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Blog – Lire les derniers articles

octobre 17, 2021Like

The Lone Wolf: Who Is He? The Sigma Male Personality Traits You Need To Know

Alphas are the leaders, betas are the followers, and omegas are the ones who prefer to stay unique and independent. Each male personality is different but each of them has one thing in common, can you guess? On the socio-sexual hierarchy, each personality has a role to play. From Alpha to omega, the roles are defined but what about the ones who dance to the beat of their drum? Who are they and where do they belong on the hierarchy?
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octobre 17, 2021Like

“I Feel Empty”: Why Do You Feel This Way And How To Stop Feeling Empty

‘I feel empty inside’ Have you ever had this thought? Felt a void inside you that you don’t know how it came about? This feeling of emptiness inside you doesn’t have a definition, someone may describe it as sadness, others as dread or a little of both. Feeling empty isn’t uncommon and almost all of us have felt this at some point in our lives. Whether to like to believe it or not, this feeling is real and valid. And
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octobre 17, 2021Like

7 habits that will change your life

We share the little life hacks that help us feel our best every day What’s the secret to a happy life? OK, we don’t know the answer to that – in fact, we don’t think there is just one. But while there’s no magic formula to achieving a blissful existence, there are daily habits we believe can truly help us feel good in ourselves, and make a positive change in the long-term… Nail your AM routine Set your alarm for
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octobre 17, 2021Like

Having A BAD Mental Health Day? 7 Self-tried Ways To Beat It

We all experience bad days in our lives and there is no denial or escape from this fact. But have you really found yourself experiencing a bad mental health day? Yes, a Bad Mental Health Day (you read it right!). Life is full of ups and downs. The ups part you are very well acquainted with ways to savor them but what about the downs? On days when you are emotionally drained and mentally exhausted, what do you do on
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octobre 16, 2021Like

Work Boundaries Are Important Too & Here’s How To Set Healthy Boundaries At Work

Saying yes to almost everything work-related is tempting, isn’t it? I mean, why would you risk saying “no” and risk your reputation with your coworkers or even your manager? This habit of saying yes to almost everything at work can set you up for stress and later, burnout. By saying yes, you’re making yourself available to take on extra responsibilities (the one you probably didn’t need the additional stress of). Did you know that according to a report by Udemy,
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octobre 16, 2021Like

Demystifying Weighted Blankets: Are They Actually That Good?

Have you heard of weighted Blankets yet? If you haven’t heard of it, you have come to the right place.  This blog is all about weighted blankets, who all can benefit from it and it’s pros and cons. For those of you who know about them are reading this maybe because they are in stress and are looking for a resort. Do weighted blankets actually work? We have been seeing so many people going gaga about them. I have always
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octobre 16, 2021Like

5 Types of Boundaries You Need For Your Mental Health To Stay Protected

Advice, a mental wellness tool, and a mantra we often find crossing our path while scrolling through our phone or reading a self-help book! Especially considering the current times when we are frequently expected to be there for others, setting boundaries is what we need to maintain our sanity. But wait! Are boundaries all about saying “NO” when we are physically unavailable or there is more to it? Well, boundaries are the essence of a healthy relationship and there is
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octobre 16, 2021Like

David Harewood: Finding peace after psychosis

For more than 30 years, part of actor, writer, and director David Harewood’s life story has been obscured from his view. Now he’s discovered what really happened to his younger self, and has found peace, purpose, and liberation after coming to terms with his own experience of psychosis David Harewood is sitting in his kitchen at home in the UK, explaining he’s now happily free from quarantine after recently returning from filming in Vancouver. We’re chatting over Zoom, and seeing
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octobre 15, 2021Like

E4H Environments For Health Architecture Announces New Partners

National healthcare design firm E4H Environments for Health Architecture (Boston) has announced the appointments of Cherise Poulin and David J. Dixon to partners. Poulin will be based in the firm’s New York office and focus on launching new initiatives and marketing and business development tools. Dixon, who will be based in the firm’s Salt Lake City studio, will lead strategic growth for the firm throughout the Intermountain West region.
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octobre 15, 2021Like

6 Façons de régler 6 problèmes de mariage fréquents.

Est-ce que votre mari pense que vous êtes la meilleure ? Croyez-vous que votre mari l’est ? Croire que votre conjoint est la bombe n’est qu’une autre façon de dire : « Nous formons une super équipe, et nous sommes dans cette histoire de parents ensemble ! ». Si vous avez atteint cet état d’esprit dans votre mariage, parfait ! Si vous ne vous en sentez pas encore capable, Spécialiste vous donne 6 solutions à 6 types de problèmes conjugaux courants qui
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octobre 15, 2021Like

Estime de soi faible et excessive

Une faible estime de soi peut se manifester de différentes manières. Si vous avez une faible estime de vous-même : Vous pouvez croire que les autres sont meilleurs que vous. Vous pouvez avoir du mal à exprimer vos besoins. Vous pouvez vous concentrer sur vos faiblesses. Vous pouvez éprouver fréquemment de la peur, douter de vous-même et vous inquiéter. Vous pouvez avoir une vision négative de la vie et ressentir un manque de contrôle4. Vous pouvez avoir une peur intense
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octobre 15, 2021Like

6 Solutions pour 6 problèmes de mariage courants

Problème conjugal : Votre mari n’apprécie pas ce que vous faites à la maison. Lorsqu’il franchit la porte et jette un coup d’œil à la salle de séjour en désordre, son salut habituel est : « Alors, qu’as-tu fait de ta journée ? ». Vous êtes irritée parce qu’il n’apprécie pas votre travail à la maison et qu’en fait, il attend de vous que vous en fassiez plus pour répondre à ses besoins. Solution : Prévoyez du temps pour parler seul à
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