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octobre 15, 2021Like

When should you take Career Counselling?

Career counselling is a process that provides an individual an opportunity to know themselves better and also explore different areas of work. This further allows one to make decisions concerning their career and education which helps in career development. Career development is a lifelong process and isn’t necessarily restricted to just understanding what major subject you have to choose in college. One can take career counselling at different points in their life. These can include the following: 1. When you
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octobre 15, 2021Like

les éléments confondus avec la baisse de libido

Lorsqu’une personne souffre de « libido faible », il est facile de penser que c’est un trouble physique ou biologique. Il doit y avoir un problème dans son corps ou son cerveau qui lui fait perdre son désir de sexe. Mais ce n’est pas toujours le cas. En fait, il nous arrive de qualifier à tort toutes sortes de problèmes dans notre vie sexuelle de « libido faible », alors que le problème n’est pas vraiment lié à l’absence de désir sexuel. Nous pensons
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octobre 15, 2021Like

Aperçu sur les toxicomanies (1/3)

Les substances addictives sont des comportements compulsifs d’utilisation excessive de certaines matières, telles que les drogues ou la nourriture. Elles sont dangereuses pour les consommateurs et sont source de douleur et de souffrance du côté de la famille. Tous les communs figurent diverses traversions fait propulsent dans achever des matériels, telle de vos remède sinon de bons services patée, chez l’excès. Ces batiments annexes se révèlent être savonneuses par rapport aux individus lequel par patissent mais aussi provoquent de élancement
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octobre 14, 2021Like

Why Examining Your Breasts Is So Important

In Canada, breast cancer is the most common cancer and the second-most common cause of death from cancer among women. On average, 75 Canadian women are diagnosed with breast cancer every day.Despite how common breast cancer is, the early signs and symptoms can be hard to spot. While every province has a breast cancer screening program, they dont alwayscatch breast cancer early. (This is especially true if your province only mandates screenings every two yearsa lot can change in that
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octobre 14, 2021Like

The Best Sex Positions for Women — Guaranteed to (Literally) Hit the Spot

There are all sorts of ways to have sex with all sorts of biological (and store-bought) equipment — and not all of them are about orgasms. That’s just a fact of life. But for many people vaginas (especially those who have sex with cis-men), having an orgasm when they do really want one can be a bit of a challenge. For some, it requires a little more finesse, a whole mess of communication and some anatomy 101 to get there.
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octobre 14, 2021Like

Witchcraft is Cheaper Than Therapy

Trying to ride the wave of functional adulthood is a struggle. Between working, mom-ing, and trying to stay sane, it’s easy to lose yourself and get caught up in a seemingly never-ending grind of just white-knuckling it through each day. As a person who’s suffered from anxiety and depression, I’ve searched for many different ways of trying to find peace, yet remained ultimately unsuccessful until I delved deep into witchcraft. Despite the heavy baggage associated with the term, witchcraft is
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octobre 14, 2021Like

15 Minutes With Phyllis Greenberger

We are honored to have Phyllis Greenberger on our team as senior vice president of policy, advocacy and science for HealthyWomen. A women’s health pioneer, Greenberger received the 2021 Perennial Hero Award from the Alliance for Aging Research in September. The award honors an older individual who is actively contributing to creating positive societal change and serves as a role model for people of all ages. Recently, Greenberger sat down with our editor-in-chief, Jaimie Seaton, to talk about her career
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octobre 14, 2021Like

Obesity Is a Disease That Can Be Managed in Many Ways

Medically reviewed by Dr. Alexandra Sowa Infographic Design by Megan Schofield
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octobre 14, 2021Like

What It Means If You Have Heel Pain When Walking

Do you feel a nagging pain in your heels while walking? You’re not alone. Though the exact prevalence of foot pain is hard to pinpoint due to the wide range of pain types and intensity, experts agree it affects more than one in 10 people worldwide.A research review published in 2019 in Arthritis Care & Research suggests anywhere from 13 percent to 36 percent of the population experiences foot pain at some point in life. Of course, the foot consists
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octobre 14, 2021Like

Appalachian Regional Healthcare System Hits Project Milestone In North Carolina

Appalachian Regional Healthcare System (Boone, N.C.) held a topping-out ceremony for its new hospital tower at Watauga Medical Center in Boone, according to an article in Watauga Democrat. The 48-bed Schaefer Family Patient Care Tower will include larger patient rooms, surgical suites, an updated emergency department, and new waiting areas. The project is slated for completion by the end of 2022.
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octobre 14, 2021Like

Sibling Rivalry: What To Do When You Feel Hatred Towards Your Siblings

In movies, books, and TV shows, siblings are portrayed as the ones sharing clothes, wearing matching clothes, and even standing up for the other in time of need, but is this relationship the same as in real life? Some people are fortunate enough to have a loving relationship with their siblings and parents but some people aren’t as lucky. In reality, having two or more siblings in a family means having two or more individuals with different personalities and attitudes.
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octobre 14, 2021Like

UCHealth’s Poudre Valley Hospital Begins $47M Renovation

A $47 million renovation of the 303-bed Poudre Valley Hospital, part of the UCHealth (Aurora, Colo.) network, has started in Fort Collins, Colo. The 142,000-square-foot renovation project will include a new heart and vascular care clinic and testing area; upgraded surgical, imaging, gastroenterology, and pulmonary departments; and relocated gift and coffee shops and chapel. A larger lobby with new seating options, fireplace, and information desk are also planned. The regional medical center’s plans also include renovating the birthing center, women’s
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