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décembre 11, 2024Like

These Are the 6 Best Menstrual Pads For Your Teens & Tweens, According to OBGYNs

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission. The first few years of having your period are an absolute rollercoaster. You’re wading through the ups and downs of hormonal change (thanks puberty!), discovering all the joys of cramps and PMS (… thanks, puberty), and of course, learning what period products you prefer. Many teens and tweens opt for pads during those first few years: they’re simple, easy
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décembre 11, 2024Like

Lo que debes saber sobre las biopsias de mama

English + Flipbook text Slide 1 Lo que debes saber sobre las biopsias de mama Slide 2: ¿Qué es una biopsia de mama? Una biopsia de mama es un procedimiento que remueve un poco de tejido para analizarlo y determinar si hay la presencia de cáncer, si algo tiene una apariencia sospechosa o si se ha encontrado algo en tu mamá durante una examinación. 8 de cada 10 biopsias de mama tienen resultados negativos, pero es importante hacer el análisis.
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décembre 11, 2024Like

What You Need to Know About a Breast Biopsy

+ Flipbook text Slide 1 What You Need to Know About a Breast Biopsy Slide 2: What is a breast biopsy? A breast biopsy is a procedure that removes a small amount of tissue and checks it for cancer if something looks suspicious or has been found in your breast during screening. 8 out of 10 breast biopsies come back negative, but it’s important to check. Slide 3: What happens during a breast biopsy? A breast surgeon or radiologist will
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décembre 11, 2024Like

Loneliness Among Older Adults Returns To Pre Pandemic Levels, But Remains High

More than 33% of people aged between 50 to 80 feel lonely. Loneliness and isolation among this group has mostly returned to pre pandemic levels, but remains high.  “Loneliness and isolation are common among older adults. About one third of people age 50 to 80 feel lonely, and nearly as many feel isolated. And some older adults, especially those dealing with major physical health or mental health issues, report much higher rates of loneliness and isolation than others,” Dr Preeti
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décembre 10, 2024Like

Expert Advice on Getting Through Your First Holiday Season After the Loss of a Loved One

The holidays probably don’t feel like the most wonderful time of year if you’ve recently lost a loved one. Grief is complicated and unpredictable, and staples of the season that used to bring you joy, such as holiday gatherings and family traditions, can suddenly feel painful and overwhelming. “All we have to do in grief is the next best step,” said Gina Moffa, LCSW, a trauma-informed grief therapist and author of “Moving On Doesn’t Mean Letting Go: A Modern Guide
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décembre 10, 2024Like

How to Build Mental Resilience 

Whether we’re entering a new year, beginning a new life phase, starting a project, or setting goals of any kind, we have to admit that many things will be beyond our control. No matter how carefully we plan, life might have other plans!  That’s why it’s important to invest in mental resilience. When you’re mentally resilient you’re better able to roll with whatever challenges or unexpected twists and turns the future holds.  What is Mental Resilience?  The term mental resilience
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décembre 10, 2024Like

I Tried TikTok’s Cognitive Shuffling Technique To Fall Asleep Faster — Here’s How It Went

I’m no stranger to racing thoughts at night. As a mom of two who’s always run a little bit anxious, falling and staying asleep are both a real struggle some nights (just ask my Apple watch). So when I saw a TikTok video about something called cognitive shuffling for sleep, I was intrigued. In the video, ER doctor Joe Whittington, MD, explains that cognitive shuffling is a psychology-based technique that involves focusing your mind on a random, non-emotional word and
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décembre 10, 2024Like

New Study Looks At Effects Of Consumption of Large Amount Of Alcohol And Mortality

A new study published in the American Journal of Medicine looked at increasing trends in alcohol related mortality in the United States. “We sought to explore whether there have been increases in U.S. alcohol related mortality,” study author Alexandra Matarazzo told us. “We were hoping to find out whether there were increases and, if so, whether they are occurring at younger ages.” The research team hypothesized that U.S. alcohol related mortality would be higher and, at younger ages, due possibly
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décembre 10, 2024Like

6 Winter ARC Tips to Jumpstart Your New Year Mental Health Goals

Winter often feels like a time to hibernate and wait for warmer days. But this colder, slower season also holds incredible potential for purposeful change – a chance to set intentions that align with what truly matters to you. Instead of rushing into big resolutions when the clock strikes 12, consider using the entire season for reflection, taking meaningful steps toward your mental health and well-being goals. That’s where these 6 Winter ARC tips can help, based on the acronym
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décembre 9, 2024Like

Monica and the Melanoma Check

Medically reviewed by Lakshi Aldredge, MSN, NAP-BC, DCNO + Comic text Image Dialogue Two Black women (Monica and Brandi) are sitting at a table at an outdoor cafe having lunch together and chatting. Monica: What are you going to wear to Stacey’s party next month? Brandi: Probably a black dress. The one with the — Monica: (reaches for her glass of water, exposing a dark spot on her palm in the process) Brandi: Monica, what’s on your hand? Monica: This
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décembre 9, 2024Like

Mónica y la examinación para detectar melanoma

Español Lakshi Aldredge, MSN, NAP-BC, DCNO, hizo la revisión médica de este documento + Cómico text Imagen Diálogo Dos mujeres de raza negra (Mónica y Brandi) están sentadas en una mesa en un café al aire libre almorzando juntas y conversando. Mónica: ¿Qué vas a usar para la fiesta de Stacey el mes que viene? Brandi: Probablemente un vestido negro. El que tiene el — Mónica: (extiende su brazo para tomar su vaso de agua, exponiendo una mancha negra en
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décembre 9, 2024Like

An Honest Review of the Hot Chocolate Collagen Drink Designed To Help You ‘Sleep Well’

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, SheKnows may receive an affiliate commission. We all know winter is the season for hot chocolate. Growing up, I used to gulp down all the hot cocoa I could get my hands on, whether it was a cup of Starbucks, some quick-prepped Swiss Miss, or a fancy homemade blend — no matter the time of day, I was ready for a rush of chocolate-flavored holiday
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