym of
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janvier 7, 2022Like

5 Tips for Talking With a Psychiatrist For the First Time

Apprehension about talking to a psychiatrist for the first time is absolutely normal. It’s even expected — and not necessarily discouraged — by mental health professionals. You should be commended for the willingness and strength it takes to approach this often-avoided, important part of your life. You’re ready to focus on self-care and exploration.  Research shows that 1 out of 5 Americans will experience a mental health condition each year. Additionally, 1 out of 25 live with a serious mental
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janvier 7, 2022Like

5 Common Myths About IUDs, Debunked

An intrauterine system (IUS), also known as an intrauterine device (IUD), is a small, T-shaped piece of plastic inserted into the uterus to help prevent pregnancy. Many people are confused about how IUDs work, which has caused some myths to persist. Although not exactly known, IUDs are thought to work by stopping sperm from fertilizing an egg and preventing fertilized eggs from implanting in the uterus. However, despite the efficacy of IUDs, there is still a lot of misinformation circulating
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janvier 7, 2022Like

What is Interpersonal Therapy?

Interpersonal therapy (IPT) is a type of talk therapy (also known as psychotherapy) that helps relieve symptoms by focusing on interpersonal functioning and relationships. Rather than looking at events, trauma, and developmental issues from your past, interpersonal psychotherapy focuses on current relationships and issues you’re experiencing.  There are some fundamental basics of IPT, including: A focused timeframe (typically 12 to 16 weeks)Addressing relationships you currently haveFocusing on communication and interpersonal relationshipsA goal of improving social support and interpersonal functioningCan be
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janvier 7, 2022Like

7 Subtle Signs That You’re in a Toxic Relationship

Look, no relationship and no person are perfect. Navigating through life as a couple is tough stuff — but that totally doesn’t give someone a free pass to manipulate you or treat you like crap. Toxicity in your relationship can be a deeply upsetting thing to have to grapple with — determining whether you’re having regular relationship conflicts or something worse, however can be difficult. Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between normal relationship issues and truly toxic habits.
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janvier 7, 2022Like

What is a Psychiatrist?

A psychiatrist is someone who specializes in the field of mental health. Psychiatrists, unlike a therapist or a clinical psychologist, go through medical school to earn a medical degree with additional training in psychiatry. They understand and can assess and treat both mental health as well as physical conditions.  “Psychiatrists are doctors with additional training and fellowship to care for your brain and help with emotional and behavioral struggles.” Talkspace Psychiatrist Muhammad Munir, MD A psychiatrist is a mental health
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janvier 7, 2022Like

Life with ulcerative colitis: Beth’s story

Beth’s passion for wellbeing and natural skincare inspired her to channel her creativity into a new business, and, fortunately, helped her to manage symptoms when she endured inflammatory bowel disease flare-ups I grew up in Sandbanks, Dorset, right by the sea, and have always felt like I was destined to do something creative to help people. I have more than 10 years’ experience in the beauty industry, and have been in love with natural skincare for even longer. I literally
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janvier 7, 2022Like

The 6 Foods to Avoid If You Experience Joint Pain

Chronic pain caused by arthritis affects millions of people in the United States every year. In fact, about one in four adults with arthritis (15 million people) report experiencing severe joint pain related to arthritis and nearly half of adults with arthritis have persistent pain. If you’re one of those people, you may have tried just about everything to help ease some of the joint pain – from yoga poses and stretches to using the Mediterranean diet, which has been
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janvier 7, 2022Like

$58M Neurosciences Center Planned For California

Sharp Grossmont Hospital in La Mesa, Calif., is building a new neurosciences center in La Mesa, according to an article in The San Diego Union-Tribune. The $58 million project will centralize care for patients with neurological conditions and will include 50 inpatient beds. An additional surgical annex with more operating rooms that feature robotic and imaging technology are planned for a future phase. Construction is expected to start in fall 2022. The post $58M Neurosciences Center Planned For California first
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