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novembre 12, 2021Like

BWBR Appoints New President, CEO

Architecture firm BWBR (St. Paul, Minn.) has named Stephanie McDaniel as president and CEO. A 25-year veteran of BWBR, McDaniel succeeds outgoing president and CEO Peter Smith, who is retiring after nearly 35 years with the firm. She earned her undergraduate degree from Washington University (St. Louis) and her master of architecture from University of Texas-Austin (Austin, Texas).
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novembre 12, 2021Like

Ever Feel Like You’re Not Good Enough? Here’s What You Need To Know

I for one have struggled with the feeling of not being good enough for a really long time. Sometimes I still find myself in that not-good-enough zone but it’s better when you know how to get out of it. Have you been struggling with the same feeling? If yes, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will talk about why you always feel like you are not good enough. What can be the reason behind it
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novembre 12, 2021Like

Why do I wake up at 4.44 AM?

Why do so many people regularly wake up at obscure times of the morning? This study might have the answer It’s a scenario many of us will be familiar with. You roll over, suddenly wide awake, check the time, and it’s 4.44 AM – or thereabouts. So what’s the deal with waking up at that specific time, and why do so many of us experience it? Well, according to new research conducted by Mattress Online, it could be more than
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novembre 12, 2021Like

False Memories: Here’s How They Form (And What You Can Do About Them)

List of Contents How Do Psychologists Define False Memory?What Causes False Memories?What Are The Impact Of False Memories?What Can You Do About Your False Memories?Writer’s Thoughts You may believe that you’ve bought your wallet with you when you left the house only to realize at the store that you didn’t or you may remember that decades ago you skipped school because you hadn’t done your assignment but your mom reminded you that it was because you were sick. Feels familiar?
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novembre 12, 2021Like

The 5 Stages Of Sleep Deprivation (And How To Avoid Them)

We all need sleep to look and feel refreshed. Sleep not only helps us reset our cognitive functions but also helps our body relax and recharge. Depriving oneself of sleep can have adverse effects on your overall health. On average, an adult needs at least 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night but in these busy times, getting enough sleep can be difficult to hold. Many of us work late-night shifts, travel overnight, or struggle with mental health
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novembre 11, 2021Like

Shingles Appears to Be On the Rise in Canada. Here’s Why.

At the end of a busy and stressful spring, Christine Beard developed what she thought was a tension headache. Instead of subsiding after a visit to her chiropractor, the pain intensified in her right eyebrow, and spread to her forehead and scalp on that side of her face. Her family doctor told her to monitor the pain and come back if it got worse.Not only did the pain increase, Beard developed a bump the size of a Cadbury mini egg
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novembre 11, 2021Like

The Best Porn Sites for Women

As temperatures drop, we once again have a bit more at-home time these days to spend being our own safest sex partner, so it only makes sense that we’re all embracing our social distancing time taking extra care of ourselves. As a connoisseur of online porn, I have to admit right here and now that it is still tough as heck in 2020 to find a website featuring hot, good porn that doesn’t overwhelmingly prioritize the male gaze or the
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novembre 11, 2021Like

You Might Be Breathing Wrong — Here’s How to Fix It

Breathing is one of the few things in life most of us can do without thinking about it. If you’re reading this, you’re probably getting enough oxygen in to keep yourself alive, but you can most likely improve your breathing technique. Yes: There is a right and a wrong way to do it. SheKnows spoke with several health and wellness experts to find out what we’re doing wrong, how we can fix it and what it can do for our
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novembre 11, 2021Like

$3M Helideck Completed At Lahey Hospital & Medical Center

Lahey Hospital & Medical Center (LHMC) in Burlington, Mass., completed a $3 million helideck at the hospital, replacing its previous remote helipad that was accessible only via ambulance transfer. The 3,000-square-foot, elevated helideck is located outside the emergency department (ED) to provide quicker access to the hospital. The project team comprises Bond Building Construction Inc. (design-build; Medford, Mass.), Cube 3 Architects (architect; Boston), RW Sullivan Engineering (fire protection consultant; Boston), Souza True & Partners (engineering consultant; Waltham, Mass.), Allen &
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novembre 11, 2021Like

New Behavioral Health Hospital Planned In North Carolina

Appalachian Regional Healthcare System (ARHS; Boone, N.C.) is opening a new freestanding Appalachian Regional Behavioral Health Hospital (ARBH) for adults ages 18-64 in Boone. The new facility will comprise three separate spaces, including an admissions area, treatment mall, and residence hall with 27 beds. ARBH is expected to be able to serve 1,500 patients each year and will replace a 10-bed inpatient behavioral health unit at Charles A. Cannon, Jr. Memorial Hospital in Boone.
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novembre 11, 2021Like

The Best Singles Day Sex Toy & Wellness Sales to Treat Yourself — No Matter Your Relationship Status

In the midst of the holiday shopping madness, you may have missed one of the most under-the-radar holidays— Singles Day! For the uninformed, that’s today — November 11th — and even if you’re partnered up, there are some major perks in it for you. We’re talking a flurry of Black Friday-worthy deals— particularly on sex toys, obviously. If you’re like me, you had (or have) no idea what Singles Day is. Some background: Singles Day is an unofficial Chinese holiday
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novembre 11, 2021Like

Sugar: Everything you need to know

With one in five Brits admitting to sugar being their biggest vice, how much do we really know about our sugar consumption? Sugar. We all know it’s not exactly good for us, but do any of us realise the impact it can have on our health, physically and mentally? And do we really know how much of the white stuff we’re consuming? According to the latest figures from air up, one in five (22%) of us feel that sugar is
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