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décembre 30, 2021Like
La crainte d’être abandonner
À l’origine de la peur de l’abandon figure souvent une perte qui a eu lieu à l’enfance. Ce chagrin peut provenir de situations traumatisantes, en l’occurrence la perte d’un parent par le biais d’un décès ou d’un divorce. Une des inquiétudes relatives du l’abandon procède continuellement d’une mort subie tombant l’enfance. Une séparation peut probablement être attachée concernant ce tournant traumatisant, telles de fait la deuil d’un descendant parce que décès mais aussi bifurcation. Cette dernière à la possibilité de
décembre 30, 2021Like
Qu’est-ce que la peur de l’abondance ?
La crainte de se retrouver en situation d’abandon provient fréquemment d’une perte subie en enfance. Il se peut que cette dernière soit un traumatisme, par exemple la perte d’un parent à la suite d’un meurtre ou de l’échec d’un mariage. Celle-ci est en mesure aussi provenir d’un faute d’attention ionique mais encore affective. Quelques expérimentations de bons services faible enfance dominent entraîner unique anxiété d’être donné des différents autres dans le futur au sein de la existance. Par quel moyen
décembre 30, 2021Like
La peur de l’abondance
La peur de l’abandon découle souvent d’une perte subie pendant l’enfance. Cette perte peut être liée à un événement traumatisant, comme la perte d’un parent par décès ou divorce. Elle peut également provenir d’un manque d’attention physique ou émotionnelle. Ces expériences de la petite enfance peuvent entraîner une peur d’être abandonné par les autres plus tard dans la vie. Comment fonctionne l’abandon Pour un développement humain sain, il faut que les besoins en soins physiques et affectifs soient satisfaits. Les
décembre 30, 2021Like
The Wellness & Nutrition Trends You’ll Be Hearing All About in 2022
Over the last two years the global pandemic has redefined what wellness means. From lockdowns that forced us to get creative to vaccines that provided us with hope for a post-pandemic world, the future of a more accessible and simplified wellness routine is looking brighter in 2022. From tracking your stress to sober-curious living, here’s a look at a few of the top wellness trends experts say we’ll be seeing in the New Year. Improving your gut health With more shek
décembre 29, 2021Like
How to Take a Guilt-Free Mental Health Day & Make the Most of It
It seems that we all can agree that if you’re not feeling well, you should stay home from work. If your nose is running, you have a fever or severe cough, calling in sick for work is a no-brainer. But why do we only allow ourselves time off for those types of “sick” and not others? (Especially now that so many of us are working full-time from home!) Mental health is just as important as physical health, and according to shek
décembre 29, 2021Like
Cause And Effect
As the COVID-19 pandemic persisted in 2021, Healthcare Design sought to discover how its ongoing effects were influencing design work and project priorities. The 2021 COVID-19 Industry Survey was launched online in August as a follow-up to its 2020 iteration. Open to any active industry member, the survey yielded more than 300 responses; around 50 percent of respondents identified as architects or engineers, with owners, interior designers, builders, and consultants all represented. The survey first explored how pandemic-related work has healthcare
décembre 29, 2021Like
Is Your Kid A Narcissist? Look Out For These Signs (And How To Help Your Narcissistic Child)
If you’ve ever met a narcissistic person in your life before then you must be familiar with the signs of a narcissistic personality. People with narcissistic traits think about their needs above others and this childlike behavior can manifest as disrespecting others’ boundaries, for example. Narcissists mostly lack empathy for others and would often respond with criticism, rage, and defensively. With this said, you might have a friend, a family member (including parents and children), or coworkers with narcissistic traits. calmsage
décembre 29, 2021Like
10 ways to supercharge your breakfast
We’ve all heard that ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’, but how many of us opt to grab a slice of toast on the way out the door or skip it all together? Isn’t it time we ensured that we’re having a nutritious start to the day? Here, Jenna Farmer discusses how to supercharge your breakfast in 10 simple steps… It’s been reported that nearly a third of us skip breakfast, and a recent survey by Rowse happi
décembre 29, 2021Like
The At-Home Self-Care Practice Real Women Swear By
After nearly a year of living through a pandemic, where we’re all encouraged to stay home and stay safe and our health is at the forefront of our minds, it only makes sense that safe, accessible, at-home forms of self-care have become more of a priority. Our brains, bodies and spirits are bone tired at best and wracked with anxiety at worst — so any little bit of TLC we can offer ourselves is vital. Now self-care is often reduced shek
décembre 28, 2021Like
Sugar High
A couple months ago, Neely Stasik was walking down the street in Chicago when she ran into a few friends she hadn’t seen in years. They were dying to know: Did she still consume crazy amounts of sugar like she did in college? “In my 20s and into my 30s I was eating candy all the time,” Stasik recalled. “But I didn’t know it was so obvious.” Stasik, now 43, said her affinity for jelly beans by the bag probably Healthy
décembre 28, 2021Like
New Study Tries To Answer What Makes Us Human
Two new studies published in the Journal of Biological Psychiatry and BioRxiv focused on understanding how the frontal part of the cortex known as the prefrontal cortex (PFC) develops. “We were interested in studying this regions as it is important for higher order cognition (think problem solving, planning complex actitivies), regulating emotion and social behaviors, which are most advanced in humans and behaviors disrupted in most neuropsychiatric disorder,” studies author Kartik Pattabiraman told us. “Furthermore, the PFC is greatly expanded theravive
décembre 28, 2021Like
Care About What Others Think About You A Lot? Here’s How To Stop Doing That!
We live in a social world with a lot of social relationships to maintain. In the pressure to maintain these social relationships we often give into the trap. We begin to care about what other people think of you! Now, think to yourself, is their opinion about you really that important? I know when you come to your immediate family and friends you don’t want them to think of you otherwise, and that’s completely fine. The trouble begins when you calmsage