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novembre 18, 2022Like

Ce monsieur est totalement irrespectueux envers sa petite amie après avoir « supporté » une fête et Reddit l’a carrément critiqué….

Je ne me considère pas comme étant un spécialiste des relations, mais je connais une chose : Les histoires de couple saines nécessitent un bon équilibre et un respect commun. Vous ne devez pas forcément partager les désirs de votre partenaire, mais il faut que vous vous préoccupiez suffisamment de lui pour montrer un véritable intérêt pour les éléments qui le passionnent.A supposer que l’un pour réaliser des camarades copie nécessairement il se trouve que les ordres ainsi que non
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novembre 18, 2022Like

Signs You Are Isolating Yourself And How To Overcome Social Isolation

In the past years, we’ve become comfortable with, or let’s say used to, staying at home and having less and less social interaction. We’ve learned to detach ourselves socially and that’s begun to take a toll on our overall wellness. This sense of social detachment can be noted as social isolation. And let me be honest. Anyone, regardless of their circumstances or social life, can become socially isolated. Your social isolation might have nothing to do with your personality or
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novembre 18, 2022Like

Is your work productivity dipping at the moment? This could be why

Researchers have found a link between financial fears and low energy, and it could be impacting you at work It’s fair to say that we all have a lot on our minds at the moment. The cost of living crisis is dominating news headlines, and our day-to-day conversations, too. And many of us are having to take a hard look at our finances in order to navigate the time ahead of us. Financial worries can affect each of us in
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novembre 18, 2022Like

10 things to try in December to benefit your wellbeing

From a lesson in upcycling to a botanical winter walk, and a podcast about the latest films, try something new with our enriching suggestions 1. Page-turners Chatter: The Voice in Our Head (and How to Harness It) by Ethan Kross We often have a tendency to be our own worst critic, with negative self-talk sending us into a spiral of self-doubt. But how do we harness this and take back control? Award-winning neuroscientist and psychologist Ethan Kross provides us with
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novembre 18, 2022Like

Transpersonal Therapy: History, Techniques, And How It Helps

There’s so much to the human psyche that we’re unaware of still. We’ve understood that our mind and body are connected but have we truly understood the extent of that connection? Well, there’s one theory that can help us understand this better – Transpersonal psychology. Transpersonal psychology states that our beliefs, purpose, values, and even our surroundings play a huge role in our emotional, mental, and physical wellness. This psychology suggests that there is more than just our behaviors that
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novembre 18, 2022Like

HCA Pulls Back Plans To Build Hospital In Florida

Operator HCA Healthcare (Nashville, Tenn.) has withdrawn plans to build a new hospital in Lakeland, Fla., after receiving pushback from the local community, according to the website The original plans called for a 120-bed hospital, emergency department, helipad, and stormwater retention pond housed on a 29-acre site. HCA operates 46 hospital locations in the state. The post HCA Pulls Back Plans To Build Hospital In Florida first appeared on HCD Magazine.
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novembre 17, 2022Like

Judy Greer Is Done With Women Being Told to ‘Just Get Over It’ When It Comes to Perimenopause & Menopause

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission. Judy Greer is 47 years old — and she refuses to accept “not being listened to” as she enters that season of life where perimenopause and menopause are top priority health issues for women. However, the medical community often doesn’t receive enough supportive training to assist women through this stage of life — and that’s why the 13 Going on
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novembre 17, 2022Like

Thyroid Eye Disease 101

Medically reviewed by Raymond Douglas, M.D., Ph.D., Cedars-Sinai November 14-20, 2022 is Thyroid Eye Disease Awareness Week. What is thyroid eye disease (TED)? Thyroid eye disease, or TED, is an autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation in the eye muscles, eyelids, tear glands and fatty tissues behind the eye. TED is sometimes called Graves’ ophthalmopathy or Graves’ Eye Disease. This is because TED most often occurs as part of Graves’ disease — an autoimmune condition that causes your immune system to
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novembre 17, 2022Like

These Are The Safest Sex Positions for People With Back Pain

An all-too-common hallmark of life in a human body after 25: back pain. Despite stretches and regular workouts, CBD rubs or expert-recommended products meant to give your sore back some relief, it’s estimated that something like 31 million Americans experience low-back pain at any given time, according to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA). And, it’s understandable that this pain (like any other pain) might interfere with physical activities — whether it’s working out, carrying groceries or even sex.  So if
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novembre 17, 2022Like

Nebraska Children’s Hospital & Medical Center To Add $89M Behavioral Health And Wellness Center

The Children’s Hospital & Medical Center in Omaha, Neb., is adding a behavioral health and wellness center for teens and children to its campus, according to the website The 103,000-square-foot Behavioral Health & Wellness Center at Children’s will house 38 inpatient hospital beds, a pediatric mental health urgent care center, behavioral health emergency assessment center, expanded partial hospitalization program, and a pediatric primary care clinic with outpatient mental health services. Green space and parking are also planned. Situated on
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novembre 17, 2022Like

Breaking Through 2022 Winner: Bionica

Breaking Through 2022 Winner Concept: BionicaTeam: HDRTeam representatives: Yunnan Allen, senior project architect; Brian Schaller, project designer; Adeline Morin, senior project designer The premise: Healthcare today is rife with challenges including fixed resources, a high carbon footprint, secondary infections, stressful wayfinding, and an environment that often isn’t healing. Recognizing this, Bionica works to avoid a narrow approach that solves a single healthcare delivery challenge by instead thinking more broadly and using advancements in modularity and mobility to solve many challenges.
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novembre 17, 2022Like

Design Firm Kai Adds New Talent

National design and build firm Kai has hired Kate Pertzsch as senior interior designer at its Irving, Texas office. Pertzsch has more than 26 years of professional design experience, including in the healthcare sector. Prior to joining Kai, she was a senior project manager at Entos Design and owner of Sogndal Design Studio, both in Dallas. The post Design Firm Kai Adds New Talent first appeared on HCD Magazine.
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