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octobre 15, 2021Like

The Feeling of Loneliness in a New Culture

The only permanent thing in life is change. So instead of running away from it lets embrace it wholeheartedly. A change can leave a sizeable positive or negative impact on one’s mental and physical well-being. One of the primary changes that one can experience is the process of shifting to a new country. Such a change entails a repository of challenges, adjustments, and experiences that one has to cope with. Formulating necessary strategies and healthy coping styles can help one
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octobre 15, 2021Like

What Is a Colonoscopy? Everything You Need to Know

Colonoscopies save lives. There is no disputing this fact, yet many people avoid this gold-standard screening test for colon cancera leading cause of cancer death for both men and womenbecause of its invasive nature and the less-than-pleasant prep process. Again, regular screening with colonoscopy exams can prevent colon cancer. The test allows your doctor to examine your colon (large intestine) and remove pre-cancerous polyps before they morph into cancer. These tests can also identify colon cancer earlier when the odds
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octobre 15, 2021Like

6 Eye Doctor-Approved Ways to Protect Your Eye Health

The importance of eye care When it comes to vision problems, women are more vulnerable than men. We have higher rates of all three of the top eye diseases: glaucoma (a condition involving damage to the optic nerve), macular degeneration (which degrades central vision) and cataracts (a clouding of the lens of the eye). Thats mainly because theyre age-related diseases, and statistically, women simply live longer. But certain ocular conditions are more common in young women too. Dry eye, for
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octobre 15, 2021Like

Perte et gestion du poids (1/2)

De nombreuses personnes rencontrent des difficultés dans la gestion de leur poids à un moment donné de leur vie. Les gens prennent du poids pour diverses raisons, comme le vieillissement ou à la suite d’une blessure. Si nous accumulons du poids au-delà de ce qui est considéré comme normal pour notre taille, nous courons un risque accru de problèmes de santé et de santé mentale, comme la dépression. La gestion du poids peut être un véritable défi, qu’il n’est pas
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octobre 15, 2021Like

Récupération de la conscience et de l’inconscience

Dans un contexte psychologique, le retour à un comportement antérieur ou passé est appelé régression. À ses origines, Sigmund Freud considérait la régression comme une forme de défense en cas de stress, où l’on retournait à des types de réactions antérieures, plus semblables à celles d’un enfant, pour s’en sortir. Notre abaissement se présentant comme un évènement social particulier jet-stream aide à faire survient fréquemment dans le cas touchant à irritabilité, nos lieu de vie notre pratiquons tout individu perpétuellement,
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octobre 15, 2021Like

Uncertainty Makes Us Change Our Behavior

Uncertainty motivates people to change behaviors, even when that change may not provide a better outcome. People feel a need to take some action in the face of uncertainty. In a Journal of Experimental Psychology study, researchers found “that unexpected uncertainty caused people to change their behaviors even when they would have been better off sticking to an old strategy.” They explain the trade-off describes how people often have to choose between a known positive alternative and one or more
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octobre 15, 2021Like

How to balance study and personal life?

Both study and personal life are important and necessary aspects of an individual’s life. One should know how to manage these aspects for living a fulfilling life. Prioritizing one over another can lead to a decline in academic performance as well as in the health of the individuals. Organizing plays a key role in balancing academics as well as personal life.  Tips to balance study and personal life: Plan and schedule  Planning gives us clarity of the things that we
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octobre 15, 2021Like

How to switch careers

Changing of career can be understood in various aspects such as a person changing a job from one field to another, a teenager doing a summer internship/job, an individual working into a corporate world and moving back to a family business, and so on. What is a Career Change? The concept of switching the career is one of the most important things for a career as well as career management. Over the years, the market and employees will change at
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octobre 15, 2021Like

Importance of Career Counseling in Colleges

Career counseling, earlier known as vocational guidance, came into being towards the end of the nineteenth century. It was described by historians as a ‘progressive social reform movement’. The movement in its first stage aimed mainly at job placement, but as it evolved, it was characterized by focusing societal resources on colleges and universities and the training of professional counsellors for the same.  Excelling academically gears students towards getting good grades and often leads to them developing an ignorance of
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octobre 15, 2021Like

Challenges faced by career counseling in Indian context

Advancement in global networks and technology has brought about a lot of changes in the career and job market. A lot of new and interesting career options are coming up every day. These new options often remain unrecognized, as a result of which, not a lot of research and development takes place to expand the field. Results of a survey showed that 93% of Indian students belonging to the age group 14 to 21 years were aware of just seven
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octobre 15, 2021Like

Myths and Facts about Career Counseling

All of us at some point in our lives have asked this question to ourselves:- “What do I want to do when I grow up or after my 12th std?” To help you begin your Career research we have decided to arm you with some unhelpful myths and misconceptions bought about either by unwanted anecdotes, peer pressure, family expectations, or simply by your own anxieties and insecurities about the future. Myth: Career counseling is all about getting students into elite
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octobre 15, 2021Like

Importance of Career Counseling

Career counseling is a process in which individuals are helped to understand their skills, interest, abilities, education and career options that can best suit them. School is a crucial time for kids where they are trying to figure out what career path would be best for them, helping them during this time to make an informed decision is essential. There are so many options when it comes to choosing the right subject for class 11th and 12th that kids get
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