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décembre 25, 2021Like
A Little Uncoordinated? Well, This Innovative Jump Rope on Amazon Takes Tripping Out of the Equation
One, two, three — then you trip over the jump rope, disrupting your cardio. Jumping rope can be a great way to get your blood pumping and heart-rate up — it doesn’t require a trip to the gym, it costs much, much less than a Peloton and doesn’t take up any space. However, it’s less ideal of an exercise when you can’t keep up with the swinging rope and constantly have to start and stop your workouts. It can be shek
décembre 25, 2021Like
Raised By A Narcissistic Parent? Identify The Signs, Its Effects, And How To Heal From The Trauma
One of the purest relationships in the world, the bond between a parent and child, is unbreakable. Parents are the first with whom we form attachments and parents are with whom we fight the most – especially during our teenage years. Unfortunately for some people, who are raised by narcissistic parents, the drama in a parent-child relationship can have a more profound implication than others. People who struggle with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), often show symptoms such as having a calmsage
décembre 24, 2021Like
Start 2022 on the Right Foot with These Affordable Gratitude Journals & Kick Off a New Habit
The 2020s have been an insane time. There have been steep highs and extremely low lows. It’s been tough to live in this time of uncertainty, and being grateful for anything can seem like a stretch while living a life that might look so different from your 2019 reality. If you are reticent to plan anything in this constantly changing world, we recommend starting a new New Year’s resolution. So let’s kick off 2022 like you may have never done shek
décembre 24, 2021Like
Why Am I So Scared Of Death Lately? 10 Reasons Why You’re Scared (And How To Stop Worrying)
“I’m not afraid of death; I just don’t want to be there when it happens.” – Woody Allen Who isn’t afraid of death? You might not think about death all the time but it’s always there. Like life, death is inevitable. Talking about death is taboo in many cultures but not talking about it doesn’t make it go away. People rarely openly express their fear of death because no one wants to dampen the mood or maybe they are too calmsage
décembre 24, 2021Like
Alone At Christmas? Lift Your Holiday Spirits With These Fun Christmas Activities!
Ahh…Christmas! The most wonderful time of the year. Christmas trees lit up, festive songs playing on the radio, the markets illuminated with lights… oh what a time! Unfortunately, not everyone is feeling the same cheer. If you’re alone at Christmas, for whatever reason – by circumstance or by choice, it’s OK. You might be adjusting to the death of your loved one, living far from your family, or because you’re struggling with a social anxiety disorder (SAD) – Christmas loneliness calmsage
décembre 24, 2021Like
How to find balance living with chronic illness
Learning to live with constant pain, fatigue, nausea, or other debilitating symptoms, can be really tough – but there are a number of techniques you can use to help meet the challenge « Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain,” wrote Vivian Greene. I suffer from a chronic health condition which causes acute fatigue, muscular pains, nausea, and anxiety. For a long time, I ignored my issues, veering between stress and happi
décembre 23, 2021Like
10 Sex Positions That Will Keep the Long & Boring Winter Months Exciting
Winter can be a major bummer. Between the minimal daylight hours, the cold and the often-gray weather, it’s hard to get motivated to leave the house. Hard to go out with friends. Hard to get to the gym. Life gets boring! It’s no wonder so many of us wait for spring with bated breath to start living our lives again. And sometimes our sex lives feel like they need to thaw out too. But doesn’t have to be all bad shek
décembre 23, 2021Like
What is Biohacking? Understanding the Silicon Valley Wellness Trend You’ll Hear About in 2022
In the ultimate quest for longevity and optimal health, many are turning to the latest trend, biohacking. The self-guided, experimental hack-your-way-to-better-health phenomenon has gained in popularity over the years and is making its way to the masses. You may have heard Twitter Co-founder Jake Dorsey endorsing the practice when he told his followers he benefited from intermittent fasting and drinking salt juice each morning. Or maybe you’ve heard of biohacker influencer Josiah Zayner who injected himself with DNA from a shek
décembre 23, 2021Like
Rio Vista Behavioral Health Plans New Addition In Texas
Behavioral healthcare provider Acadia Healthcare Company Inc. broke ground on a new addition at Rio Vista Behavioral Health Hospital in El Paso, Texas. The project will include a two-story, 40-bed unit and a one-story outpatient center. Outdoor recreation space and additional parking are also planned. The project team incudes Stengel Hill Architects (designer; Louisville, Ky.) and Adolfson & Peterson Construction (construction management and general contractor; Tempe, Ariz.). Construction on the expansion project is scheduled to begin in January 2022 and healthcare
décembre 23, 2021Like
Running From Your Problems? Here’s Why You Might Be Doing It And How To Stop!
There so many times we find ourselves running away from our problems because we’ve had just too much and can’t take anymore. But is that really what you need? Is running away from your problems the only solution you can seem to find? It’s easier said than done but ignoring your problems will increase your problem. Shutting your eyes to your problem will not make them go away. You will have to face your issues and problems so that you’re calmsage
décembre 23, 2021Like
Psychotherapy For PTSD: The Most Effective Treatment Options For Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
When we think of a treatment option for mental health disorders, the first thing that comes up is psychotherapy. And with so many types of psychotherapy approaches, can we find the one that works best for treating post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD? When we talk about the symptoms of PTSD, they can range from night terrors to flashbacks to hyperalertness. These symptoms can cause severe distress to your emotional, physical, and mental health as well as make it harder for calmsage
décembre 23, 2021Like
Cooking through grief: Claire’s story
A passion for food helped bring Claire’s family together in times of grief, as well as giving her a positive mission to help others Losing three very close family members has taught me a lot about myself. Yes, it has been hard, and there have been plenty of tears, but what I have been through has made me stronger, and given me a new focus. My journey has been one of self-preservation: a journey I had to embark on in happi