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The Dark Side of Health Gamification
octobre 13, 2021Like

The Dark Side of Health Gamification

The use of gamification by businesses and consumers has become widespread. It’s more visible in the digital health arena, but there are hidden dangers for users. Gamifying our lives may seem like an easy way to motivate ourselves and others toward healthy behaviors. However, gamified incentives could also lead people away from their goals—and even make them more vulnerable to unhealthy habits. In an Information Processing & Management study this year, researchers developed a theoretical model to investigate the effects of
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The Neural Mechanisms Behind The Highly Desired State Of Team Flow
octobre 13, 2021Like

The Neural Mechanisms Behind The Highly Desired State Of Team Flow

A new study published in eNeuro examined team flow and how it is a unique brain state associated with enhanced information integration and neural synchrony. “The study is about team flow; a psychological state experienced when a team gets ‘in the zone’ during their performance,” study author Dr. Mohammad Shehata told us. “Successful teams and their coaches or supervisors strive to reach this state. We were hoping to detect brain signals specific to team flow and understand the neural mechanisms behind
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Id Ego Superego
octobre 13, 2021Like

Id Ego Superego

The human personality, according to Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalytic theory, is multifaceted and contains more than one component. He discussed how the human psyche has multiple dimensions. His personality theory divided the psyche into three parts: Id, Ego, and Superego, which developed at different times during our lifespan. Each component of the personality has distinct characteristics that combine to form a whole and contribute in some way to an individual’s conduct. Let’s take a closer look at each
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Wu Wei: The Principle of Effortless Action
octobre 13, 2021Like

Wu Wei: The Principle of Effortless Action

There is always something to be done; deadlines to be met, goals to be achieved or plans to be kept. Hustling is the way of life. But even when you successfully achieve all of them, it doesn’t feel complete. More deadlines, goals and plans are piled up and slowly it becomes a race, only you are swimming against the current. That is a very difficult position to put yourself in. EVentually, the stress and pressure starts to seep out the
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How to convince your loved one for therapy
octobre 13, 2021Like

How to convince your loved one for therapy

It could be hard seeing someone you love struggle emotionally. You might sometimes feel helpless in spite of trying everything in your control. One of the things you could do to help them is to encourage them to seek professional help. But in a society with social stigma and lack of awareness seeking therapy does not come easily. Here are some ways in which you can convince your loved one to seek therapy.  The most important thing to remember is
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Self talk and it’s effect on mental health
octobre 13, 2021Like

Self talk and it’s effect on mental health

Self talk is that internal dialogue that goes on continuously and throughout our waking hours. The power of words has immense control over our lives, whether spoken loud or quietly inside. They could be supportive and affirming, or they could be critical and harsh. The words that we speak to ourselves matter. They can direct our thoughts,actions,beliefs, intentions and ultimately the outcomes in our life. While external communication  plays an important role in developing social connections,internal communication with self plays
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Socioeconomic inequalities and mental health
octobre 13, 2021Like

Socioeconomic inequalities and mental health

‘Inequalities can have an impact on mental health and can even cause it.’ Socioeconomic status is a broad term with no universal definition. It has to do with social class, social status, occupational status, educational attainment, income, wealth, and living standards of individuals. People who come from a poorer social background and have a lower socioeconomic level are more prone to suffer from psychiatric illness. Depression and anxiety disorders are significantly connected with socioeconomic disadvantage.  Those who are poor or
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Understanding Sexual Identity in an Unequal World
octobre 13, 2021Like

Understanding Sexual Identity in an Unequal World

Growing up most of us have known only one store-bought brand of sexuality. As children, a majority of us have been brought up in overtly heterosexual households, where the norm is that a man is meant to be with a woman and a woman with a man. It’s the only reality people grow up believing and becomes the only reality they end up, unfortunately, accepting. Sexual identity is pretty easy to define in words; it refers to how one thinks
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Gender inequality in help seeking behaviour in the field of mental health
octobre 13, 2021Like

Gender inequality in help seeking behaviour in the field of mental health

Gender inequality in help-seeking behavior in the field of mental health Help-seeking behavior is termed as someone seeking help readily based on their problem. It shows in some studies that some individuals feel comfortable in seeking help from close people around them while others feel the need to take help from mental health professionals.  As we know many individuals do not seek help or feel uncomfortable when thinking of seeking help when it comes to mental health especially when it
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Mental Health in an unequal world- Caste system of India
octobre 13, 2021Like

Mental Health in an unequal world- Caste system of India

A historic existence of social hierarchy in India, namely the caste system, has challenged the basic human rights of over 200 million individuals. These individuals being the Dalits. The caste system incorporates the following: Brahmins, Ksyatriyas, Vaisyas and Shudras. The avarna or those left outside the caste system such as the Dalits have experienced years of abuse, neglect and violence. For generations they were referred to as the ‘untouchables’ and deprived of basic human rights and excluded from the upper-caste
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Gender Identities and Mental Health
octobre 13, 2021Like

Gender Identities and Mental Health

Transgender people refer to those who identify with a different gender than the one they are assigned to at birth. This is an umbrella term that includes those individuals beyond the gender binary (gender fluid, non-binary, genderqueer, etc.). Transgender people do have higher rates of mental health concerns, not because of their gender identity, but because of the unequal resources provided to them. This includes the refusal to care, violence, unfair governmental policies, and ignorance on the part of healthcare
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Cultural Impact on Mental Health
octobre 13, 2021Like

Cultural Impact on Mental Health

The first things that spring to mind when we think of culture are various languages, diverse foods, and different dress. The culture of a civilization, on the other hand, has an impact on a person’s thoughts, norms, and values. It has an impact on how you see certain concepts or behaviors. In the case of mental health, it can have an impact on whether you seek therapy, what kind of care you seek, and how much assistance you receive. To
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