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décembre 20, 2021Like

Emotional Stress

The psychological pressure and restlessness leading to various factors such as Distress, Threat, and Loss of Personal Safety or Internal Dispute, Frustration, Low Self-esteem, and Sorrow, are considered to be a part of emotional stress or emotional anxiety. What is Emotional Stress? Emotional stress is a very relatable response to routine life. Aggression, sadness, worry, phobias, fear, and many other emotional stressors are all-natural reactions, they all are a part of our routine life. All these emotional stressors become unhealthy
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décembre 20, 2021Like

Is imposter syndrome real?

The feeling of inadequacy or feeling like a fraud where people tend to think more about, they don’t deserve to be here. Such a phenomenon has been called Imposter Syndrome. Research done in 2011 have described that 70% of people can feel like an imposter at least once in their life. Most people start feeling like an imposter in their office or academic setting. The feeling of they are being a fraud and they are not competent enough to deserve
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décembre 20, 2021Like

Negative Thinking

Negative thinking includes thinking negatively about self, and the world around us. It is a common phenomenon to experience this now and then after encountering unfavorable situations, but the problem arises when it becomes a habit. People often find themselves engaging in negative thinking, without even realizing that they have become a part of the spiral which is quite difficult to break. A negative thought spiral is a thinking pattern wherein favorable situations are also perceived as unfavorable, which leads
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décembre 20, 2021Like

Toxic Relationship With Parent

Toxic relationships are one that makes us feel invalid, misapprehended, belittled, or assaulted.  In a better way, we can say that any relationship that makes us feel substandard rather than fine can become toxic. A relationship becomes toxic when our well-being is intimidated in some way be it emotionally, psychologically, and even physically.  Toxic Parenting is not a clearly defined idea or does not even exist in medical terminology. It can be seen in parents who frequently behave in ways
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décembre 20, 2021Like

Why everyone needs a Therapist

Despite mushrooming awareness around mental health, there are a lot of stigmas associated with therapy wherein a large segment of people either do not get themselves an appointment with a psychologist or believe that it is only for those suffering from a debilitating mental illness. However, in actuality, you don’t necessarily need to be struggling or suffering to benefit from therapy.  If you think about it, going to therapy is like keeping a check on our emotional and mental well-being.
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décembre 20, 2021Like

Tiny Sex Toy Stocking Stuffers That Would Make Santa Blush

Each holiday season practically demands that we fill our stockings with candy. With teeny-tiny beauty products. With trinkets that are fun, cute, and occasionally useful — but rarely worth coveting. What if—and hear me out on this one — we disregarded this age-old advice and went all in on sex toy stocking stuffers, instead? Now, I’m not suggesting that you stick a full-blown rabbit vibrator into your stocking, or that you load up on the largest dildos you can find.
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décembre 20, 2021Like

Tips for Handling the Most Toxic People in Your Life (Who You Can’t Just Cut Out)

When it comes to dealing with toxic relationships, the most obvious solution is to cut ties with the person. This is certainly easier said than done when it comes to friends, people you’ve dated or acquaintances, but what if cutting someone out completely is impossible? These are situations involving close family members who you have no choice but to interact with or potentially a boss or coworker and they consistently engage in toxic, damaging behaviors. So, what can we do
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décembre 20, 2021Like

Genomic sequencing: Here’s how researchers identify omicron and other COVID-19 variants

By Andre Hudson, Rochester Institute of Technology and Crista Wadsworth, Rochester Institute of Technology How do scientists detect new variants of the virus that causes COVID-19? The answer is a process called DNA sequencing. Researchers sequence DNA to determine the order of the four chemical building blocks, or nucleotides, that make it up: adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine. The millions to billions of these building blocks paired up together collectively make up a genome that contains all the genetic information
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décembre 20, 2021Like

Burns & McDonnell Expands Healthcare Team

Burns & McDonnell, a full-service engineering, architecture, construction, environmental, and consulting firm based in Kansas City, Mo., has expanded its healthcare team. Jennifer Bahan is an interior designer and space planner with nearly three decades of experience on a variety of projects, from replacement hospitals to critical access hospitals and cancer care facilities. Steve Berko is a project manager with more than 40 years of healthcare design and construction experience. He has completed academic medical, critical care, rural healthcare system,
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décembre 20, 2021Like

Doctors’ Pavilion MOB Opens In Texas

Developer NexCore Group (Denver) and North Cypress Land Ventures (Cypress, Texas), a group of physician-investors, celebrated the grand opening of the Doctors’ Pavilion, a medical office building (MOB) on the HCA Houston Healthcare North Cypress campus in Cypress. The four-story, 112,505-square-foot MOB includes a multispecialty ambulatory surgery center and offers a variety of services, including urology, gastroenterology, pulmonology, nephrology, family medicine, ophthalmology, and orthopedics. The project team includes Davis Stokes Collaborative (architect; Franklin, Tenn.) and ARCH-Con Corporation (general contractor; Houston).
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décembre 20, 2021Like

14 Virtual Care Services in Canada You Need to Know About

Canada’s Telehealth Services There are many telehealth services available that can provide help to Canadians with non-emergency concerns. This can include anything from body aches to mental health stressors. This year in particular, with the pandemics negative impact on Canadians mental health and the winter months bringing SAD (seasonal affective disorder) with it, accessible and timely mental healthcare will be all the more important.Luckily, there is a range of doctors, mental health professionals, and wellness experts on the other side
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décembre 20, 2021Like

How To Ask A Friend If They Are OK When They Are Not

“Hi, how are you doing?” That’s how we begin most of our casual conversations, is it not? And most of the time, we get the same response, “I’m fine, thanks for asking. How are you?” Do you ever get tired of this monotonous conversation starter? Because, let’s be honest, no matter what the situation is, hearing, “I’m fine” all the time becomes exhausting. And so does saying the same thing over and over again. When someone asks you how you
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