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février 1, 2025Like

The Mental Health Toll Of The Southern California Fires

More than 18 thousand structures were destroyed and 29 people killed in the Eaton and Palisades fires in southern California. Whilst the fires burned for 24 days, the recovery efforts are just beginning and experts say the mental health impacts could be long lasting. “Especially for those who have had to evacuate from their home or have lost their home to a fire, feelings of confusion, grief, and anxiety can be overwhelming. Although it can be difficult to put one
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février 1, 2025Like

Poor Health Poses Challenges For Friendships In Older Age

People aged 50 and older find with poor or fair health are twice as likely to report not having any close friends. Data from the University of Michigan National Poll on Healthy Aging found that friends can play a key role for people over the age of 50, but that those with mental or physical health problems can experience challenges in this area. “There is a strong link between friendship and physical and mental health. Friendships are an important resource for
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février 1, 2025Like

I Ran My First 10K at Disney World — Here’s How Fitness Fit Into a Family Vacation

It’s 3:30 in the morning on a shockingly cold January day in Orlando. I’m dressed in running gear, lacing up my Hokas, and rethinking everything as I head out of the lobby of the Disney Beach Club Resort. For starters: Why am I awake? And what did I sign myself up for? What I signed up for, in fact, is the runDisney 10K at Walt Disney World — one of four races that comprise Marathon Weekend at the world’s happiest
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janvier 31, 2025Like

Money Dysmorphia – Signs to Watch Out For!

You might have heard of financial anxiety and financial stress, but here’s another term that might be more accurate to describe the constant worry about your finances – Money Dysmorphia. Worrying about your finances in this economy is normal, but if this worry never leaves you whether you’re awake or asleep, then it could be more than just anxiety. If you constantly worry about money, feel guilty after spending it, or avoid financial decisions, you might experience money dysmorphia. While
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janvier 31, 2025Like

Pregnancy Could Increase Risk Of Mental Illness In People With MS

Those living with multiple sclerosis who are pregnant have a greater chance of experiencing mental illness during pregnancy and in the first few years following birth. Research published in Neurology found that pregnant people with MS had a 26% increased risk of mental illness during pregnancy when compared with pregnant people without MS and a 33% increased risk of mental illness after birth. “We found that 22 in every 100 mothers with MS developed a new mental illness during pregnancy
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janvier 30, 2025Like

HPV Vaccination Around the World

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. + Infographic text HPV (human papillomavirus) is very common — so common that almost all of us will get it at some point.  HPV infections often go away on their own, but the virus can cause some types of cancer. Nearly all cervical cancers are caused by HPV, and the HPV vaccine works really well to prevent infection. More than 9 out of 10 cancers caused by HPV can be prevented with vaccination  
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janvier 30, 2025Like

WomenTalk: The Lowdown on Gynecologic Cancer

In the first episode in our series of WomenTalk on gynecologic oncology, we’ll learn all about cervical, endometrial and ovarian cancers. Watch more WomenTalk episodes
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janvier 30, 2025Like

A Study Just Linked Smartphones to Teen Aggression & Hallucinations. Here’s What Parents Can Do

We know that technology plays a big role in the teen mental health crisis (although it’s definitely not the only thing driving it). But the specifics of how tech is hurting our teens is getting us more and more concerned, and one new study on smartphones made us stop in our tracks. The report, released this month by Sapien Labs, found that younger teens have worse mental health outcomes among Gen Z, with feelings of aggression, anger, and hallucinations “rising
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janvier 30, 2025Like

La gestion quotidienne du stress

Le stress est une composante inévitable de la vie moderne. Bien qu’une certaine dose de stress puisse être bénéfique pour stimuler la performance, un stress prolongé ou mal géré peut avoir des répercussions néfastes sur la santé physique et mentale. Cet article détaille des stratégies pour gérer le stress de manière efficace chaque jour. Comprendre le Stress Quotidien Sources de Stress Le stress peut provenir de différentes sources : Professionnelles : Charge de travail, attentes des supérieurs, conflits entre collègues.
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janvier 30, 2025Like

La régulation du stress chaque jour

Le stress est une partie intégrante de la vie quotidienne. Lorsqu’il est bien géré, il peut servir de moteur pour relever des défis. Cependant, un stress mal géré peut avoir des conséquences négatives sur la santé et le bien-être. Cet article explore des stratégies pour réguler le stress chaque jour. Comprendre le Stress Quotidien Sources du Stress Quotidien Les causes du stress peuvent être multiples et varient d’une personne à l’autre. Parmi les sources courantes, on trouve : Les obligations
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janvier 30, 2025Like

Le contrôle du stress dans la vie quotidienne

Le stress est une partie intégrante de la vie quotidienne, mais lorsqu’il devient incontrôlé, il peut affecter négativement la santé et le bien-être. Cet article propose des stratégies pour mieux comprendre et contrôler le stress afin de maintenir un équilibre sain. Comprendre le Stress Origines du Stress Le stress peut être provoqué par divers facteurs, qu’ils soient professionnels, personnels ou émotionnels. Chaque individu réagit différemment aux événements stressants en fonction de son expérience et de sa perception. Les Types de
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janvier 30, 2025Like

La maîtrise du stress au jour le jour

Le stress est une réponse naturelle de l’organisme face à des situations perçues comme menaçantes ou déstabilisantes. Une certaine dose de stress peut être motivante, mais un stress excessif ou mal géré peut nuire à la santé physique et mentale. Cet article explore diverses stratégies pour maîtriser efficacement le stress au quotidien. Comprendre le Stress Définition du Stress Le stress est un mécanisme biologique qui permet à l’organisme de réagir rapidement face à un danger. Cette réaction implique la libération
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