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Blog – Lire les derniers articles

novembre 24, 2021Like

The Importance of Mental Health

Why is mental health important? Simply put, it’s a huge issue in the United States  and there are shocking statistics about mental health that prove that. Unfortunately, there also tends to be a pretty significant stigma attached to anything related to mental health. This is why it’s so essential that we acknowledge the importance of good mental health efforts. In fact, mental health awareness might be one of the most pressing issues we’re currently facing in the healthcare industry as
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novembre 24, 2021Like

What is Self Care?

In many senses, self care practice is exactly what it sounds like. It’s doing the things you need to take good care of yourself. That may be reading a book, exercising, or trying online therapy. Taking the concept a step further: self care is investing time in yourself so you can truly be the best version of yourself and have the energy, confidence, and will to focus on any other aspect of life that needs your attention.   Putting you first
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novembre 24, 2021Like

Semen Actually Has Some Surprising Health Benefits

When it comes to oral sex, pleasure is seen as the primary fundamental benefit for you and your partner (provided y’all are both into oral). But did you know that, for those of you who have penises or sleep with partners with penises, there’s some extra health benefits that come from getting off and helping your partner get off. That’s right, we’re talking about semen and what happens when you ingest it. So before you next ask ‘is swallowing worth
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novembre 24, 2021Like

The Best Picks From Lululemon’s Black Friday Event

  There are quite a few Black Friday sales we’re currently shopping — take sex toys, for example — but few can compete with the one and only Lululemon Black Friday event. Unlike most other retailers (like Target, Ulta Beauty, and Walmart), Lululemon kept its event under wraps longer than others. But thankfully, Black Friday is nearly here, and the athleisure deals are aplenty. In 2018, Lululemon’s site literally crashed on Black Friday because of everyone wanting to snag some
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novembre 24, 2021Like

A Guide To Navigating Food & Family During the Holidays

As we head into the holiday season and a number of families center their celebrations around the table (and the feast on top of it), things can get pretty complicated. Food is personal, after all. The ways we fuel and nourish our bodies, the emotional attachment we have to traditions, the scourge of diet culture — they cut to a lot of who we are and how we feel about ourselves at any given time. Pair that with the frustrations
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novembre 24, 2021Like

Antelope Valley Hospital Replacement Project Planned In California

Antelope Valley Healthcare District (Lancaster, Calif.) is planning a replacement hospital for Antelope Valley Hospital in Lancaster, according to an article in Antelope Valley Press. The four-story project will replace a 1950s-era facility to meet current state seismic standards and will include 350 beds. Groundbreaking is slated to begin in March 2022, and the facility is expected to take about three years to build.
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novembre 24, 2021Like

Protect Yourself From Salmonella This Thanksgiving

This story was originally published by ProPublica. By Karim Doumar, ProPublica ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox. Series: Unchecked America’s Broken Food Safety System Thanksgiving is just a few days away, and I regret to inform you that there’s a multidrug-resistant salmonella outbreak running rampant in the nation’s poultry industry. I know that’s daunting, but something to be thankful for this year is
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novembre 24, 2021Like

Adoptees Nationwide May Soon Gain Access to Their Original Birth Certificates

By Andrea Ross, University of California, Davis I was adopted in Colorado in the late 1960s. At the age of 20, I was stricken with a serious illness that necessitated access to my medical history, including my birth family’s history. To my distress, I discovered I had no legal right to obtain my original birth certificate. Americans generally take for granted their right to accurate information on their birth certificate. That is not the case for the nearly 5 million
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novembre 24, 2021Like

I Took a DNA Test to Learn More About My Identity. I Gained a Father in the Process.

As told to Shannon Shelton Miller I’d heard about DNA test kits for close to 10 years before a sale finally prompted me to buy one in early 2019. I figured it was time to learn more about my heritage and close a chapter in my life. I’d never known my father. My mother suffered from drug addiction and schizophrenia, and my grandmother raised me to adulthood. I didn’t know the story behind my parents’ relationship, other than that they
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novembre 24, 2021Like

Why Does My Personality Change When I Speak In A Different Language?

For a long time, I did not know that when I am speaking in my mother tongue I have a different personality in comparison to when I speak in English. One of my friends once pointed it out and I started to wonder why does my personality change when I speak another language? Does something have an influence on me? What is it that makes me change my innate nature or my body language? I am sure many of you
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novembre 24, 2021Like

What Is Toxic Masculinity? Addressing The Stigma, Understanding The Effects & How To Deal With It

In recent years, I’ve frequently heard the term “Toxic Masculinity” floating around in my peers and friends but at the same time, I’ve seen the misinterpretation of this term as well. Many people may use “‘toxic masculinity” to describe someone’s behavior but they might not even know the implications of what toxic masculinity does to a person. Where some people – regardless of their gender and roles, have embraced the concept of feminism, some people have found it difficult to
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novembre 24, 2021Like

New guidelines recommend ‘menu’ of treatment options for depression

NICE has created the first guideline for 12 years to identify, treat and manage depression in adults Developed by an independent NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) guideline committee, the new draft guidance for adults with depression focuses heavily on patient choice and a collaborative approach with healthcare practitioners. Looking at existing evidence around depression, including the treatment of new depressive episodes, chronic depression and access to mental health services, the committee has created a menu of treatment
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