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décembre 17, 2024Like
Florence Pugh’s Latest Clapback at Body-Shamers Shows Why She’s the Ultimate Role Model
Florence Pugh has never been one to take body shaming lightly or try the “ignore it and it’ll go away” tactic. The We Live in Time actress has an unfortunate amount of experience when it comes to Internet trolls making unsolicited comments on her body, and she’s always stood up for herself in response. In a new interview with The Times, Pugh is revealing some of the reasons why — and they have to do with the cutthroat nature of shek
décembre 17, 2024Like
10 Expert Tips to Keep Your Skin Healthy in the Winter
Winter is here and it’s time to enjoy all of the cold-weather activities you can only do this time of year. But before you venture outdoors, remember that winter is an environmental vampire that’s constantly sucking the life out of your skin. It sounds dramatic, but it’s also science: Cold air holds less moisture, which causes skin to lose hydration and turn into a frightful flaky, dry and itchy mess. Now I know you’re thinking the joke’s on winter because Healthy
décembre 17, 2024Like
New Study Looks At The Effect Of Nature On The Mental Health Of Children
A new study published in JAMA Network looked at a nature-based intervention and the mental health of schoolchildren. “We found that a 12-week nature-based intervention in Grades 5 and 6 did not lead to overall reductions in mental health symptoms, according to both per-protocol and intent-to-treat analyses,” study author Marie-Claude Geoffroy told us. “However, children with higher mental health symptoms at baseline, including internalizing and externalizing issues or social problems, showed greater reductions in symptoms following the intervention. This suggests theravive
décembre 17, 2024Like
6 Life Lessons on Success, Perseverance, and Overcoming Failures
What makes a motivational speech truly unforgettable? It’s the wisdom, motivation and inspiration shared by the speaker which comes from the personal struggle and challenges, that connects with its audience. One such speech was given by Roger Federer, a global icon in sports, at Dartmouth College. His words were so inspiring and motivational that they were heartfelt not only by the people sitting in the hall but also by those who watched it online. The speech is one of the calmsage
décembre 17, 2024Like
10 Best Tips To Become an Influential Leader
They say… good leaders must have qualities. But what are those? Well empathy, respect, influence, learning agility, gratitude, courage, integrity, delegation, self-awareness, and communication are a few. But how can one develop them? This post will discuss how to maintain sanity while being an influential and powerful leader. Great leaders’ personalities are often judged by intelligence, adaptability, and conscientiousness. But I believe a good leader is formed when they consider others equal and care for them. But how is that calmsage
décembre 16, 2024Like
Healthy Living With COPD
+ Flipbook text Slide 1 Healthy Living with COPD How to live your best life while managing COPD Slide 2 There’s no cure for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) — but there are steps you can take to live well with it. Slide 3 Quit smoking or vaping. Stopping smoking or vaping is the most important thing you can do to keep COPD from getting worse. Slide 4 Watch what you breathe. This means avoiding lung irritants such as: Smoke, Healthy
décembre 16, 2024Like
Verdadero o falso: Cáncer de vejiga urotelial
Español La Sociedad estadounidense contra el cáncer estima que más de 20,000 mujeres en Estados Unidos recibirán diagnósticos de cáncer de vejiga urotelial, también conocido como cáncer de vejiga (CV), en 2024. Saber los síntomas y qué grupos son los más afectados puede ser útil para que tomes pasos preventivos. Responde nuestro pequeño cuestionario para evaluar tu conocimiento del CV y de métodos para reducir tu riesgo. 1. Las mujeres tienen un mayor riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de vejiga urotelial. Healthy
décembre 16, 2024Like
Effective COPD Treatments: A Comprehensive Guide
+ Infographic text There is no cure for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but it can be managed with treatment. Seeing a pulmonologist who specializes in COPD is an important step to getting the best treatment. COPD Treatments Quitting smoking For people who smoke, quitting is the most important part of COPD treatment. Medications Bronchodilators Relax muscles around your airways Steroids Reduce inflammation (swelling) in your airways Biologics Reduce inflammation and decrease flare-ups Used as an add-on treatment with other Healthy
décembre 16, 2024Like
Tratamientos de EPOC
English + Infographic text No hay cura para la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC), pero puede manejarse con tratamientos. Tener una consulta con un neumólogo que se especializa en EPOC es un paso importante para recibir el mejor tratamiento. Tratamientos de EPOC Dejar de fumar Para personas que fuman, dejar de hacerlo es la parte más importante de los tratamientos de EPOC. Medicamentos Broncodilatadores Relajan los músculos alrededor de tus vías respiratorias Esteroides Reducen la inflamación (hinchazón) en tus vías Healthy
décembre 16, 2024Like
12 Tips To Deal With Disrespectful Grown-Ups
Developing a strong bond with growing children is difficult, especially when parents see their child as disrespectful. However, if you are a parent keen to build a strong relationship with your child, you must know why they behave the way they do. This will help in understanding and efficiently dealing with them. Usually, everyone has different perspectives, especially when they are growing. However, when it comes to growing up children, parents forget about it, and they start to pick on calmsage
décembre 15, 2024Like
Transformer le rejet en force : un parcours vers plus de courage et moins de timidité sociale.
La peur du rejet est une réalité omniprésente pour de nombreuses personnes, particulièrement celles qui luttent contre la timidité sociale. Elle peut freiner l’épanouissement personnel, réduire la confiance en soi et créer une barrière dans les interactions sociales. Pourtant, il existe une approche innovante pour inverser cette dynamique : transformer le rejet en une force motrice, un outil de développement personnel pour devenir plus audacieux et moins sujet à la timidité sociale. Ce concept consiste à changer la façon dont
décembre 15, 2024Like
Le rejet comme thérapie : un chemin pour accroître la témérité et diminuer l’anxiété sociale.
L’anxiété sociale est un problème qui touche des millions de personnes dans le monde. Elle se manifeste par une peur intense et souvent irrationnelle d’être jugé ou rejeté par les autres. Cette condition peut entraîner une évitement des situations sociales, une faible estime de soi et un isolement progressif. Alors que les approches traditionnelles de traitement de l’anxiété sociale se concentrent principalement sur la réduction de la peur à travers des thérapies comportementales ou des médicaments, une approche émergente et