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novembre 16, 2021Like

$840M VA Medical Center Breaks Ground In Kentucky

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA); U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville (Ky.); integrated design firm SmithGroup (Detroit); and infrastructure consulting firm AECOM celebrated the groundbreaking of the new Louisville VA Medical Center in Louisville. The 972,000-square-foot, $840 million facility will replace the existing Robley Rex VA Medical Center in Louisville and will offer inpatient and outpatient services, including primary care, specialty, surgical, and mental health. Situated on 34 acres, the medical center will include outdoor terraces, ample green
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novembre 16, 2021Like

All About Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is an inflammatory form of arthritis where the immune system attacks healthy tissue and causes joint pain, stiffness and swelling. Early diagnosis can keep the disease from progressing, potentially preventing irreversible joint damage and permanent disability — and lower your risk of developing other conditions, such as diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease, that can go along with it. As Tina Jamerson Hopkins explained to HealthyWomen, « The key about PsA is to catch it early and in that
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novembre 16, 2021Like

2021 HCD Expo: Spotlight On Exhibitors

Here’s a highlight of some of the exhibitors and their new products that were on display at the 2021 Healthcare Design Conference + Expo, held Oct. 23-26 in Cleveland. Offerings ranged from furniture, flooring, and textile collections to behavioral health fixtures and finishes to antimicrobial surfaces. Click on the gallery above for images and details. For more information on products for healthcare environments, visit the Products page on
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novembre 16, 2021Like

Clinically Speaking: Questions to Ask Your HCP About Psoriatic Arthritis

Medically reviewed by Dr. Stuart Kaplan Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic disease of the joints, and it can be a tricky illness to navigate. But it’s extremely important to get it under control because living with chronic pain can feel devastating and cause long-term damage. Although early diagnosis matters for treatment, people don’t always get help quickly. This is often the result of a lack of education about the condition. In addition, without a specific test that can diagnose
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novembre 16, 2021Like

Face Time: Southern Ellis

Southern Ellis’ career has taken him around the globe, starting as a graduate student at Texas A&M, where his thesis project involved designing and building a hospital in a remote village in Tanzania. After graduating, he joined HKS in a fellowship role that allowed him to pursue research in China, investigating hospital design across the country, while working in the firm’s Shanghai and Dallas offices. Today, he balances medical planning on a variety of projects and leading the Design for
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novembre 16, 2021Like

Listen to Healthcare Providers, but Trust Your Body and Yourself

As told to Liz Sauchelli When I was 30, I woke up one morning unable to move a single joint in my body. I’d gone to sleep the night before feeling unwell, but I didn’t think much of it. I was still recovering from the birth of my third child, and it had been a difficult one. I’d needed a blood transfusion, and in the 10 months since, my body had remained weak. But that morning was completely different. I
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novembre 16, 2021Like

Get the Facts About Psoriatic Arthritis

Medically reviewed by Dr. Stuart Kaplan
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novembre 16, 2021Like

What Makes People Engage In Small Talk Rather Than Deep Conversation?

A new study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology looked at miscalibrated expectations and how they create a barrier to deeper conversation. “In this research, we wanted to understand why people often engage in small talk in everyday life rather than initiate deeper and more intimate conversations that might strengthen their social relationships,” study author Michael Kardas told us. “We reasoned that people’s decisions about what topics to discuss in conversation are guided by their expectations about
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novembre 16, 2021Like

It’s Not You, It’s Your Relationship | 10 Signs Your Relationship Is Irreparable

One of the most complicated yet wonderful things in the world has to be love. We all want to find the right person to spend our lives with and when we do, it’s meant to be perfectly imperfect (in a good way!) However, many times, the love we find isn’t meant to last long and when we try to hang onto it, it can become bitter. When too much damage is done in a relationship, no matter how much you
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novembre 16, 2021Like

Jules Von Hep: “It’s about being your own best friend”

Jules Von Hep joins Happiful’s podcast to talk about letting go of your inner critic and the brilliant things that happen when you do… Jules Von Hep has a lot going on as 2021 draws to a close. He’s recently launched the fantastic sustainable knitwear company Yan Tan, is gearing up to celebrate the fourth anniversary of his vegan and cruelty-free self-tan brand Isle of Paradise and he has the builders in renovating his home… You wouldn’t detect even a
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novembre 16, 2021Like

Do I Have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

Seasonal affective disorder, commonly known as SAD, is a type of depression that affects people in the winter months. Most of us feel energetic and cheerful when the sun is shining and subdued and less active in the winter months. But seasonal affective disorder is more severe than this. Some people are unable to hold down a job in winter because of lethargy, tiredness and poor concentration; relationships often break down because the sufferer becomes irritable and unloving. Some people
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novembre 16, 2021Like

Lucky Saint partner with MHFA to support the hospitality industry

Alcohol-free brand Lucky Saint and Mental Health First Aid England embark on a mission to champion better mental health in the food and drink industry Mental health affects us all, however, the pandemic has no doubt hit certain industries harder than others. The hospitality and retail industry has had a tough time, negotiating various lockdowns and high stress returns to work. In a bid to support the professionals working in this sector, alcohol-free brand Lucky Saint has partnered with Mental
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