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décembre 1, 2021Like

Rady Children’s Adds New Intervention Center In San Diego

The Dickinson Image-Guided Intervention Center has opened at Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego. The $24 million comprehensive pediatric intervention center includes specialized MRI imaging technology and catheterization and magnetic resonance imaging suites.
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décembre 1, 2021Like

Long Time Coming

If you joined us in Cleveland in October for the 2021 Healthcare Design Expo & Conference, you may have experienced the same surreal feeling that I did. After planning, canceling, and then planning again, we finally made it across the finish line. Suddenly, there we were—in person. Even with masks, distancing, and fist bumps, being together felt, well, normal. We recognized one another despite only seeing eyes and hair. We caught up on the professional and personal that we’d missed
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décembre 1, 2021Like

Learning To Forgive: 7 Steps Of Forgiveness

To forgive and forget is what we all have learned in school. But is it really easy to forgive someone so quickly? And how do you manage to forget about the pain and suffering that we have to bear? I think to Forgive is to heal. Sometimes holding on to something is much more painful than letting go. We should choose to let go of those hurtful feelings that we hold tight in our hearts. It’s better to forgive and
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décembre 1, 2021Like

Having Unwanted Thoughts? Learn What Are They And How To Stop Intrusive Thoughts

You’re on vacation and you finally have the time to yourself. While relaxing and drinking a hot cup of tea, your mind conjures up unwanted and intrusive thoughts… how would you feel? Distressed or anxious, right? This is what intrusive thoughts do to you. These unwanted thoughts are the ones that will stick in your mind and will make you dwell on things you didn’t want to. And while intrusive thoughts are not dangerous, they can cause anxiety and feelings
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décembre 1, 2021Like

How should we navigate difficult relationships at work?

Could applying a psychological framework to your work relationships help you to navigate difficult dynamics? Our expert columnist Andy Gill dives into common workplace woes We spend about a third of our lives at work, and wouldn’t it be wonderful if it was a positive experience? Sadly, this is not always the case, and I meet many clients for whom work is a source of stress, anxiety, and unhappiness. The quality of the working relationship with a manager has a
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décembre 1, 2021Like

When Fathers Unlearn Toxic Masculinity, It Helps the Whole Family

Welcome to Better Sex With Dr. Lexx, a monthly column where sex therapist, educator and consultant Dr. Lexx Brown-James shares expertise, advice and wisdom about sex, relationships and more. Approaching education about sex as a life-long endeavor — “from womb to tomb” — Dr. Lexx (AKA The #CouplesClinician) is your guide to the shame-free, medically accurate, inclusive and comprehensive conversations for you, your partner and your whole family.  We are coming to the end of Movember — which is a time to remind
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novembre 30, 2021Like

Try These Winter-Weight Moisturizers With SPF — Because, Yes, You Need to Wear Sunscreen Year-Round

The weather outside may be frightful and bitter cold (thanks, climate change!), but that doesn’t mean you should be slacking with your sunscreen (also, thanks climate change!) It’s just as easy for those harmful ultraviolet rays to damage our skin in the coldest months. But what are these UV rays? And why does it even matter when we barely see the sun in the winter months? UVB rays (or, as I like to call them, “U Vill Burn” rays) damage
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novembre 30, 2021Like

Resistencia a los antibióticos: Una amenaza emergente a la salud pública

La Dra. Maria Isabel Roas Garci hizo la revisión médica de este documento.
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novembre 30, 2021Like

Cyber Week Deals Aren’t Over Yet — The Fan-Favorite Hydro Flasks Are On Sale At Amazon

An act of self-care is to treat yourself to your favorite drink. Whether it be tea or the newest frappuccino, it’s always nice to have a drink on hand. However, when you get your favorite drink, there are always risks. Either spillage or having your hot coffee turn to a lukewarm, it’s like a ticking time bomb. However, Amazon is still treating us to some amazing deals that will make lukewarm drinks a thing of the past. Despite saying goodbye
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novembre 30, 2021Like

Más allá de lo físico: Cómo la artritis psoriásica puede afectar tu salud mental y sexual

Todos los días, durante todo el día, Cynthia Covert tiene que pensar sobre cuánto dolor le causará cada actividad. “¿Vale la pena? ¿Qué puedo hacer para minimizar el dolor?” son preguntas que debe hacerse a sí misma antes de realizar actividades que la mayoría de nosotros damos por sentado. Esto se debe a que vive con artritis psoriásica (PsA, por sus siglas en inglés), una enfermedad autoinmune inflamatoria crónica que puede ser dolorosa y suele causar dolor en las articulaciones,
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novembre 30, 2021Like

$62M Behavioral Health Project Breaks Ground In North Carolina

A new behavioral health facility for Mission Health is under construction in Asheville, N.C., according to an article in The Southern Scoop. Situated on 26 acres, the 84,000-square-foot Sweeten Creek Mental Health and Wellness Center will include 120 beds, a therapy gymnasium, and outdoor recreation and gardening spaces. The $62 million project, which will serve adult, geriatric, adolescent, and pediatric patients, is slated to open in early 2023.
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novembre 30, 2021Like

La artritis psoriásica aumenta el riesgo de sufrir otros problemas de salud

Al igual que muchas estrellas de programas de televisión antes que ella, Meg Maley, concursante en el programa El Gran Hermano 2015, guardaba un secreto. Cuando los espectadores se preguntaban por qué una joven aparentemente sana tenía tan mal desempeño durante las pruebas físicas y en ocasiones se la veía tomar medicamentos, Maley no comentó nada al respecto. Solo cuando su temporada del show había acabado, Maley reveló su secreto: Ella padecía de psoriasis y artritis psoriásica (PsA, por sus
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