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décembre 6, 2021Like

My Breast Reduction Gave Me My Life Back

As told to Shannon Shelton Miller When I was about 11 or 12, I started developing breasts like many girls my age. Unlike them, though, mine just kept growing. One could say I was “blessed” with large breasts pretty early on. My family and I were all surprised by this — no one in our family was built that way, and we weren’t sure why my breasts were growing so large. Part of me was excited that I looked “womanly,”
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décembre 6, 2021Like

4 Women Get Real About How Swinging Affected Their Relationships

For some couples, the idea of having sex with anyone other than your spouse or longterm monogamous partner seems unfathomable. It can be hard to understand how “swinging” — when you swap partners with another couple and sleep with someone new — can actually lead to stronger relationship bonds. But believe it or not, it can, and there are more couples interested in doing it than you may realize. If you’ve ever remotely considered getting into swinging — with your spouse,
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décembre 6, 2021Like

South Shore University Hospital Adds Women And Infants Center

South Shore University Hospital (Bay Shore, N.Y.) has completed the first phase of its $71 million Women and Infants Center, according to an article in Newsday. The project includes four obstetrical-triage beds and 11 postpartum suites with private bathrooms, LCD flat-screen televisions, and recliners and sofas that convert to pullout beds for guests. Additional postpartum suites are scheduled to open by mid-2022. Completion of the 45,560-square-foot, two-story Women and Infants Center is expected by the end of 2023. The center
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décembre 6, 2021Like

Addressing Climate Change Through Urban Medical Campus Design

Urban medical institutions play an important role in fostering and safeguarding public health through a wide and critical array of spaces and services. But how well do their physical campuses support this mission of public health? In the context of climate change specifically, the reality is alarming. In fact, the healthcare sector is a major contributor to the climate crisis, with an impact equivalent to nearly four percent of global net carbon emissions, according to Health Care Without Harm, an
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décembre 6, 2021Like

The HCD 10: Molly M. Scanlon, Industry MVP

With a degree in architecture from Clemson University and a doctorate in environmental science from University of Arizona, Molly M. Scanlon is an accomplished healthcare architect with a unique cross-disciplinary focus on public health. It’s a background that led her to her current role at Phigenics, where she examines the built environment’s impact on human health with the goal of reducing illness and injury from exposure to pathogens in building systems. It’s also what established Scanlon as the ideal individual
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décembre 6, 2021Like

9 Top-Rated Workout Videos That Require No More Than 10 Minutes of Your Time

The most challenging part of working out isn’t actually working out — it’s finding time to work out. Because let’s be honest, planks, push-ups, and squats aren’t anyone’s idea of a good time. If it’s possible to put off exercising, we will — even if it means weeks of promising ourselves we’ll “finally get around to working out tomorrow.” (Of course, when tomorrow comes, more pressing concerns will undoubtedly arise and that deadline will simply get pushed back another day.)
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décembre 6, 2021Like

Mary Free Bed Opens $41M Rehabilitation Hospital In Michigan

Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital (Grand Rapids, Mich.) held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for its new $41 million hospital in Saginaw, Mich., according to an article in Fox 17. The new hospital, situated on the Covenant HealthCare campus in Saginaw, includes 60 inpatient rooms, outpatient therapy spaces, therapy gyms, private treatment rooms, and spaces for classes and support groups.
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décembre 6, 2021Like

What Is Integrative Therapy? Learn Its Types, Techniques, How It Helps & More

Unlike other therapies, integrative therapy is an approach that involves employing selective techniques from other therapeutic approaches to tailor an individual’s specific issue. By customizing the therapy, integrative therapists create a plan to effectively help their clients. The best part of integrative therapy is that it is not limited or restricted to a structure or method. Instead, in this unique therapeutic approach, therapists draw techniques from other approaches, as needed. The aim is to improve the effectiveness of the treatment
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décembre 6, 2021Like

One-third of UK parents have never discussed bereavement with their child

Research released this Grief Awareness Week reveals many parents have never spoken with their children about bereavement, nor feel comfortable doing so Talking about death is never easy. While many of us recognise the benefits of speaking with others to work through our own grief as part of the bereavement process, new research reveals that we may not be passing on this habit to our children. Research from Project Eileen, a charity that helps young people tackle the topic of
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décembre 6, 2021Like

5 breathing techniques to manage stress

Practical ways to calm your breath to ease stress and anxiety right now Stress is a normal part of our lives. The way we’re built as humans means that certain events and situations can trigger our stress response system, creating internal panic and alarming our body of danger. But, although stress is a natural, human response, if experienced regularly, this fight or flight mechanism can play havoc with our wellbeing. The physical symptoms of stress include rapid inhalation, high blood
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décembre 6, 2021Like

Want To Be Emotionally Supportive In A Relationship? Here’s What You Can Do

Being emotionally supportive in a relationship is like a blessing to you and your partner. Unfortunately sometimes we miss out on giving that emotional support to our partner. Learn about emotional support and how you can be emotionally supportive in a relationship. What Is Emotional Support In A Relationship? Emotional support in a relationship is all about understanding your partner’s emotion and respecting them. Being there for your partner emotionally. First you need to figure out what’s going wrong in
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décembre 6, 2021Like

Everything You Need To Know About The Disorganized Attachment Style

When we are little, we depend on our parents and guardians for our survival but what happens when this dependence turns into a fearful dependence? As we develop, our parents respond to our needs, and how they respond determines the value of our attachment style. When we develop a disorganized attachment style, it means our parents/guardians didn’t create a safe environment for us. Instead, they’ve created a relationship with us where we might love and care for them but are
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