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novembre 22, 2021Like

Fast Facts: What You Need to Know About Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

Reviewed by Dr. Elizabeth Asiago-Reddy Antimicrobials are medicines used to prevent and treat infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites found in humans, animals and plants. Antimicrobials include antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals and antiparasitics. They have saved millions of lives and are one of history’s most important medical breakthroughs. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) occurs when microbes (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites) change over time and no longer respond to the medicines that once treated them. AMR makes certain infections more difficult
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novembre 22, 2021Like

The HCD 10: Walt Vernon, Building Professional

For 29 years, Walt Vernon has served as CEO of Mazzetti, a mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineering and technology consulting firm specializing in healthcare. Throughout his career, he’s pushed to evolve and improve the design of healthcare facilities, with this past year presenting new opportunities to contribute meaningfully. A highlight of that effort was Vernon’s role in the COVID-19 response, during which he worked in concert with the International Federation of Hospital Engineering (IFHE) and Téchne, the World Healthcare Organization’s
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novembre 22, 2021Like

Take 5 With Komal Kotwal

In this series, Healthcare Design asks leading healthcare design professionals, firms, and owners to tell us what’s got their attention and share some ideas on the subject. Komal Kotwal is the sustainable design leader for health, well-being, and equity at HOK (Houston). Here she shares her thoughts on climate resilience, community health, and new drivers behind sustainable design. Carbon neutrality Mounting concerns about climate change are compelling healthcare institutions to adopt policies and practices that reduce emissions. It’s imperative that
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novembre 22, 2021Like

Antimicrobial Resistance: An Emerging Public Health Threat

Medically reviewed by Dr. Maria Isabel Roas Garcia
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novembre 22, 2021Like

PHOTO TOUR: Loyola Medicine Consolidated Laboratory

After recently acquiring two community hospital sites, Loyola Medicine in Maywood, Ill., needed to consolidate its lab services and centralize supply inventory to provide just-in-time inventory control for the now larger healthcare system. The resulting 30,000-square-foot renovation co-locates various lab facilities to allow sharing of equipment and provide automation of processes for increased efficiency and accuracy. The HED (Chicago) design team utilized existing vacant floors of an emergency medical services building on the Loyola University Medical Center main campus for
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novembre 22, 2021Like

HOK Adds Healthcare Leader At Canada Office

HOK (St. Louis) announced that Gavin McLachlan has rejoined the firm. McLachlan will serve as regional leader of healthcare at the firm’s Toronto office. McLachlan, who previously worked at HOK from 2009-2012, brings more than 15 years of experience to his role, focusing on healthcare, community engagement, and sustainable design. His past project experience with other firms includes the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (Toronto), Royal Columbian Hospital (New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada), Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre (Hamilton,
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novembre 22, 2021Like

When Your Fear Of Intimacy Holds You Back, Here’s What You Can Do

Do you break out in a cold sweat when the person you care about asks you to take your relationship to the next level? Are you scared of intimacy? Some people term this anxiety of getting close to others as commitment-phobe but the fear of intimacy is more than just fearing commitment. The fear of intimacy, also known as intimacy avoidance or avoidance anxiety, is when you fear forming a close emotional and physical relationship with others. This fear is
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novembre 22, 2021Like

How to deal with jealousy in friendships

We all experience jealousy from time to time. But what if it starts to hurt our friendships? Envy. It’s something we all experience. Four in five of us (79.4%) have felt it in the last year, while those of us aged 30 and younger are the most likely to experience it. Whether we feel a twinge of envy over how successful our friend’s careers are, or feel envious over a friend’s bigger house, more frequent holidays, or more fruitful love
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novembre 22, 2021Like

Paranoid Ideation: Definition, Symptoms & Treatment (Self-Coping Tips)

List of Contents What Is Paranoid Ideation?Symptoms Of Paranoid IdeationWhat Causes Paranoid Ideation?What Is The Diagnosis Criteria?Treatment Options:Self-Help Coping Tips! The feeling that you’re being threatened or the belief that others are conspiring against you is what we can describe as paranoia. While these thoughts are not true, they are ever-present in people struggling with paranoia or paranoid ideation and can be psychologically distressing. One of the common symptoms of borderline personality disorder (BPD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and psychotic
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novembre 22, 2021Like

Stages Of Adjustment To Disability I How To Cope With Newly Formed Disability?

Disability only becomes a problem when you see it that way. The most difficult part is to adjust to the new way of life. There are around 4 to 5 stages of adjustment to disability. Adjustment is going to be a long process. Being newly disabled is nothing like the changes we deal with in our life, it is a life altering change. Imagine the psychological turmoil a person goes through when he first discovers that life is going to
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novembre 22, 2021Like

Hassan Akkad: My story, my words, my choice

Syrian filmmaker and activist Hassan Akkad has documented his life story to date in his book Hope Not Fear: Finding my way from Refugee to Filmmaker to NHS Hospital Cleaner. Now he’s sharing the stories of others, so they can receive help and support, too Filmmaker, author, and activist Hassan Akkad is a natural storyteller. He began his long and varied career as an English and social studies teacher in his home town of Damascus, Syria, and now, 15 years
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novembre 22, 2021Like

What Are The Elements Of Mental health? How Do They Boost Our Well-being

The elements of life are all we need to sustain a happy and healthy life. Your health is important to you and the four components of mental health are right there to help you. There are so many ways the elements can improve your mental health. I find it so fascinating that basic elements of life are always around us. They can be magical in helping us heal. Even science has approved that the components of mental health can have
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