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mars 8, 2024Like

15 Best Mental Health Books For Children (Psychologist Approved)

Raising mental health awareness is a necessity in today’s world. Our children need to understand the need to express emotions, improve mental health, and seek motivation to achieve a healthy and positive life. However, it’s quite a challenging task to ask your children how they feel as they are too young to describe some complex emotions. Herein, the role of books comes in… there are thousands of mental health books for children available that help children understand mental health needs
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mars 8, 2024Like

All You Need To Know About Regression Therapy

Traumas make our lives harder, they can cause emotional and physical symptoms such as sleep problems, anxiety, headaches, or even anxiety. In cases of traumas or abuse, psychotherapy is known to be an effective treatment method as it helps in recognizing buried emotions and thereby promotes healing. Similarly, regression therapy works! Regression therapy helps the client in determining subconscious impacts in regular life. In this blog, let us read everything we need to know about regression therapy. So, let’s get
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mars 7, 2024Like

The 8 Best Body Washes to Soothe Eczema Outbreaks, According to Dermatologists

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission. Eczema affects 31 million people in the US alone, according to the National Eczema Association. Known for causing “red, itchy, and inflamed plaques of skin,” according to dermatologist Dr. Calvin Williams, a dermatologist at Essential Dermatology Group, eczema can be a tough skin condition to manage, especially because it cause breakouts anywhere on your body. The most common areas
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mars 7, 2024Like

How to Support a Loved One Living with Obesity

March 4-8, 2024, is Obesity Care Week. Obesity can be a tough topic to talk about. Although more than 2 out of 5 people in the U.S. are living with obesity, stigma and weight bias — negative thoughts and actions toward a person based on their weight — are still very much part of the conversation. Most people probably associate weight bias with internet trolls and random hecklers, but research shows that friends and family can also be a source
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mars 7, 2024Like

Mistakes Happen: Here Are 8 Ways to Own Up To a Mistake

We all make mistakes; that’s the part of being human. From spilling coffee on your favorite shoes to missing a deadline at work, we all make mistakes from time to time. But how we handle these blunders can make a huge difference. At first glance, we see these mishaps as something negative; after all, they all cause disappointment, frustration, and even embarrassment. However, it’s important to recognize that mistakes also give us some valuable lessons and opportunities. Each blunder and
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mars 6, 2024Like

12 Relationship Podcasts You and Your Partner Should Listen To

Everybody wants to be in love and nobody wants to talk about what it’s really like to find your way there — or what it’s really like once you finally get there. Whether it’s petty arguments, existential crises, heartbreak, or finding a new partner, love isn’t all fairy tales and couch cuddles. It’s real work to build a partnership. We love the following sex, dating, and relationships podcasts because they’re some of the few places that really explore the reality
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mars 6, 2024Like

9 Health Podcasts That Are Motivational But Not Corny

I love some good, gooey, woo-woo inspo as much as the next person in the wellness space. But sometimes, and I say this with the deepest love and affection, the genre of content (from Instagram and Facebook-live to podcasts) can get real corny, real quick. And whether you’re getting in a workout, commuting, or just looking for some smart background noise, you can only handle so much. Sometimes when you’re bombarded with affirmations, positive routines, and all the commerce-focused trappings
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mars 6, 2024Like

10 Signs You’re Trapped in Negative Thinking (And How to Escape)

In a day, our minds are a whirlwind of thoughts, averaging at least 10,000. Some of these thoughts are more positive, while others veer into the negative thinking territory. However, one thing is certain; our minds are constantly abuzz with thoughts. Because of this constant mental activity, it’s natural to be caught in a loop of negative thoughts. Negative thinking can creep into your mind without you even realizing it, taking you on a downward spiral that impacts your well-being
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mars 5, 2024Like

Kit Harington, Simone Biles, & More Celebrities Who’ve Opened Up About Having ADHD

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission. ADHD is getting a lot of attention these days. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neuro-developmental disorder that affects both children and adults. Historically, ADHD (previously referred to as attention-deficit disorder, or ADD) was primarily associated with childhood and especially boys, but over the years, research has shed light on the persistence of symptoms into adulthood.  While the manifestations of
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mars 5, 2024Like

Landon Barker Revealed His Tourette Diagnosis in the Most Low-Key Powerful Way

Landon Barker is setting the record straight on his health diagnoses. In a recent TikTok, the son of Blink-182 drummer Travis Barker and Shanna Moakler responded plainly to a commenter asking if he had Tourette syndrome. “I actually do have very, very minor Tourette’s,” Barker confirmed, saying it was something he always thought he would speak about “eventually.” The “Friends With Your Ex” singer went on to say that he’s experienced Tourette syndrome “since I can remember, like preschool.” The
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mars 5, 2024Like

A Man on Reddit Accused His Fiancée of ‘Baby-Trapping’ Him & Reddit Says She Should ‘Run for the Hills’

If you’ve never heard of “baby-trapping,” count yourself lucky, because it’s a pretty terrible thing to do to someone. Baby-trapping is when one partner in a relationship deliberately gets themselves or their partner pregnant to prevent their partner from leaving. It’s usually done in a sneaky way (think: going off the pill without saying anything, poking holes in condoms) so the other partner can’t do anything about it and doesn’t know until the pregnancy test comes back positive. Like we
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mars 5, 2024Like

New Study Looked At Happiness Levels In Ukraine Following the Pandemic And the Invasion

A new study published in PLOS One looked at reactions to macro-level shocks and re-examination of adaptation theory using Big Data “Our study wanted to determine whether two different types of macro-level shocks (lockdown – endogenous and the invasion of Ukraine – exogenous to the countries under investigation) affected happiness differently,” study author Stephanié Rossouw told us. “Additionally, we wanted to determine whether adaptation theory, established using survey data on a micro-level, is upheld when you use Big Data at
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