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janvier 7, 2022Like

The Influence Of Peer Pressure On Teenagers: How To Cope With Teen Peer Pressure

You’re told to do something you’re not comfortable with or would not do otherwise, just to feel like you belong among your peers, which is described as ‘peer pressure’. We go along with this behavior because we want to fit in with others. Peer pressure is when you’re influenced by others’ words or actions to engage in a behavior or activity that you might feel uncomfortable doing. Peer pressure is not just for teenagers. Often, peers are considered as friends
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janvier 7, 2022Like

Healthcare Design Launches 2022 A/E/C Survey

Healthcare Design is once again taking the industry’s pulse with our 2022 A/E/C Survey. This time, the magazine will dig into the details on how healthcare architecture, engineering, and construction firms from across the U.S. fared in 2021. From the size and cost of projects completed to the primary drivers behind new projects, A/E/C firms will be asked to share an inside look at how the industry performed last year and amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The data reported from
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janvier 7, 2022Like

Ethnic minority workers are paid 84% of what their white counterparts receive

New research highlights the extent of the ethnic pay gaps, and shines a light on the mental health impact In research from non-profit networking organisation People Like Us and Censuswide, findings revealed that workers from Black, Asian, mixed-race, and minority ethnic backgrounds are being paid, on average, 84% of what their white counterparts earn. Two-thirds of respondents said that they had reason to believe that a white colleague doing the same job as them was on a higher salary, and
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janvier 7, 2022Like

‘Why Do I Feel So Guilty All The Time?’ It Could Be Your Guilt Complex Talking!

List of Contents What Is A Guilt Complex?Signs Of Having A Guilt ComplexWhat Causes Guilt Complex?The Types Of Guilt ComplexWhat To Do About Your Guilt Complex? I know why you’re here. It’s because of the nagging feeling of guilt over leaving your loved one’s chat unanswered or that worry over being called out for something you said in yesterday’s meeting or something similar, isn’t it? This constant anxiety and dread that you live with are called having a “guilt complex”.
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janvier 6, 2022Like

How to Fix Trust Issues in a Relationship

Trust is an issue in our society. According to the Pew Research Center, close to 71% of Americans believe people have less interpersonal confidence in one another today than they did two decades ago. What does this mean for relationships? Unfortunately, trust can be an issue there, too.    Knowing how to deal with trust issues in a relationship can be challenging. Whether you’re the one who has the issues with trust or you’re dealing with a partner who has them,
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janvier 6, 2022Like

Too Depressed to Get Out of Bed? 11 Encouraging Tips

It’s normal to occasionally feel overwhelmed, stressed, and down. Everyone feels blue and in a low mood to some extent at some point in their life. What’s not normal, however, is experiencing what feels like can’t get out of bed depression for a long period of time. This is a mental health problem that can affect your ability to take on the day. If you’re in that place right now and experiencing this type of depression, we’ve got some tips
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janvier 6, 2022Like

A Focus Group About You, Your Health and Your Needs

Here at HealthyWomen, we’ve got you on our minds. Our goal is to provide you with the highest-quality information we can about the health topics that affect you most. We’re always looking to improve what we do, so we created this focus group to help us get to know you better and learn what information you want and need to be at your healthiest. Your participation will guide us as we continue to refine and improve the content we create.
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janvier 6, 2022Like

Mount Carmel Plans New Medical Campus  In Ohio

Mount Carmel Health System (Columbus, Ohio) is building a new medical campus in Dublin, Ohio, according to an article in The Columbus Dispatch. The project’s first phase will include a 140,000-square-foot, 30-bed hospital and 50,000 square feet of medical offices. A future phase will add 50,000 square feet and a fourth floor to the hospital, with room for 30 more beds, and 40,000 square feet of medical offices. The post Mount Carmel Plans New Medical Campus  In Ohio first appeared
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janvier 6, 2022Like

Gynecological Procedures Can Be a Real Pain

As Sarah*, 32, suffered through pain during a colposcopy — a procedure to examine the cervix, vagina and vulva for possible cervical cancer — the healthcare provider (HCP) performing the procedure delivered a comment Sarah said she’ll never forget. “These are the things we’re expected to go through as women.” The doctor had been kind and comforting during the entire procedure, and Sarah understood the doctor was trying to be sympathetic, but she was stunned by the words. “The women
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janvier 6, 2022Like

How to navigate fitness without subscribing to diet culture

If prioritising your physical health is a goal for you this year, avoiding the pitfalls of diet culture can feel tough. Here we explore how to do it with compassion and integrity We all know how January can feel. Facing an onslaught of ‘New Year, New You’ messaging set against brutal workout plans, diet ads and promises of radical transformation can be overwhelming for many. For those of us with a history of disordered eating and body image issues, it
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janvier 6, 2022Like

Dignity Health St. Joseph’s Medical Center Expansion In Process

Dignity Health St. Joseph’s Medical Center is planning an expansion in Stockton, Calif., according to an article in Becker’s Hospital Review. The project includes a 331,000-square-foot inpatient acute care hospital with 24 intensive care unit (ICU) beds, 120 inpatient beds, and a 70-station emergency department (ED), Plans also call for an expanded operating suite and support spaces, a new central utility plant, additional parking, and up to two new heliports. The project is expected to be completed in the 5-7
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janvier 6, 2022Like

Feeling Sad On My Birthday’ | Here’s What You Need To Know About Birthday Depression

When we think of birthday celebrations we often imagine confetti, cake, drinks, and lots of cheer and while birthdays are a happy occasion, there is a small majority of people who feel depressed and sad (more than usual) when their birthday nears. Birthday depression or birthday blues is a real problem that can make one feel apathetic, sad, indifferent on the days leading up to their birthday celebration. Instead of feeling happy, joyous, and cheerful, people struggling with birthday depression
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