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Blog – Lire les derniers articles

décembre 30, 2024Like

Vous vous sentez souvent distrait en méditant ? Découvrez ces conseils pour améliorer votre pleine conscience

La méditation, pratique ancestrale visant à cultiver la pleine conscience et la paix intérieure, est aujourd’hui plus populaire que jamais. Pourtant, beaucoup de personnes qui se lancent dans cette pratique rencontrent un obstacle commun : les distractions. Se retrouver submergé par des pensées, des émotions ou des stimuli externes pendant la méditation peut être frustrant. Cela donne l’impression de ne pas avancer et peut même décourager certains de poursuivre leur pratique. Cependant, il est important de comprendre que ces distractions
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décembre 30, 2024Like

Vous avez du mal à vous concentrer pendant la méditation ? Voici des astuces pour méditer en pleine conscience

La méditation, pratique ancestrale visant à cultiver la pleine conscience et la paix intérieure, est aujourd’hui plus populaire que jamais. Pourtant, beaucoup de personnes qui se lancent dans cette pratique rencontrent un obstacle commun : les distractions. Se retrouver submergé par des pensées, des émotions ou des stimuli externes pendant la méditation peut être frustrant. Cela donne l’impression de ne pas avancer et peut même décourager certains de poursuivre leur pratique. Cependant, il est important de comprendre que ces distractions
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décembre 30, 2024Like

Dix défis sociaux surprenants mais courants que les introvertis se créent eux-mêmes

Les introvertis, souvent perçus comme des personnes réservées ou timides, font face à des défis sociaux qui peuvent sembler étonnants à ceux qui ne les vivent pas. Ces défis, bien qu’intérieurs, ont un impact significatif sur leur vie quotidienne. Voici dix de ces défis surprenants mais courants. La peur de prendre la parole en public Un des défis les plus notables pour les introvertis est la peur de s’exprimer devant un groupe. Même dans des environnements familiers, l’idée de prendre
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décembre 30, 2024Like

Vous sentez-vous distrait lorsque vous méditez ? Essayez ces conseils pour méditer en pleine conscience

La méditation, pratique ancestrale visant à cultiver la pleine conscience et la paix intérieure, est aujourd’hui plus populaire que jamais. Pourtant, beaucoup de personnes qui se lancent dans cette pratique rencontrent un obstacle commun : les distractions. Se retrouver submergé par des pensées, des émotions ou des stimuli externes pendant la méditation peut être frustrant. Cela donne l’impression de ne pas avancer et peut même décourager certains de poursuivre leur pratique. Cependant, il est important de comprendre que ces distractions
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décembre 27, 2024Like

Kelsey Bascom Was ‘So Private’ About Her Type 1 Diabetes. Now, She’s Making a Film About It

“Surreal” is how Kelsey Bascom describes her journey with Type 1 diabetes. That about covers how the actor and filmmaker went from keeping her diagnosis “so private” for 10 years to using it for inspiration for her debut film — and becoming a public advocate for people with Type 1 in the process. “I really thought Type 1 diabetes might stop me, in some way, from living my dreams,” Bascom told SheKnows in an exclusive interview before the Breakthrough T1D
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décembre 27, 2024Like

What is Pleasanteeism? Understanding and Addressing Workplace Emotional Strain

Do you remember Andy Sachs from The Devil Wears Prada? Imagine her coming to the office daily, smiling, no matter how overwhelmed or undervalued she feels. Does this sound like your life story? Or something familiar? This need to always wear a positive mask and portray yourself as pleasant in front of others, even under immense stress, is a prime example of Pleasanteeism. In today’s professional world, the pressure to maintain a smiling face and positive attitude—even when overwhelmed—is not
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décembre 26, 2024Like

What Is Psychodrama? How it can change your life

Have you ever felt like you are short of words, and they alone can’t express the depth of your emotions? What if there was a way to simplify it and the conflicts of your life? Welcome to psychodrama, a unique, action-based therapy that allows you to uncover your inner world engagingly and interactively. This post will take you on a journey where you will understand how, through psychodrama—its techniques, benefits, and applications you can heal emotionally, enjoy personal growth, and
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décembre 25, 2024Like

9 Gratitude Exercises to Help You Reflect on This Year & Start the Next

The hard thing about practicing gratitude is that it works the best when you feel like doing it the least. Take the holiday season. Sure, there’s a lot of joy and festivity going around, but that doesn’t lessen all the stress, anxiety, and depression that often comes at this time of year, too. Those burdens can feel even heavier when you’re also dealing with grief, loneliness, or just reflecting on a tough year. With so much weighing on you and
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décembre 24, 2024Like

12 Mindfulness Tips to Help You Make It Through the Holidays

Does the thought of being fully present during the holiday season seem impossible? With office parties, lights to string, presents to wrap, and eggnog to drink, it might seem like focusing on moment-to-moment experiences is a resolution best saved for the new year. There are many reasons why prioritizing mindfulness is so hard during the holidays — the frenetic pace and relentless stress among them — but the pressure to create “perfect” holiday experiences is a big one. “During the
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décembre 24, 2024Like

New Study Looks At Sexual Dysfunction Once Antidepressant Use Stops

A new study published in the Journal of Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology looked at the frequency of self-reported persistent post-treatment genital hypoesthesia among past antidepressant users in Canada and the US. “In my counselling practice, I specialize in working with people with Post Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD), which is a type of sexual dysfunction where sexual function does not return to normal upon discontinuation of commonly prescribed antidepressants such as SSRIs, Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs),
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décembre 24, 2024Like

Drinking Alone Is a Red Flag…Or Is It?

Watching Don Draper in Mad Men drinking alone in the office feels cinematic to some, but for some, it is a harmless relaxation activity, and they romanticize it. If you, too, fall in the latter category and think drinking alone is great, think twice, as it can be a warning sign of some underlying mental and physical health issues. Are you wondering how it is possible because, in most dramas and movies, drinking alone is always glorified? If so, you
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décembre 23, 2024Like

WomenTalk: The 411 on Femtech Questions

In this episode of WomenTalk, we’ll talk about all things femtech. We’ll explore the legal and political developments surrounding the advancement of women’s health and femtech, highlighting the latest femtech news to keep you abreast of cutting-edge innovation. Watch more WomenTalk episodes
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