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novembre 30, 2021Like

Conversación sobre la salud: Preguntas para su proveedor de servicios médicos sobre la artritis psoriásica

El Dr. Stuart Kaplan hizo la revisión médica de este documento. La artritis psoriásica (PsA) es una enfermedad crónica de las articulaciones y puede ser una condición difícil de manejar. Sin embargo, es extremadamente importante tenerla bajo control porque vivir con dolor crónico puede resultar devastador y puede causar daños a largo plazo. Aunque el diagnóstico temprano es importante para el tratamiento, las personas no siempre obtienen ayuda rápidamente. A menudo, esto es el resultado de la falta de conocimiento
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novembre 30, 2021Like

What to Do If You Get Something Stuck Inside Your Vagina

Sometimes condoms break and slip off during intercourse. Tampons and menstrual cups have also been known to be stubborn. And if you’ve ever had the unpleasant experience of getting something stuck in your vagina, rest assured, you are not alone. It is probably more common than you realize. We all know there are certain objects that must go in there. There’s no way around it. We have periods, and we want to protect ourselves during sex, but when these objects
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novembre 30, 2021Like

Datos curiosos: Lo que debe saber sobre la resistencia a los antimicrobianos (AMR)

La Dra. Elizabeth Asiago-Reddy hizo la revisión de este documento. Los antimicrobianos son medicamentos que se utilizan para prevenir y tratar infecciones causadas por bacterias, virus, hongos y parásitos que se encuentran en humanos, animales y plantas.Los antimicrobianos incluyen antibióticos, antivirales, antifúngicos y antiparasitarios. Han salvado millones de vidas y son uno de los avances médicos más importantes de la historia. La resistencia a los antimicrobianos (AMR, por sus siglas en inglés) ocurre cuando los microbios (bacterias, virus, hongos y
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novembre 30, 2021Like

BayCare Clinic Lakeside Campus Opens In Wisconsin

The BayCare Clinic Lakeside Campus has opened in Manitowoc, Wis. Located on a former Elks Club property, the 47,000-square-foot clinic offers orthopedics, podiatry, neurosurgery, and pain management services. Future plans include adding ophthalmology and physical therapy services. The facility includes four clinic pods with 10 multipurpose exam rooms each. An outdoor patio is available for staff.
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novembre 30, 2021Like

Moving The Mark

While cancer deaths have dropped over the last several decades, attributed to a reduction in smoking as well as improvements in early detection and treatment for some types of cancers, it’s still the second leading cause of death in the United States. In fact, almost 1.9 million new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed in 2021, according to the American Cancer Society’s report “Cancer Facts & Figures 2021.” The prevalence of cases continues to create a competitive landscape and
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novembre 30, 2021Like

Grocery Workers Suffer the Mental Health Effects of Customer Hostility and Lack of Safety in Their Workplace

By Brian Mayer, University of Arizona; Melissa A. Barnett, University of Arizona; Mona Arora, University of Arizona, and Sabrina V. Helm, University of Arizona With the holiday season here, consumers are understandably desperate for a “normal” holiday season. For many, that includes big family dinners and Black Friday shopping sprees. Retail and service sector workers have been laboring to keep shelves stocked and customers happy from the earliest days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Life on the front lines has been
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novembre 30, 2021Like

Are You at Risk for Iron Deficiency Anemia?

Long before Natalie Hayden, 38, was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in 2005, she struggled with another health problem: anemia. “Fatigue and weak spells were my biggest issues. I fainted in fourth grade on the teacher’s desk,” she said. To this day, she wonders if her anemia was a sign of what was to come with Crohn’s. About 17% of premenopausal women in the United States are affected by iron deficiency anemia (IDA), meaning their bodies lack the iron needed to
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novembre 30, 2021Like

Supporting Friends And Family Good For Your Health

Providing social support to others could be good for your health. A study published in Brain, Behavior and Immunity by researchers at Ohio State University found that those who have positive social relationships in which they are available to provide support to others had lower levels of inflammation.  “Most previous research examining the link between social relationships and health (especially systemic inflammation) has focused on receiving or perceiving social support from others, but overlooked the effects of giving social support to others. Because giving social
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novembre 30, 2021Like

New Study Finds Students Learn Five Times More With AI-Supported Hands-On Interactions

A new study published in the Journal of Science looked at active learning. “The notion of active learning has been receiving a lot of attention recently,” study author Nesra Yannier told us. « Especially with COVID-19, the importance of engaging students with novel ways of learning has become even more apparent. While schools and teachers are trying to adapt by incorporating new techniques and technologies, quarantine has also been having psychological effects on students such as social isolation, restlessness and attention
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novembre 30, 2021Like

Tally Rye: « Focusing on how you feel is the most important thing »

Train Happy author, podcast host and PT Tally Rye joins Happiful’s podcast to talk about building a positive relationship with exercise and how intuitive movement can help Tally Rye knows all too well how diet culture and ‘fitspo’ mentality can permeate our thinking. As a result, she’s harnessed her own lived experience, training and extensive research to support others to create a positive relationship with exercise. From her brilliant podcast to her social media accounts and books Train Happy and
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novembre 30, 2021Like

What Is Sensory Memory? Know The Types, Examples & Facts About This Memory Type

List of Contents What Is Sensory Memory?Types Of Sensory MemoryHow Does It Work?Writer’s Thoughts Do you remember the tune of the song you listened to when you were a teenager? You might not remember the name of the song, the singer, or where you heard the song but you remember the tune, the rhythm of the song. Well, it’s your sensory memory at work! Sensory memory is one of the many memory types that help us process and retain what
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novembre 30, 2021Like

Are You A Gamma Male? Check Out These Gamma Male Personality Traits To Know!

By now, you’re well aware of four of the six male personality types; Sigma, Alpha, Beta, and Omega. Where alpha males respect leadership, sigma males are independent and confident. Similarly, beta males are submissive and loyal, omegas are self-assured. In the socio-sexual hierarchy, each of these male personalities has a place and each personality has different characteristics. On the hierarchy, alpha males and sigma males rank on the top, followed by beta males. Following beta males, we have delta males, then
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