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décembre 23, 2021Like

Cooking through grief: Claire’s story

A passion for food helped bring Claire’s family together in times of grief, as well as giving her a positive mission to help others Losing three very close family members has taught me a lot about myself. Yes, it has been hard, and there have been plenty of tears, but what I have been through has made me stronger, and given me a new focus. My journey has been one of self-preservation: a journey I had to embark on in
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décembre 22, 2021Like

How To Support Friends & Loved Ones in Eating Disorder Recovery During the Holidays

The holiday season is a time for friends, family and communities to gather together and celebrate. Most often, these celebrations are gathered around the table (and more often than not super focused on the food on it) and that can be a complicated and stressful for anyone. But when you’re already living with an eating disorder or in recovery, it can be especially difficult to navigate the high-pressured, food-centric season without a triggering or emotionally trying experience.  “The holiday season is
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décembre 22, 2021Like

The Dos & Don’ts of Giving Fitness Gifts

Okay, it’s time to be real: Gift-giving is almost always a challenge. Matching a person you love with something they’ll love is hard — especially when you put in the complicated math of trying not to add more clutter to someone’s life, trying not to buy something someone already has or just doesn’t want. While the truth is that there’s no product, item or shiny thing that can actually match up with the deep feelings you have for a friend,
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décembre 22, 2021Like

The Relationship Advice Real Women Swear By

Communication, commitment, intimacy, respect, trust  – these are all widely accepted tenets of a good relationship. But when you ask gooey sweethearts and grizzled married couples alike, they’ll tell you love is more dynamic than that and the way we interact and express closeness in relationships is a fine-tuned operation.  For some, lots of time away from their partner is the key to lifelong companionship. For others, it’s all about having regular date nights and kindling a burning bond. Obviously,
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décembre 22, 2021Like

Finding My Birth Mother Changed My Life — and the Way I Manage My Health Care

When I was a child, my stepmother told me I had another pair of parents who lived up a beanstalk. My mother had tried to plant her seeds in the soil, but a baby never grew, so my dad and mom climbed the stalk and asked my parents if they could spare a child. “Can I meet my beanstalk parents?” I asked her. “No,” she replied. “The beanstalk was cut down. There is no way for you to reach them.”
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décembre 22, 2021Like

Finding My Birth Mother Changed My Life — and the Way I Manage My Health Care

When I was a child, my stepmother told me I had another pair of parents who lived up a beanstalk. My mother had tried to plant her seeds in the soil, but a baby never grew, so my dad and mom climbed the stalk and asked my parents if they could spare a child. “Can I meet my beanstalk parents?” I asked her. “No,” she replied. “The beanstalk was cut down. There is no way for you to reach them.”
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décembre 22, 2021Like

Stress Is Contagious in Relationships – Here’s What You Can Do to Support Your Partner and Boost Your Own Health During the Holidays and Beyond

By Rosie Shrout, Purdue University With the flurry of shopping, spending money and traveling to see family, stress can feel inevitable during the holidays. You might already know stress can affect your own health, but what you may not realize is that your stress – and how you manage it – is catching. Your stress can spread around, particularly to your loved ones. As a social-health psychologist, I have developed a model on how partners and their stress influence each
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décembre 22, 2021Like

Biden to Expand Access to At-Home Covid Kits: 4 Essential Reads on the Critical Role of Rapid Tests

By Matt Williams, The Conversation President Joe Biden has outlined plans to massively ramp up COVID-19 testing in an effort to curb – or at least slow – the spread of the highly infectious omicron variant across the U.S. In a speech on Dec. 21, 2021, Biden said he aimed to get out “as many tests, as quickly as possible” and said free at-home kits would be sent out to Americans beginning in January. At the forefront of the push
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décembre 22, 2021Like

Vanderbilt University Medical Center To Build $144M Hospital

Vanderbilt University Medical Center (Nashville, Tenn.) is planning a new $144 million hospital in Murfreesboro, Tenn., according to an article in Becker’s Hospital Review. Situated on 80 acres, the new Vanderbilt Rutherford Hospital will house 42 inpatient beds. Completion is scheduled for 2026. The post Vanderbilt University Medical Center To Build $144M Hospital first appeared on HCD Magazine.
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décembre 22, 2021Like

Fall In Love…With Yourself: 20+ Simple Ideas To Start Loving Yourself More!

“Loving yourself isn’t vanity; it’s sanity.” – Katrina Mayer I agree with the above statement. Loving yourself is not about vanity or even narcissism, it is about retaining yourself and recharging yourself after a distressing time. We are often told that it’s important to take care of others, love others as you would yourself, but then why are we not told ‘how to love yourself?’ It’s not wrong to love and care for others, the problem comes when we forget
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décembre 22, 2021Like

Extreme Fear Of Flying: What Is Aerophobia, Symptoms, How To Get Over It (And More)

Do you experience chills at the thought of flying? Do you become nauseous right before you board a plane? If yes, then you might have an extreme fear of flying, also known as aerophobia. One of the most common specific phobias, the fear of flying is experienced by almost 40% of people. And while many people are scared of flying, only a small percentage of people meet the diagnostic criteria for the phobia. Whether or not your phobia is self-rated
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décembre 22, 2021Like


Mindset is the way we perceive ourselves and others. It is a set of beliefs that influences us for making a decision, having an outlook on situations, and experiencing emotions. According to Dweck’s research, people generally fall either on a spectrum of two types of mindsets. Fixed Mindset is the point of view that our intelligence, efforts, abilities, relationships cannot ever change. A growth mindset is a view that our intelligence, abilities, relationships are developed with our effort.  People who
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