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décembre 13, 2021Like

2021 HCD Expo: Designing The Dementia-friendly Waiting Room

For many patients, a hospital is challenging due to its stressful, busy, and unfamiliar nature. But for a person with dementia, the experience can be exacerbated by cognitive impairment and behavioral or psychological symptoms, making it a frightening, distressing, and disorientating place. For this vulnerable population, unintended consequences of unsupportive design include longer hospital stays, more emergency department visits, and more frequent hospital admissions, according to speakers at the HCD Expo in Cleveland, who discussed how designing waiting areas to
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décembre 13, 2021Like

Why being friends before dating doesn’t always work

Relationship expert James Thomas shares why starting off as friends before dating isn’t always a recipe for success Online dating. Apps. Speed dating. It feels like there has never been more ways to meet potential partners and, yet, research shows most romantic relationships stem from friendships. While dating during quarantine presented a whole new host of challenges for our romantic lives and staying safe while new variants are popping up creates new obstacles, recent research has suggested that most relationships
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décembre 13, 2021Like

The ‘Ball In A Box’ Grief Analogy: This Is How Your Grief Works

Grief is an emotion that never leaves you – no matter how much time has passed. While some people may find it easier to move on from losing a loved one, others may not. And here is the dilemma. Grief is a process and forcing the process is not helpful. You might go through the five stages of grief or you may stay in one emotion for a long time. You may even skip some emotions or might have a
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décembre 13, 2021Like

Support Space: The Children’s Place

Child abuse is a mounting public health crisis in Kansas City, Mo. In 2020, more than 78,000 local children were involved in investigations following calls to the state’s Child Abuse & Neglect Hotline. The Children’s Place, a specialized trauma treatment agency that covers a holistic continuum of care in Kansas City, plays a vital role in advocating for the social and economic well-being of the community’s most vulnerable residents—children under the age of 8. Founded in 1978, the organization supports
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décembre 12, 2021Like

10 FSA & HSA-Eligible Items We Had No Idea You Could Stock Up on at CVS — Including a $14 OTC Retinol

With 2021 somehow about to come to an end, now is the time to take advantage of all of the end-of-the-year deals, sales, and discounts. While there are probably a variety of online deals you have in mind to shop, here’s a friendly reminder that you’ll also want to spend your FSA funds before they run out. An FSA (or flexible spending account) is an employer-sponsored healthcare benefit that allows employees to set aside a certain amount of money annually
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décembre 12, 2021Like

Meditation Changes The Brain! Let’s Know How…

Meditation has been around for a long time now. By each passing day meditation is making its place in every household, work place, schools/ colleges. It’s everywhere because the effect it has and how meditation changes the brain brings about a positive change in our lives. We are all aware of the mental health benefits of meditation but do you know how it changes our brain? Meditation does so much to our brain and makes us feel so much better
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décembre 12, 2021Like

Calmerry Online Therapy Review: Is It The Right Choice For You?

With so many e-counseling and e-therapy platforms it is becoming harder to pick the right, legit, and affordable one, isn’t it? While many online therapy services have been in the market for decades, some new ones are catching up to the big names. Calmerry e-therapy platform is one of them! Launched in May 2020 by tech entrepreneur Alex Vitchenko, Calmerry aims to provide easily accessible and affordable online therapy and counseling to all those in need. This e-therapy platform was
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décembre 12, 2021Like

Ways to be mindful over the festive period

When festivities become overwhelming, try these five mindful tips to reclaim some calm 1. Try not to focus on just one day Our anxieties can heighten during the build-up to a special event, then languish when it’s over too quickly. If you can, try to spread the festivities out over the week. Not only does this make it more enjoyable, but you’ll have time to be mindful of your experiences rather than rushing, and dwelling on the next thing to
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décembre 12, 2021Like

3 petits exercices de relaxation visant à apaiser les tensions

Afin de vous inciter à adopter cette habitude positive, découvrez trois types de respiration qui peuvent vous permettre de détendre le moral et de créer une atmosphère de calme. La technique des lèvres fermées. Ce procédé consiste comme réaliser cycle et ainsi entre souffrir intentionnel en si aspiration. Ralentir ça expiration à la possibilité de s’avérer très précieux par rapport aux personnalités souffrant d’essoufflement, du fait que ça donne de quoi réutiliser le fameux flegme et propulser environ haleine meilleur.
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décembre 12, 2021Like

3 techniques de respiration pour atténuer le stress

Une profonde respiration peut contribuer à votre bien-être. Aussi, pour faciliter la mise en place de cette bonne habitude, voici quelques techniques de respiration volontaire qui aident à soulager le stress et à retrouver le calme. Respiration du bout des lèvres Ce procédé consiste chez ruiner cycle & parmi se révéler intentionnel concernant si aspiration. Ralentir à elle souffle est en mesure de s’avérer vraiment propice en matière de individus souffrant d’essoufflement, parce que ce aide à réaliser des réutiliser
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décembre 12, 2021Like

3 ajustements respiratoires pour diminuer l’anxiété

Pour vous aider à pratiquer cette activité salutaire, nous vous présentons ici trois méthodes de relaxation intentionnelle susceptibles d’apaiser les pensées tendues et de favoriser le calme. La technique des lèvres pincées Ce procédé consiste entre obtenir cycle dans ce cas vous ne devez vous demander en se trouver être intentionnel dans si aspiration. Ralentir notre aspiration est en mesure s’avérer plutôt efficace des gens souffrant d’essoufflement, vu que ça aisera à réutiliser il se trouve que le self-contrôle et
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décembre 11, 2021Like

The HCD 10: Perkins Eastman, Outstanding Organization

Perkins Eastman is a global design firm spanning 17 practice areas, including healthcare, primary and secondary education, senior living, hospitality, urban design, arts and culture, and more, and employing 1,100 people across 22 studios. Its healthcare practice, specifically, drove numerous achievements for the firm in the past year, delivering more than 3 million square feet of completed projects across the U.S. and 500,000 square feet internationally, all while setting the pace for healthcare design to come. For example, The David
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