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janvier 23, 2025Like

I Was Still Healing from a Double Mastectomy When I Was Diagnosed with Cervical Cancer

As told to Jacquelyne Froeber January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. I was standing in the checkout line at Walmart when my phone rang. It was my gynecologist. “Karen, your Pap test came back abnormal — you need to come in for a biopsy,” she said. I sighed. Here we go again. Eighteen months earlier, I’d been diagnosed with breast cancer. Thankfully, we caught it early, but it was still cancer. I was 46 at the time and didn’t see
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janvier 23, 2025Like

Free Pads in School & Airport Bathroom Stalls? ‘Pads On A Roll’ Is Making It Happen: ‘It’s High Time’

For those of us who menstruate, unexpected periods are basically a universal experience. Even if you track your cycle down to a T, sometimes your body just decides to switch things up — and those are always the days you don’t have any spare period products on hand. Wouldn’t it be nice if every public restroom had a stash of tampons or pads available? Egal’s Pads On A Roll wants to make that happen, and they’re targeting a place where
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janvier 23, 2025Like

¿Por qué las mujeres de color tienen más riesgo de lupus?

Español Durante su último año en la Universidad agrónoma y mecánica de Florida, Sharon Harris estudiaba a tiempo completo, tenía tres trabajos y lidiaba con los demás requerimientos de la vida universitaria cuando empezó a sentirse enferma. Visitó a un doctor y fue a la sala de emergencias por problemas gastrointestinales y los proveedores de atención médica (HCP, por sus siglas en inglés) pensaban que era posible que tenga la enfermedad de Crohn. El medicamento que recibió no fue útil,
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janvier 23, 2025Like

“Abortion Grief: Signs, Risk Factors, and Effective Coping Strategies”

Knowing you’re going to be a mother can be exhilarating and a moment of joy but for many women, seeing the positive on a pregnancy test can bring mixed emotions. Whether you’re a woman who has had an abortion or if you know a woman who has gone through one, then you know it’s a process that can not only impact the woman but her family as well. Despite the various laws for and against abortion, many people (not just
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janvier 22, 2025Like

Post Vacation Depression Is a Real Thing

I grew up in Michigan and moved to Alabama after college. It was hard to leave my family and friends, but we promised to meet up every May in Louisville for the Kentucky Derby. I looked forward to that weekend all year. I spent months finding the perfect dress and floppy hat and made a paper chain countdown calendar that looped around my tiny kitchen (sorry to my roommates! And to all the trees — there were a lot of
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janvier 22, 2025Like

Jenna Dewan Used Raw Potatoes to Treat This Common Breastfeeding Condition — & They Really Work

Jenna Dewan is a mom of three, and she clearly loves it. As the Step Up star recently said of her youngest, Rhiannon, who turned six months(!) old in December, “I still just stare at you and can’t believe I’m lucky enough to call you mine. The way you seem to make everything better and everyone happier… something tells me you have the healing touch in this life.” Cue the awww‘s! But Dewan is also honest about the not-so-adorable parts
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janvier 22, 2025Like

Living with Primary Biliary Cholangitis

In late 2011, Dana Walker knew something was wrong when she kept getting winded walking up a small hill from the parking garage to her office. She was also getting unusually exhausted after sparring during tae kwon do practices. “I would be completely out of breath, and my mouth would be very dry, so I was constantly running to get water,” Walker said. “My throat was just dry as a bone.” Walker thought she might have diabetes because of her
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janvier 22, 2025Like

Rare Diseases 101

February 28, 2025 is Rare Disease Day. By definition, “rare” means uncommon. Unusual. Words you typically don’t think of when you’re thinking about your health. But living with a rare disease is a reality for a lot of people. Rare diseases affect 400 million people worldwide and 30 million people in the U.S. That means about 1 in 10 Americans are living with a rare disease. You’ve probably heard of some of the more well-known examples, such as cystic fibrosis
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janvier 22, 2025Like

Vivir con colangitis biliar primaria

English En los últimos meses de 2011, Dana Walker sabía que algo estaba mal cuando tenía dificultades para respirar al subir una loma pequeña desde el parqueadero a su oficina. También estaba quedando inusualmente exhausta después de entrenar taekwondo. « Me quedaba completamente sin aliento y con mi boca muy seca, así que corría continuamente para tomar agua », dijo Walker. « Mi garganta se ponía tan seca como un hueso ». Walker pensó que podía tener diabetes debido a la sed continua. Le
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janvier 22, 2025Like

Why Bad Memories Stick: Understanding and Managing Emotional Triggers

Do you remember where you were when 9/11 happened, or what were you doing? I vividly remember sitting in my parents’ bedroom watching the news on our small TV set. It was dusk where I was, and I distinctly remember my parents’ stricken expressions. While I can’t remember what happened two or five years ago on a particular day, I remember this memory. Why? We can’t remember everything we see, hear, or experience, but remember what’s important to us. In
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janvier 21, 2025Like

SK Exclusive: Brooke Shields Wants You to Prioritize Your Health at Every Age: ‘Don’t Be Afraid’

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission. When you think of a mother, you think about the warmth surrounding them, the wisdom, and, of course, the care that all mothers exude. And when you speak with the ever-so-iconic Brooke Shields, you can feel all of those traits radiate through. As a proud mother of two daughters, and an ongoing advocate for living your healthiest life, Shields
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janvier 21, 2025Like

New Study On Anhedonia Finds Brain Stimulation Results Surprising And Exciting

A new study published in the Journal of Nature aimed to understand the neural code of stress to control anhedonia. “The goal of the study was to understand what drives reduced reward-seeking in individuals who are susceptible to traumatic stress,” study author Mazen A. Kheirbek told us. “We were hoping to identify patterns of activity in the brains of mice that may be related to this process of anhedonia, and patterns that are associated with resiliency to developing anhedonia.” The researchers
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