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décembre 11, 2022Like

7 Amazing Mental Health Benefits Of Planning Things In Advance

It’s our daughter’s first birthday; my husband and I are both working, so we have to plan everything prior. Ask me why? Of course, to get things done on time, to send invites on time, and more specifically, to avoid the mental mess that comes in handy with planning events. During all this planning, I understood one thing: there’s contemplation related to planning and it has positive effects on mental health. Planning things prior can represent a conscious effort towards
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décembre 11, 2022Like

How to ask for help when you’re struggling

We all struggle from time to time. So why does reaching out for help feel so scary? We share more about how to ask for help Why does asking for help feel so hard? Despite our growing understanding of mental and emotional health and wellbeing, many of us struggle to speak out and ask for help when we need it the most. According to the latest figures from the United Nations, nearly one billion of us worldwide are experiencing some
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décembre 11, 2022Like

Bipolar Disorder and Intelligence: Is There A Link Between The Two?

We’ve long since tried to connect intelligence with our mental health and this fascinating topic has been a part of debates for years. But, has it been proven that mental illness can affect one’s intelligence or even other cognitive functions? Well, there might be limited research on this, but there have been studies over the years that strongly suggest a link between mental illnesses, intelligence quotient (IQ), and creativity. Especially in bipolar disorder. There have been speculations that people with
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décembre 11, 2022Like

Discover how to have a meaningful Christmas with these simple steps

Take the stress out of festivities by figuring out what means most to you, and discover your own new traditions along the way… For those of us who celebrate, the holidays are bound with traditions and ideas of what a ‘perfect Christmas’ looks like. It can be a time of year full of additional pressures we don’t need, from feeling like we have to cook an Insta-worthy roast, to buying presents that painfully dent our bank balance, or spending the
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décembre 10, 2022Like

18 Best Apps For Anger Management (Android & iOS)

Anger is a part of human emotion but when anger gets uncontrollable, it’s better to manage it before it gets worse. Do you also struggle with anger feelings and thoughts? Do you also often get angry for even small things? If you think your anger is at the borderline and it can be controlled by yourself, you can take the help of anger management apps. However, if your anger is uncontrollable and getting unmanageable day by day, Calm Sage strongly
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décembre 10, 2022Like

Understanding Xylophobia: The Irrational Fear Of Wooded Areas

Have you ever seen a classic “cabin in the woods” movie but instead of being scared of the horror or the thriller part, you were more apprehensive of the “wooded area” on the screen? If yes, then you might fear wooded areas or forests, also called “Xylophobia”. Xylophobia, also known as Hylophobia, is an irrational fear of wooded areas or forests. This fear can be linked with other irrational fears such as animal-specific fears or the fear of the night.
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décembre 10, 2022Like

The 5 Elements Of A Fulfilling Life (And How To Manifest Them)

“I have chosen to be happy because it’s good for my health.” – Voltaire And isn’t it true! Happiness, the little thing that we keep taking for granted, is one of the many things in life that can be good for your health. When you begin to live a life where you feel or express regrets, it can be a life not well lived. We all make mistakes and there have been times when we’ve lost some great opportunities, but
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décembre 9, 2022Like

Mixed Personality Disorder: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

I am sure you must have read about personality disorders before. A personality disorder can be described as a disorder of thoughts, you have inflexible thought and behavior patterns that are away from what is normally expected out of people. Personality disorders are said to disturb almost all aspects of your life. They weaken your coping mechanism, and your decision-making and have a huge impact on your resilience as well. Personality disorders also play a huge role in the way you
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décembre 9, 2022Like

Good news stories that prove there’s hope

It’s easy to let bad news overwhelm us, so break the cycle with these uplifting news stories from the past month 1. UK’s first brand for people under 4’10” hits the runway It all started when Chamiah Dewey was a team leader on the National Citizen Service programme, in the summer of 2018. One of the young people in her group had achondroplasia, the most common form of dwarfism. Chamiah saw the challenges the young person had navigating a world
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décembre 9, 2022Like

80+ Best Mental-Health Related Resolutions To Hustle In 2023

We have already reached the end of 2022. Can you believe it? It went so fast, for some this year proved to be a good one, and for some not so good. But I’m sure all of you are hoping for 2023 to be even better. I hope and pray 2023 brings joy, success, and contentment in abundance. Talking of the new year, how can we let it go without having some resolutions for the coming year? We have all
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décembre 9, 2022Like

Make your own festive wreath with these seven easy steps

Get into the seasonal spirit by trying your hand at making a budget-friendly, nature-inspired wreath Whether you’re looking to carve out a mindful moment in the day for yourself, or for a fun activity to keep all the family entertained, and spend some quality time together, wreath-making can be a fantastic way to celebrate the holidays. But getting crafty isn’t just a fun pastime; getting creative, regardless of what medium you explore, has been scientifically proven to reduce stress, boost
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décembre 8, 2022Like

Don’t Miss These Sweet App-Enabled Sex Toys from Vibes Only

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission. We love our sex toys around here — and we love making sure you get matched with toys that are going to make your sex life infinitely better. Whether you have a growing would-be-illegal-in-Texas vibrator collection or tend to rely one ride-or-die bedside companion, it never hurts to keep your eyes peeled for a new toy that’ll liven up
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